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High 5 - Retro Jam 5: E3M5!
Wind Tunnels is a cool theme, very befitting the dark and moist weather of middle November, and also the actual trigger_push functionality always leads to some fun & creative usage by the mappers. Over the years there have been several maps which adhered to the original E3M5 theme fairly closely Antediluvian, vastly expanded upon it with additional id1 and/or custom textures Lose Tunnels, or others, who ran with the wind tunnels mechanic and created something very different Backsteingotik.

A perfect theme for a short mapping jam!

Below are the only requirements, few but significant:

- at least one exit
- original BSP limits
- vanilla id1 gameplay only
- non-ridiculous detail level

Why so? Because it's not the point of this jam to spend months on making a 100,000 brush masterpiece uniquely textured on every face. Also because the original Quake maps still look great in 2016, and the vague idea behind retro jams is to recreate their simplistic beauty.

You are recommended, but not restricted, to use this wad.

I will be accepting your finished maps at funcretrojam5 at gmail dot com until November 18th. Why 5 days to make a map? Because 4 was fine for retro jam 4, and the more maps, the merrier ;-) This also leaves a possibility for a weekend extension...
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Bloughsburgh: Excellent!

NewHouse: Exit to whatever you want, I will not be creating a start map for this jam. 
Does it have be episode 3 like map? Since I already starting making something different but it will have wind tunnels* 
I approve this, now go map. 
Progress Report 
Monsters 50%
Lighting 100%

2 more hours mapping. 
Weekend Extension? 
Monsters 33%
Lighting 33%
Secrets 33% etc...

1/3 done so far* 
Brushes: 90%
Lighting: 25%
Entities: 10%
Vis'd: Check

I'll be ready by the deadline. (midnight of tonight or the next?) 
November 18th 23:59 I guess, but it should be November 19th 16:32:49 if we want to count full 5 days, lol :D 
Brushes 95%
Lighting 95%
Entities 90%

Almost done. It will be a very short map.
I need some time for scripting, and more play testing.

There might be some bugs, but what would you expect* 
Either a long(ish) map with bugs and somewhat unfair item/enemy balance...
Or a short and sweet well polished gem. 
Please Note 
Length of a map should always be measured in time taken to play it, not "physical" length. 
It's not about how big it is, it's about how you use it.

On another note, hoping this Jam turns out well and i'm looking forward to playing the results. Sadly i've been too preoccupied with other things to participate myself.

(also I can be pretty slow and i'm a stickler for detail, so I'm not exactly sure how well i'd do with such a small timelimit!) 
Just sharing a WIP screen for a room I found to be rather quakeish :)

*Lighting washed out from screenshot, blah blah* 
Hmmm, an upside down flame... Didn't even think it was possible in Quake. Wondering how Seven's particle flame will behave in that spot. 
100% Complete

Now where do I submit this? 
Now 100% complete. Found a bug in vanilla quake where setting both killtarget and target will cause it to ignore target.

42 enemies
2 secrets
geometry and texturing 100%

that's it.

I need to do all the triggering, entities, lighting, etc.

If I get time I will also add some more detail geometry. Wifey gets home tonight after a week away, I might not get it done by the deadline. I'll release it afterwards if I miss the deadline. 
Btw, it is 12:13. So before 24:00 I will send it to... otp? 
So to be honest I am not sure about these limitations, or how to even check it. I just trien to keep brush amount low, I heard some one saying something about 700-800 brushes.. is that still too much? 
Just keep it to the standard 4096 boundary. Don't worry about the limitations like I did at the start!


Brushes: 100%
Lighting: 80%
Textures: 90%
Entity: 50%

Will be done by tonight. 
Build BSP (not BSP2), run it in vanilla Quake. If it works you're ready to go, if not then optimize. 
Thanks, hopefully it runs (starts testing) 
This was indeed a fun experience, since highly detailed brushwork design was not allowed, I focused what I would have done with that time on fun gameplay elements. :) 
Muy Bueno 
Will the fish bug exist for this release? 
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