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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
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That's The Worst Map I've Ever Seen 
i thought it looked cool :( 
It Does Look A Bit 
'busy' architecturally. Hard to see what's what. S'pose when they get some lighting in there the contrast will make it easier to pick out relevant details. 
that's a Kona map. 
looks evil :) 
if all you have to contribute is trolling then stop posting on this board. 
Reminds Me Of 
Grindmill - which always felt like it a should have been a q1 map ;) 
Kona's Maps 
Were among the first usermade maps I played and I just thought I want to make maps too.

Can't wait to play that map ;) 
that's a Kona map.

Pretty much. 3rd shot looks particularly kewl tho.

And kekeke@Lun 
Hang on...

I'm confused, is that now a map in progress or are you just duplicating the scraps screenshot from the QExpo thread? 
nah i want to finish it, one day. might change the textures though. 
well its not exactly anything to get excited about atm:

Im going to South Africa for three weeks on the 15th. I honestly dont think I will have any gameplay in place at that time, although when I get back it may be fairly imminent! :P

still this is the first map of the episode. or atleast the first one I will have made for it..... 
Re: Arcade Quake 
Is it done by the same people who made Target Quake? 
Vague, wireframe editor shots really aren't very imformative, or let us offer any critism of the map Ricky. Not really exciting. 
I Know Scampie, I Know... 
I just didnt want you guys to think I wasnt busy! Atleast you can see roughly how much I have dont since 'RMX :P 
Trying Skyboxes 
Your doom1map1 is coming along pretty well. 
yeah but i hope you intend on putting a little more detail into those rooms 
you do use visgroups right, just deleted em for this shot? 
Sort Of - Half Correct :P 
I group things all the time, and I used to use coloured visgroups in WC, then hide some when I was working on a specific part, but I prefer just to have all of the lines in the 2D windows white, and I dont bother hiding anything anymore.
My vis-"blocking" is a lot better than it was :) 
I Never Use 
visgroups either, but I think I'd need to learn to before building anything that complex! 
Opinion Please. 
Which shot appeals to you more, and why?

In four hundred words or less. Please include references and a bibliography. 
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