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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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Re: Quakespasm Steam Easy Installer 
FYI I tried out that installer. The system I tried it on has Steam installed at the default location, so I don't know if it finds non-default Steam installs automatically, but it works fine.

I also tried using it concurrently with the "ProQuake for Steam" and they both work (and uninstall) correctly without interfering with each other. 
One more bit of info about that:

There's a popular installer used by Steam-ers that dumps the DarkPlaces engine and libraries into the Steam folder. That has at least one DLL file that overlaps with QuakeSpasm's libraries (SDL.dll) and one with ProQuake's libraries (zlib1.dll).

I don't know if there's any mismatch in those DLLs between the different installers that would cause functional issues running any of the engines. But certainly using the QuakeSpasm or ProQuake uninstaller will remove a library that is used by DarkPlaces.

I don't know if you want to try anything cleverer to deal with that (like sticking engine+libraries in a subfolder and using -basedir to get at the data files). Maybe a warning in the README though. 
Thanks for the feedback on that and it gives me some insight on future improvement (see if the installer can be made to rollback a file overwritten). My main goal was to provide a method for the "barely computer literate" (and those people are not rare) to install Quakespasm. 
Enthusiasts like you --- yes I do know -- are the reason this game forges ahead. Credits to you and your diverse mindset. You may not think it matters -- and whether or not you think it does: it does. Sure, maybe others don't notice, but natural born winners have a spider-sense that notice others of our kind. 
Maybe Windows has something like LD_PRELOAD? Then you could just rename the DLL and load it specifically for each engine. 
I have sort of a self-deprecating arrogant sense of humor and I shouldn't be exercising that stupidity in someone's elses thread but rather limiting this bad taste humor to my own little corners.

@spirit: Windows has the "/DELAYLOAD:<blah.dll>" compile option at least with sources compiled in Visual Studio (the Quakespasm guys cross-compile on Linux so I don't know if that exists in their compiles) ... and ... unfortunately, as far as I know, the way Quakespasm and many engines are linked (the linker) the name of the .dll cannot be changed at run-time without a great deal of a code rewrite (although I think DarkPlaces goes full dynamic since it doesn't actually require any of the .dlls to run). DarkPlaces used to come with "non-standard" dlls, like the zlib1.dll wasn't the official zlib1.dll but some other one although I think that has been rectified in more recent times. Unsure about the other DLLs. 
Music Folder 
Dear developers of Quakespasm,
Is it possible to switch the music folder path to the convention used by darkplaces? i.e., from id1\music\track01.ogg to id1\sound\cdtracks\track001.ogg ?

Using unified conventions for replacement stuff will greatly improve daily playing life of those that like to keep more than one engine handy in the quake folder.

Thanks in advance.
Well, As I Am Already Here To Make Requests, Why Not? 
I would also like to ask for external ent support, as well as multiple game dir support, if they are not too hard to implement. Thanks. 
Unified conventions are indeed cool, but I think that the "music" folder pretty much is the convention now. DarkPlaces, QuakeSpasm, Fitzquake Mark V, and DirectQ will all play music files that are placed there.

(DarkPlaces will _also_ find music tracks if they are in sound/cdtracks ... that's fine, but probably you won't get all the other engines to adopt that behavior.) 
In other news: Baker, you are a good dude but also pretty confusing! 
Is it possible to switch the music folder path to the convention used by darkplaces? i.e., from id1\music\track01.ogg to id1\sound\cdtracks\track001.ogg ?
No, we won't do that. The 'music' directory is already supported by darkplaces and is a standart in later id games as well.

I would also like to ask for external ent support,
Quakespasm already supports external ent files for quite some time. 
Great To Know! 
Didn't know that DP can support the music folder convention QS is using.

Also great is the ent support. Didn't know it already exists.

Any chance of having multiple game dir support soon? 
also /sounds/cdtracks is a gross folder path... 
Like Necros Said Id1/sounds/cdtrack Is Gross 
And I'm glad Quakespasm won't support it.

@Johnny Law

> Baker, you are a good dude but also pretty confusing!

The first rule they teach you in journalism and mass communications is people can't look away from an exciting train wreck. But the important thing is I'm a train wreck for the benefit of Quake.

You may now return to discussing ... uh ... .ent files and cdtrack folders and other really ... erm ... appealing topics.

Quakespasm = the best thing since sliced-bread but I hope it adds some Mark V features tomorrow. Exit stage left; trips on stage prop but makes it look cool ... 
You can say you do not like it, but you cannot say it is gross: tastes are different in between people... so please... NIN is awesome ! 
I was referring to a specific nonsensical folder naming convention which happens to be gross from any logical engine coder's point of view. Which is an engine feature (i.e. within the scope of things I care about).

I never offered an opinion of the Quake soundtracks. Everyone has their own private gameplay preferences, no right or wrong to be found. 
No Right Or Wrong To Be Found 
junkie pro trent reznor would agree with that, so Do i. 
Quakespasm = the best thing since sliced-bread but I hope it adds some Mark V features...

Had a chance to browse your latest, and nicely surprised to see it was largely rebased on quakespasm with mark5 features added.

Having less and less time to spend on coding these days, it would take some time to pick and add new features... 
I believe in a "one-engine" approach to classic single player and was trying to make it easier to work with for you guys to grab features if you chose ;-)

I hear you on the lack of time thing --- me too. 
Linux Movement, Sound Problems 
with rev. 843, i'm noticing problems with movement; mainly jumping plats and getting stuck on inclines (demos of the problems at, and quakespasm isn't playing ambient sounds. I've only had these problems on 64-bit linux, 64 bit windows binaries worked fine. 
Hmmm - i can't reproduce this on my amd64 box, with either r843 or current (852). Is it some cvar issue ? Can you reproduce the problem with a clean install of id1/paks/configs etc. 
I don't know about others, but in my view the console and status bar alpha values that QS defaults to are way too transparent. I'd prefer 0.8 and 0.9 respectively - currently it's sometimes unnecessarily harder to read on bright or busy backgrounds. I also wonder why this is forced on by the engine while other things like the slow console speed remain unchanged.
I think you're talking about
scr_conalpha (cvar)
scr_conscale (cvar)
scr_conspeed (cvar) which are adjustable 
I Know. 
What I meant to say is cvars like these are something the user has to decide on, not something an engine should just default to arbitrarily. 
with a clean build (make clean and a clean id1/paks/configs) i now have ambient sounds, but i can still become stuck in slopes as in the demos i posted. 
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