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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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That was supposed to go into Mapping Help 
Dear God 
I really wish I did not think about the ambiguity of Shambler's post.

Anyways, now to make this not yet another "chatting on a message board" post:
Are there any Quake maps that feature nice visual illusions/tricks? I mean stuff like geometry that looks like something else if look at from a certain angle (not simply "hallway hidden with shadows" stuff)?

You could make a level that looks innocent, but if you look from a secret place it spells "you like sheep".

Like that art thing where there are stripes in a room and from a certain angle you see geometric forms from them (can't be arsed to search the links). 
In The UK On TV Channel 4 
they have an advertisement scheme which does that with all sorts of stuff - coastal rock formatons, cityscapes, ornamental gardens, industrial areas and stuff like that. As the camera moves you see a "4" appear from the stuff in the shot, then dissappear again as the camera nangle shifts...

this link ^^ the first clip is a good example, the next two aren't but the rest after that are....

this one ^^ is cool! Although you can only see the "4" for a couple of seconds

...ahh, you get the idea. There are loads of these.... 
go map! 
You're playing 4od, the best place to play the custom maps you want, on demand.

Part of me does intuitionally revulse at the idea of art/creativity inspired by advertising gimmicks... 
Cs_starling Public Beta 01

Cubemaps might be fucked, lighting might be fucked, the whole damn map is most probably fucked.

If there is no func_ cs:s server running custom maps, I might be able to host something for us to playtest maps on. Might.

Comments are unwelcome, expected, probable, and will of course go ignored. 
I Think There Was A Map Called The Fly 
by markus klar. 
I Could Have Almost Made It 
immortality would have not been so difficult to adjust to, the chasm of time would have been a cinch if not for bees, markus klar fly references and Sunday Afternoons, things that I refer to as the long dark tea time of the soul. 
You mean like in Doom, where e3m2, The Slough of Despair, is actually in the shape of a hand?

The Fly is the only one I can really think of for Quake, although nowadays with the ability to rotate textures and keep them aligned (lol the sideways section must have been a bitch for him), it'd be much easier to do.

One time I was gonna make a Heretic 2 SP map, in my usual Arabian theme, and have the whole map be the shape of the heretic sign, that the player would see when he exited, and flew above the city (it'd be a spacemap) 
I Mean (for Example) Stuff Like This
But actually pointing at something. It's a load of work making it point properly.

Maps whose overall shape is something are nothing "special" for the player (except for rpgsp1 of course). 
I call it the Brunch of eternal misery.

Now there's a speedmapping theme. 
Oh Yeah, 
Wrath, if you don't want or care about comments, why are you posting on a messageboard? 
Are you retarded?

I'm not asking to be mean, or to imply anything, I just think it would be good to know for future reference.

Are you an intellectual infant? Are you slow-witted? Have you gone soft in the head of late or were you born such? 
I Was Dropped As A Child. 
Fuck you. 
He Doesn't 
care about comments because he doesn't understand them.

Also Wrath, some screenshots would be spiffing, especially as Func_ doesn't have a huge CS:S following and therefore you'll have to make an extra effort to get anybody interested.

Aside from the fact that I do happen to like CS:S, absolutely nothing you've posted has enticed me towards your project. Shame. 
"especially as Func_ doesn't have a huge CS:S"

roulfff if we got any someone shoot the bastard for playing faget games... 
What kind of wankers play CS anyways... 
Aside from the fact that I do happen to like CS:S, absolutely nothing you've posted has enticed me towards your project. Shame.
Yeah, I was so looking forward to your specific input.

Screens are at 
you french sausage-rider, what say you get yourself unfucked post haste and join the program?

Anyway, I'm the kind of wanker who play cs:s. Or rather, we play it on our lan-meets. So it was either a cs:s map or a q3ctf, and the q3 editors all suck more than shambler used to do.

You know, when he still had most of his teeth and only whored himself out for money. 
I Was Dropped As A Child.

Although not from a great enough height.

Are you telling me that you didn't understand what I meant in my original post or are you just trolling for a fight? 
My point was that if you want feedback, the normal way to go about it is not be a cunt.

But hey, maybe your method will work as well. 
It'll Fail 
because there seems to be a func_wide aversion to cs:s. Fine. Be that way. See if I care. Fuck all of you forever. 
wrath is back. 
Func - 1 Wrath - 0 
...and the Quest for the Holy Crate continues. 
What The Fuck Id CS:S?!?!!?! 
forgive me bt I dont know...

btw those screenshots looked cool (eh? megaman)
nice map.... 
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