#5153 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/08/24 16:18:17
I don't really see the need to have an icon pertaining to a fad that will be gone as soon as someone releases a map featuring that fad.
We need a bee icon like we need an AYB icon.
#5154 posted by Kinn on 2004/08/24 16:32:02
the bee icon rocks!
(btw scampie, it was me)
#5155 posted by - on 2004/08/24 18:53:30
(btw, i know it was you Kell, I was just making a joke)
#5156 posted by nonentity on 2004/08/24 19:43:06
I don't really see the need to have an icon pertaining to a fad that will be gone as soon as someone releases a map featuring that fad.
#5157 posted by - on 2004/08/24 19:49:19
#5158 posted by Shambler on 2004/08/25 05:02:21
Whilst the skull, pint, moon, sheep, pacman, pig and cheese icons are all of time-tested and long-honoured critical mapping/gaming relevance.
FFS lighten up.
#5159 posted by Vondur on 2004/08/25 05:17:59
u forgot MY pent!
#5160 posted by JPL on 2004/08/25 05:44:10
It was not possible for Shambler to quote your pentagram icon because you got a copyright on !!! ... (Notice that your are at least today the only one to use it....)... and free advertising is forbidden on "copyrighted" :P
#5161 posted by starbuck on 2004/08/25 06:06:56
Whilst the skull, pint, moon, sheep, pacman, pig and cheese icons are all of time-tested and long-honoured critical mapping/gaming relevance.
gotta admit, he's got a point there
#5162 posted by Friction on 2004/08/25 07:27:29
Don't forget the jumpman icon!
#5163 posted by JPL on 2004/08/25 07:38:31
... another copyright for Friction... ;)
Jumpman = Mario?
#5164 posted by than on 2004/08/25 13:09:35
and while we are at it, lets have sonic the bleedin' hedgehog and crash fucking bandicoot too.
Or is jumpman the pitfall guy? Is that the one we have already?
Just felt like the Daikatana icon needed a little bit of useage. Maybe we could replace it with an egg. I like eggs. On the other hand, perhaps damaul would come down on us with a lawsuit as I believe the egg was one of his inventions.
#5165 posted by pushplay on 2004/08/25 13:30:24
Jumpman is Mario, the green guy is Pitfall Harry. Know your video game history, it's probably more important than what some spanish ponce did on a boat god-knows-when.
Shambler Has A Very Good Point
#5166 posted by Kinn on 2004/08/25 14:17:37
The moon icon in particular is useless, as is the counterstrike icon (I mean wtf?). The pig is pretty crap too.
Admit it, the whole bees thing is a damn sight more relevant to this forum than whatever most of the other icons represent.
Well The Other Icons
#5167 posted by ProdigyXL on 2004/08/25 14:44:10
might have been used had our community opened up and covered other games like orginally intended. We still on occasion would brush on Half-Life maps that were released and we still cover Cube releases. Adding a few new features to the board would be nice anyways. Personally, and I know you all hate them, but avartars when done right can be cool. As evidence I point to Qmap. It's just another way to add a little something of yourself to the board.
Personally in a functionality standpoint this board has always done what it needed to fine, but why not spice it up a little. We've been through what, 2 versions of the QBoard, serveral Peej'n'Fribs, then a couple Qmaps, then to the FuncBoard. I think it's time for a bit of a revamping, just to keep things new.
Now I'll just sit here patiently and wait to be flamed.
Avatars Would Be Awesomely Cool
#5168 posted by Kinn on 2004/08/25 15:00:51
RE: Avatars Would Be Awesomely Cool
#5169 posted by Jago on 2004/08/25 15:15:34
Actually, I agree. I like boards that allow usage of avatars. Just impose a reasonable size limit on the images and it should work fine.
#5170 posted by metlslime on 2004/08/25 15:16:35
#5171 posted by Kell on 2004/08/25 15:40:25
... while you're at it: Make the content area wider so I can post big, uncompressed screenshots! Avatars have to be animated GIFs with at least 200 colors! And I definatly want a thread rating system! OMGTHATWOULDROCKZ0R!!!1
No Signatures Though
#5173 posted by Kinn on 2004/08/25 15:44:49
I hate signatures.
Yeah Awesome Ideas....
#5174 posted by Shambler on 2004/08/25 16:16:35
Shambler. P1mpin' since 98.
Lets Not Get Carried Away Here
#5175 posted by ProdigyXL on 2004/08/25 16:25:07
I personally don't care for singatures either. And in this website, it wouldn't be needed. But you could add maybe a 40x40 avartar shot right next to the Title and post number line on each post.
I'm not asking anyone to turn this into a board like or anything, but just some settle changes could really maybe add a bit of fun to the place.
Also what about a search function. Or more advanced profile stuff, like listing the actual threads started by the user. Maybe the last 5 posts from that partiular user. There is just a lot of little stuff that could be added to the site that could make it different. I particularlly liked the idea Peej had going with a skinable interface. I'm not saying that is nessacary at all, but that kind of thinking is great. Peej wanted to make the board as individual as you wanted, as customized as you wanted. I wish that kind of mentality would be used here a little thats all.
And no, I'm not living in the past or looking for another Qmap, just something a little different.
I'd Rather See
#5176 posted by cyBeAr on 2004/08/25 16:36:02
more alternatives to viewing threads other than just all, all new ones and last 25 or at least the option to see all posts in a thread but split into multiple pages.
#5177 posted by cyBeAr on 2004/08/25 16:37:39
was a good suggestion though