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Quake Custom Engines
Discuss modified Quake engines here, I guess. What engines do you use? What are the pros/cons of existing engines? What features would you like to see implemented/removed?
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I already had some DLLs installed, but the music sounds a little unusual. I thought you were using a statically-linked library.

By the way, the color in this version has really improved a lot. Haven't tried it with colored lighting yet. The MDLs looks shiny. 
The features of super8 are outstanding and very well done. 
They are, i love this engine.

We need a love cube symbol! 
Yum, Pie! 
Pie is good, too.
Shiny mdls: Change r_light_style cvar to 0 for conventional flat lighting. I guess the default is 1. 
any chance of a native linux build of super8? 
A matter of time and form, but no super8 goal for now except a stable windows release for qexpo. I'm on Mint as much as possible lately. Linux is on the list if development continues. 
Looping Sounds 
Trying to help a new modder with their soundpack for Quake. He has the ambent fire for the torches giving an error in Proquake that its not a loop type audio file. I believe other engines such as DP and Fitz probably automaticly loop these, but does anyone know how to change it so its a looping type? We looked in Audacity and could not find a setting. I thought I remember readint there was more or less a bit you change in the .wav , but maybe thats only 8 bit type audio? 
I never found a reliable explanation of how to loop sounds, even though i have done it myself multiple times. Part of the problem is the terminology is inconsistent across audio tools.

I think you basically have to open the wav in a program like cool edit 96, soundforge, etc, and add a "tag" or "marker" or something at the point in the file where you want the loop to re-start. If you want the whole thing to loop, place it at the beginning. If you want there to be an intro and then a loop, place it at the end of the intro.

Even when i did this, sometimes it didn't work for me. I might have tried multiple programs to make it work.

Because of this frustration and hassle, one of my wish list quake tools is a dead-simple "make a sound loop" utility program where you run it on a wav and it adds the data that is appropriate. Perhaps other people had better experiences, though! 
I Used Goldwave 
And there under tools (I think) add marker.

It didn't matter where or what it was called, Quake would then treat it as looping. 
found a link here maybe some info, too 
Ahk, Win 7 or later for Goldwave so I cant check it, but will fwd to the modder the link to this thread. Thanks all. 
The version I had/have somewhere is pretty old. 
Older versions for XP/etc here: 
What are the commands for making DP resemble the software quake engines? 
gl_texturemode gl_nearest

The rest can be difficult
DP To Real Quake 
Getting DarkPlaces to look correct is only partially achievable. I have a particle font I got from somewhere that allows particles to be square and pixelly. gl_texturemode gl_nearest is good. Water will not twist unfortunately. I have not found a way to re-enable the twist effect and is the only reason Darkplaces is not a fully supported and true Quake engine, for all its interesting options. 
You're better off just using a different engine for the true software look. Darkplaces' whole shtick is about looking fancy. Why use it at all if you wont use its features? 
Really it's true strength is for use in total conversions where you want to use cool stuff like the Q3 bsp format and md3 models.

For playing Quake? Ehhhhh... not so good. 
Because i want to use CSQC, great QC extensions, great multiplayer and a stable codebase. :D 
With Darkplaces you have a prvm command so you can check globals and look at entity specific fields etc, using the command prompt.

Is this something just in Darkplaces? I thought all the legacy engines have it, but apparently no? 
fte has 'poke_MODULE' commands that you can use to get/set various qc terms (ents can be read by number).

every engine supports saved games (with the possible exception of dedicated servers). saved games are always text, and should allow some sort of inspection, although figuring out entity numbers may be awkward. 
Interesting - yea, Darkplaces has a crash.dmp option you can set, and turns out its merely doing a save game (.sav) just before crashing.

It does comment each bracketed field past the worldspawn with "entity" [x] so you can find them, however I imagine the save game would be numbering all the edicts past worldspawn as entity 1, and incrementing, which I guess can be a pain sifting through.

I had thought the legacy engines from way back like Winquake etc, all had the prvm command , but maybe it was the "edicts" command. I remember doing that and it would just spit everything out to the console.

Cant recall if I used it to actually set things during the game and test them though. 
code dump:
Cmd_AddCommand ("edict", ED_PrintEdict_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("edicts", ED_PrintEdicts);
Cmd_AddCommand ("edictcount", ED_Count);
Cmd_AddCommand ("profile", PR_Profile_f);
you mean those? I'd kinda forgotten about them tbh, sorry.
iirc, edicts is basically unusable because it fills the console buffer too easily.
either way in vanilla there's no way to peek at globals without saved games.
fteqw+fteqccgui has a watch list thing that's updated with each single-step, or you can just mouse-over stuff too, of course. 
That looks like them.

DP also lets you use the prvm to filter things , ie:

prvm_edicts server model

Prints all the edicts on the current server to the console and shows their current model string.

You are right, edicts command crashes the engine. DP removed it but some other engines like Direct Q are still using it. Fitzquake 0.85 does not crash tho.. 
Broadcasting A Clients Engine 
Saw this a long time ago, I guess its a Proquake feature, thought I once saw it being able to detect Darkplaces clients connecting as well but not sure. As it stands when I use the "Manquake" version of Proquake, it always seems to detect Proquake, just different veersions. Are the engines using a standard ID and a tag of some sorts to ID the engines, or is this all now just a passing fancy?

string ()
PQ_Version =
local float i, ch, sum;
local string format = " with proquake version 0.00";
local string x;

i = self.netconnection[QS_MOD] / %1;
if (!i)
return " with a non-proquake client";
else if (i == 1)
return " with an unknown proquake client";
else if (i == 2)
return " as a qsmack client";

ch = floor (i / 4096);
i = i - ch * 4096;
sum = hex_ctof (hex[ch * %2]) * 16;
ch = floor (i / 256);
i = i - ch * 256;
sum = sum + hex_ctof (hex[ch * %2]);
ch = floor (sum / 10);
x = ftos (ch);

i = %23;
strcpy (format[i], x); i = i + %1;
strcpy (format[i], "."); i = i + %1;

sum = sum - (ch * 10);
x = ftos (sum);
strcpy (format[i], x); i = i + %1;
strcpy (format[i], "0");

return format;
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