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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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FMB_BDG Probably The Final Re-Resurection Of The End Maybe 
Mike Hamwood 
the brick texture you're using in most of those shots is a little too intense. 
look real nice zomggg this will be a hard bitch to fuck :)= 
Morning Woodham 
I like the rockwork in the third shot. Good to see you're trying to finish the map after all. 
Motherfucker yeah.

I had an idea you were going to do the sequel Mike, good going.

Really looking forward to this. 
looking forward to this one for sure.

Now I don't want to sound demanding, but it'd be great if the gameplay would match the looks: dark/evil/hard etc. meaning the first part had far too much ammo, which took off some of the mood for me. 
He's Back! 
*does the happy Quake dance* 
I Don't Think Mike Ever Went Away 
but he does get too low key at times for those of us who think of him as the cool, older brother the func board. Wicked nice pics, too. 
Oh, And That Lava Is Fantastic! 
Yeah Looks Good. 
With Lun 
on the brick texture, stands out too much. 
It's Funny 
to see all the effort people put into making Quake 1 look awesome, and yet the gun is still sticking out of your chest.. :P 
I think the guns actually come out of the Quake guy's mouth, due to them being so close to his eyes and you have to only point the guns where ever you look. 
Don't You Change The View Weapons! 
Don't try to make quake look any "better" or you'll have to pry the viewmodel out of my cold dead mouth. 
I Must Admit 
I quite like having a shotgun sticking out of my mouth.... 
A Favor 
< ctchtchhcg> someone go post a guns == dicks joke here: 
Mike Woodham 
The end of the first map was completely tantalizing and I was really hoping you'd do map two - in fact I was actually lamenting the fact that I'd never see it just last week - and here's a bunch of new shots. AWESOME. You've really mastered forcing Quake to do curvy terrain, not to mention huge maps, technically you're one of the best Quake mappers and you've always had the ability to set up and efficiently link dramatic setpieces. Very much anticipating the map. 
What I Like About Mike... 
...he's the quiet workhorse of Quake mapping. You don't seem him much, don't hear him much, and pretty much every map is supposed to be his last, but he's still there, covertly beavering away on something that will appear at some point when you least expect it.

*raises glass*

P.S. All you other mappers are cool too of course, well the ones who release stuff anyway ;) 
ye shamby but i�m the most sexy and cool!!!

P.s-> normal i�m Portuguese... 
Yeah But Trinca 
You aren't in the same league.. I mean, when was the last time you did any covert beavering. 
Water In UT3 
Does anyone have any idea how to make the water make visual splashes when you jump into it in UT3? I have a working UTWaterZone and it makes a proper splashy sound when I enter it, I also have a sheet-brush with the water texture, but quite obviously since they are separate entities, entering the UTWaterZone does nothing to the sheet-brush surface.

How do I make a visual splash effect? 
i start to be a lover, now i love everyone even nasty czg :)

/me wants peace and love!!!

/me want to finish tchak and make some in here to reconize that my mapping skills are not as bad as some in here think!!!

god bless you all 
Is Trinca Junior behaving a bit better at the moment then?? ;)

P.S. I don't think your mapping skills are bad, your maps are good and I've definitely enjoyed playing them. 
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