@ Onetruepurple / Breezeep
#26 posted by Lo Frag Traff on 2017/09/03 12:43:00
it's to do with the simple quake launcher.
launching the map directly causes issues.
upon entering the two console commands then reloading the map with mapshib1 and the problems go away :)
#27 posted by Hexcalk on 2017/09/03 12:49:56
Excellent episode! ORL proves it. He has really delivered a series of great maps that are huge, experimental, unique, and different from each other. Settings are what make them stand out from every other Quake level the most. A tropical hotel island near the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, an industrial refinery with some rotation stuff and a healthy amount of puzzles, a Japanese/Chinese/Asian/far east/"you name it" world concentrated on these dojo buildings on the cliffside, a crazy twisted take on the traditional id1 Quake themes of wizard and metal, and a wild western mine town with some underground areas, all of them very well done to a degree that oms3 can't catch up to the new Quakespasm-admod limits (like oms3 can't be bigger than these 5 levels). This deserves to be called a "masterpiece". "Instant classic", indeed.
Thanks Orl!
#28 posted by Lo Frag Traff on 2017/09/03 12:54:39
raising the benchmark springs to mind :)
Speedrunning, Anyone?
#29 posted by Hexcalk on 2017/09/03 13:18:10
I wish someone could speedrun this episode.
Finished Map 1
#30 posted by Lo Frag Traff on 2017/09/03 15:25:32
because of the sunny resort feel, i decided to play narkopop 5 from the new gas album, and it worked wonders for me!
such a distinct feeling of detachment was felt as i wondered around this map.
135/150 kills
skill 1
1/3 secrets
it was touch & go as i emerged from out of the first initial hotel area, as i was about to run out of shotgun ammo (i shell left).
and i am not used to wasting shots, so this was alarming.
until i decided to use the lightning gun for enforcers so the ammo used on them would be roughly replaced by their dropped backpack.
High Praise From Sock
#32 posted by ericw on 2017/09/03 20:30:01
Quick tip, if you get low framerates on the first map, try setting "r_oldwater 0" ("1" is the bad looking triangulated version that is only useful on ancient PC's).
#33 posted by anonymous user on 2017/09/04 04:33:32
When are we going to crash the fvf server trying to play these coop?
#34 posted by Baker on 2017/09/04 05:13:42
Would take Spiked Quakespasm admod to run the maps in coop.
This Might Not Be My Preferred Quake Style.
#35 posted by Shambler on 2017/09/04 11:39:58
But fuck me it's impressive. Makes Neil Manke look like Hexcalk :o
Yup Well This Is Bonkers.
#36 posted by Shambler on 2017/09/04 19:35:51
I guess there is not much to add as it's strengths and weaknesses and general impressive worth are pretty obvious. As far as this sort of non-Quake style goes this is possibly the best I've seen, simply for how well it's done, and the epic scale of the maps involved (which suits Quake gameplay well). I salute you for that Orl, if anyone asks "Can I do a real-life style map in Quake?", this is now the definitive answer.
I liked the gameplay for the most part, although supplies were very limited in a couple of places (this might partly depend on route choice, and having so many choices were good).
I do think these maps could have benefited a lot from modern engine enhancements (fog, coloured lighting, skyboxes, etc - would have worked well with the large scale and more realistic themes), even some AD enhancements although I realise that would have been getting quite complex mapping.
#37 posted by lpowell on 2017/09/04 20:25:04
Played up to map 4. This is incredible. The insane teleport/jump puzzle box in map 2, the Wonderland-esque huge vertical wizard map 4. Damn. Congrats ORL, and Eric W, this is amazing.
The Angled Rocket Towers And Out Of Control Clock Tickled Me
#38 posted by Qmaster on 2017/09/04 22:15:21
Is This Normal?
#39 posted by anonymous user on 2017/09/05 16:47:39
shib3 start and the whole level is been drawn. Same deal with the rest of the maps bar shib2. Have tried everything I can think of to find a fix. Any suggestions?
Are You Using The Recommended Engine?
#40 posted by Mugwump on 2017/09/05 17:33:54
I Read The Readme Yes.
#41 posted by anonymous user on 2017/09/05 19:09:36
Nothing fixes it. Clean install of qs-admod and 0.93.0, both with sv_protocol 999 + gl_farclip 256000.
The vis is broken somehow.
Running windows 10 64 bit.
I don't think these were vised.
#43 posted by lpowell on 2017/09/05 22:40:22
Not sure what the difference is but did you try it in the qs-admod "spiked" version?
Not A Setup Issue
#44 posted by ericw on 2017/09/05 22:43:43
shib3-5.bsp are unvised, so the whole map will get drawn
Started To Stream The Pack...
If Anyone Wants To Attempt To Vis Maps 3, 4 And 5
#47 posted by Orl on 2017/09/06 00:41:33
Please, by all means :)
I'll Probably Give It A Shot
#48 posted by ericw on 2017/09/06 00:56:20
after I finish the pack!
#49 posted by Qmaster on 2017/09/06 02:22:40
How did you do your flags in Sun? I want to attempt something similar for a waterfall effect.
These look incredible but I guess I'll wait till they've been vised, I recall playing a big unvised map from a jam a while back and getting single digit fps.