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Doom 3 Demo 
"And a demo of the game for skeptical gamers who demand hands-on time before spending $55 is "imminent". At the latest, said Hollenshead, it should be released next week, with two or three hours worth of gameplay." 
When I used to use old compilers that came with Worldcraft 1.6, plus the Ken Alverson qbsp with trans water and hipnotic ents, I saw the number 666 scroll slowly up WC's compile window so often I've become convinced someone at some time added a 'feature' to occassionally spout Satan's very own ZIP code arbitrarily into any given compile output.
I really did see it a lot, though now I use aguiRe's tools my map output has been cleansed.
The Devil is a gentleman, they say, though I can't say I've met the bloke. It's coders that I worry about... 
That's quite freaky.

On another (not very similar) note, I once had a spooky experience years ago. I was playing Quake on an old Pentium 75 laptop - I had just cleared The Dismal Oubliette with 100% kills, and I was in the final room where you grab the rune after killing the vores. I was just about to exit the level when I heard a Vore's attack sound. I whipped round with a "WTF?" reflex reaction, ready to nail this bastard that I had somehow missed, but there was no-one there. I pulled the console down - 100% kills, like I thought. Puzzling. Again I heard the Vore - its idle sound this time. I moved back into the chamber with the lowering floor, as that was where the sound seemed to come from. I waited for a bit...and waited...nothing. My imagination perhaps? Then suddenly, the phantom Vore once again taunted me with it's shrill battle cry, causing me to nearly fall backwards off my chair. I gathered myself, calmly exited the game, put the kettle on, and watched some telly. 
maybe in my next map, i'll have monster sight sounds play randomly. :P 
necros, i think thats actually a really good idea, it would build tension.

its certainly worth a one-off try at. 
Hush Up 
I've already done that 
/me Vouches For Czg 
's truth. 
Oh Sorry, 
didn't remember. x.x 
i am back from hawaii and i want to eat your souls et al 
Hawai ?? Really ?? Are you a surfer / windsurfer / kitesurfer to haves holiday in Hawai ?? I'm so jalous not to spend my holiday there... grrrr... i hate you... ;-) 
Intertia (bis) 
... I'm so jalous just because it's my dream to ride Hawaian windsurf spot... not more... 
You've just been on holiday for three weeks - don't get greedy ;) 
You are right, I don't have to be greedy.... but Hawai is THE ultimate destination for a respectable windsurfer... and for sure, when I will be a "grown-ups", I will have a trip to Hawai !! ... just hoping I will win enough money to pay the travell... grrrr... 
Consider Yourself Lucky 
I haven't managed a holiday in three years. 
Kinn, I couldn't imagine any second that a man can work for a so long time without having holidays !! So, I agree: I can consider myself lucky compared to you... But you know: there is a life after job... Holidays never kill somebody... just think about it... 
I have the game woohoo!!

Now, I want to know how to prepare my system for it. What I'm aiming for is 1024x768, steady 30 FPS, and then the highest settings I can have, preferably 2xAA, and no bloody graphical glitches.

System is:

P4 2.8 GHZ
1 GB Ram
Radeon 9800Pro 256 meg
Windows XP

Everything generally working fine.

Are there any tweaks, tips, tricks, driver updates, setting changes etc etc that I should do/change to get the best out of D3?? 
you should be fine, 2xAA may be slow, but you'll most likely won't need it. 
Get the latest DX and drivers for your video card. For cutting edge software, that's pretty standard procedure. Beyond that, I dunno. 
This May Help Smooth Things Out A Bit . . . 
seta image_useCache "1"

seta image_cacheMegs "256" <--- should be 1/4th your total memory

seta image_cacheMinK "20480"

Without the useCache value set to 1, the cacheMegs variable does nothing. Also, without changing the cacheMinK value, setting useCache to "1" will crash the game on loading.

Your setup is pretty similar to mine, and the game runs good for me. There are a shitload of supposed tweaks floating around out there and most of them are bullshit (including one brilliant suggestion to un-pak all the files so they can be read faster--all that does is make loading levels take about four times as long), and the ones that aren't bullshit generally make the game look like various varieties of ass.

The above settings allow me to knock resolution up one more notch, and smoothed out loading of new areas a bit. 
Also make sure you grab the newest Catalyst drivers for your ATi card. There is a set of beta 4.9 cats that give about 1-5 fps boost. Nothing that much but worth a look perhaps. Personally I think the only reason ATi has released those drivers is to show they haven't given up on the OpenGL side of stuff which they admittedly haven't worked on in over a year. Given most new titles use DirectX it has never been much of an issue for ATi till Doom3.

PJW: I read that somewhere and Robert Duffy himself was watchin the thread and basically told the guy he was completely incorrect and was asking where he came up with "facts" he used to justify the "tweak". 
clah is there some evil netsplit atm or is there any other reason I'm alone in #tf? 
#tf is full of scumbags again 
Update For Sham 
They released the Offical 4.8 Cats today, appearantly they have the 4.9 Doom3 improvements in them. ATi claims up to 12% improvement on their X800 series cards. For the 9800 series expect a smaller increase, but an increase. 
Cheers Prod 
What about avoiding the glitches I've heard of (wasn't it sort of red and white sparkles people were having problems with)?? 
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