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Update For Sham 
They released the Offical 4.8 Cats today, appearantly they have the 4.9 Doom3 improvements in them. ATi claims up to 12% improvement on their X800 series cards. For the 9800 series expect a smaller increase, but an increase. 
Cheers Prod 
What about avoiding the glitches I've heard of (wasn't it sort of red and white sparkles people were having problems with)?? 
The Specks 
The graphical artifacts you speak of are usually on 9800Pros that have been overclocked. I've read some reports that even normally clocked Pros create this issues and you must sometimes even underclock your card. Unfortantly if you are getting these errors there isn't much you can do. These new drivers I suspect would not cause any errors if you don't have any already. JC has said a few times that overclocking graphics cards will create artifacts has his rendering paths use sections of pipelines and chips that are often not used. As long as you don't have the specks now tho Sham, I suspect you'll be fine with the new 4.8 Cats. 
Red & White Snow 
The problem isn't directly about overclocking and is just good old fashioned too much heat. The 4.8/4.9b drivers do a better job of balancing the load, but just opening up your case will probably be enough. 
I run Doom 3 on a-
P4 3Ghz
ATI 128MB 9800 Pro

I run it at 1024x768 at High Detail.. no AA as its a bit slow. But timedemo gets me about 47fps. 
I downloaded the Doom 3 E3 demo two years and got approximately 33bps (Bees Per Second). 
D3 E3 Demo 
the E3 demo was alpha, it doesn't reflect the final product. I a much lower framerate is that than I did in the final game. 
#5111 Was A Bee Joke. 
you should wait until post 8335. 
I run Doom 3 on a-

P4 2.8Ghz
ATI 256MB 9800 Pro

I tried it at 1024x768 at High Detail.. no AA as its a bit slow. And timedemo gets me about 35fps.

So is that extra 0.2 GHZ of processor power somehow enough to compensate for half the video memory AND get you a third more FPS than my set-up (which is with Cat 4.8, DX9.0c, freshly defragged system, shader tweak, etc etc)??????? I believe the phrase "WTF?!" is most appropriate here... 
I dunno if it makes any difference, my 3GHz is a HyperThreading CPU. Dunno if your 2.8GHz is and dunno if HT makes that big of a difference in Doom 3?

A few other things, I'm using the 4.7 Catalyst drivers. But after a reading this on another forum I tried it, you can take the 4.9 beta OpenGL driver from ATI and put it in your Doom 3 folder. It will load this instead of the .dll in your system folder. Also using a shader tweak, don't remember what I changed in the file so just posted the file below.

Put this in- \Doom 3\base\glprogs\

ATI Catalyst v4.9 beta OpenGL driver:

Also using the Image Cache tweak:
seta image_cacheMegs "256"
seta image_cacheMinK "32768"
seta image_useCache "1" 
Maybe your 256mb 9800pro has the 128bit memory controller instead of the 256bit which is on most of the 128mb cards? Or something. 
please don't post racist pictures.

in fact, please don't even post until you have something to add besides your idiocy. thanks. 
My Computer Machine 
I'm running Doom3 on a Crayfish 9000 XJ7 with a Moron core, eleven joules of ROM, dual overhead digicams and a seventeen button phaser mouse. I usually get about 35fps. It's got a hundred and four gigaflops in it already but I think I need to buy more. 
That rig should see you through Bees III alright (I'm running it on a similar setup btw). No idea how it runs Doom3 though... 
My College Mascot Is The Bee How Cool Is That 
I've been updating my site recently.


This may interest some of you, but I've uploaded the original Coriolis Force design document for your perusal and subsequent edification.

Please don't sell it to Ion Storm. 
I Dont Know 
what instills me with a greater sense of pity; the never-to-be of Coriolis Force, or the 'tache on that driver's licence.

gg Lun ;) 
Random Thought For The Day 
How many successful mods have been led by non-coders?

(and please nonentity, silence that little witticism, it's a serious point) 
you think that's bad, it was worse when it crept up to his forehead! 
Re: Random Thought Of The Day 
If you consider Soul Of Evil a successful mod, then one. I'd describe it as a mission pack more accurately than a mod though, as it doesn't alter the basic gameplay. 
who led Zerstorer? 
According To Zer.txt 
Brandon 'Killme' James of id software was responsible as "Founder/Support/Inspiration." 
he started the mod as a custom mapper, but was hired by ID mid/early dev. 
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