Yay Nice Read.
#4903 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/07/27 17:32:27
It's common sense, but often times unvocalized common sense.
New Review
Lol @ Maj
#4905 posted by Kinn on 2004/07/27 20:38:52
I now have a name for my dm map!
Bad Trip, Dude
Ever since yesterday, after the technician got the wireless card working, FitzQuake's lightmaps have been plagued with these bursts of colour on arbitrary surfaces. And they do change over time. Maybe I should post some more psychedelic screens of Menkalikan for a laugh.
Anyway, what could be causing this? It isn't happening on any other engines I've tried...
#4907 posted by - on 2004/07/27 23:54:13
i seem to remember metlslime once posting pictures where he did something like that by accidentally screwing up some code. maybe remnants of that?
#4908 posted by HeadThump on 2004/07/28 00:57:24
Bad Trip, Dude
Must be something in the bovine feed this year.
Yeah, I Remember That One Alright,
#4909 posted by HeadThump on 2004/07/28 00:58:46
he did it to punish my sycophancy
He Punishes Your Sycophancy By Not Talking To You
#4910 posted by Blitz on 2004/07/28 02:18:48
#4911 posted by HeadThump on 2004/07/28 03:37:17
I don't need FritzQuake to make cocktails anyway. I know the best recipes by heart.
1 Bottle of Everclear
1 2 liter of Mountain Dew
1 packet of Lime Kool Aid
Mix it up and rock it out.
#4912 posted by aguirRe on 2004/07/28 05:51:43
It might be a long shot, but have you checked if there are any .lit files with the same name as the bsp in the same folder? Do you also get weird colour anomalies in other Q1 engines (or even other games)?
It's not that, as far as I can tell. I'll have to find some other engines that use .lit though. It's just wierd - how the hell can getting a wireless card installed properly scrozzle a completely unrelated program?
(BTW: UT works fine. Still have to check Serious Sam, Q2 and Q3.)
Win2000/XP Required For Doom 3.
#4914 posted by Jago on 2004/07/28 09:20:54
And I say it�s about goddamn time to force 95/98/ME users to upgrade:
" Well there have been rumours flying around lately that DOOM 3 would not be able to run on computers that have Windows 98 or Windows 98SE as their operating systems. Since we here at planetDOOM dislike rumours in all shapes and sizes, we went straight to the horses mouth so to speak and asked Activision themselves. The reply we got was that it is confirmed and indeed true that DOOM 3 will only run on Windows machines that have windows 2000 or XP and not lower. So there you have it, looks like some peoples upgrading woes just aren't quite over yet."
That Will Piss Off Quite A Few People.
#4915 posted by Kinn on 2004/07/28 10:23:51
Not me though.
Correction To The DL Link For Solar Winds
#4916 posted by Panzer on 2004/07/28 18:51:18
(NOTE FROM SCAMPIE: this is 'rejected news'. Panzer was just correcting his approved news post.)
fov120 is up, but the server is not properly configured yet. I had a bit of bad luck in the last weeks (car crash, laptop crash etc) so I didn't find the time to work on it. I will try to get at least cubeengine.com back up before monday.
#4918 posted by than on 2004/07/29 08:32:06
"And I say it�s about goddamn time to force 95/98/ME users to upgrade"
Yay! lets hand Microsoft some more money! Wooo! I love you Bill.
Seriously Though
#4919 posted by starbuck on 2004/07/29 08:54:52
windows 95, in 2004?! Buying one new operating system per decade isnt too excessive.
That Greedy Bastard
#4920 posted by pushplay on 2004/07/29 11:59:43
Why should I have to buy a new operating system when my msdos 3.0 still works perfectly well?
#4921 posted by than on 2004/07/29 14:12:29
if there was anything useful in each successive upgrade that was not available in the previous versions + addons then I wouldn't be pissed off with buying a new O/S. My computer still suffers from becoming shit about 2 months after a clean install whatever O/S I run.
I'm not criticising id for not supporting old operating systems, nor MS for releasing new ones. I was just saying "yay" to more money for something that isn't really that much better than the thing I've already got... just newer, flashier and requires a more powerful system to run. Oh, and apparently stops me upgrading my system in a hassle free manner (in the case of XP).
In any case, I've got 2k at home and at work :)
#4922 posted by wrath on 2004/07/29 14:13:12
If you're still running win98, you're probably not on a computer that can handle doom3.
eod, lol, wwjd(fakb)?
New Quake2 DM Map
#4923 posted by zorius on 2004/07/29 14:11:26
Hi all!
I almost finished my new Quake2 DM map. It doesn't have title yet, but the level itself is about 95% done. A little light polishing and then if the level is done, playtesting for itemplacement is required. Here are a few screenshots:
I hope I can release it soon!
#4924 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/07/29 14:37:31
that level looks really, really bland. The all grey texturing doesn't really look that good, and the lighting doesn't help. I would add a lot more details and make them not grey becuase these images (which should be in screenshot forum i think) don't really excite me or make me want to play the map. But keep trying.
#4925 posted by metlslime on 2004/07/29 14:42:53
2K/XP is a lot more stable than 95/98. I was totally thrilled when i got 2K at home. However, there isn't much of a difference going 2K->XP, as far as i could tell. Just some snazzy eye candy that i turned off.
If A Unix Driven Bash Shell Is Good Enough
#4926 posted by HeadThump on 2004/07/29 15:24:18
for guided missiles and orbital satellites it should be good enough for a video game. So the claims from a standpoint of advances in or necessary technology are suspect to me.
I have Windows 2000 on my laptop, but it did not come with the disk so I'm screwed,though the laptop worked fine with Max Payne 2 and FarCry I really need to upgrade the PC for that TOTAL experience.
New Version Of Ogier Released
#4927 posted by cyBeAr on 2004/07/30 18:45:10
Ogier is the level editor used by Starbreeze and currently supports Enclave, Quake (improved support in this release) and Knights of the Temple (new for this release).
I haven't tried this version yet but making quake maps should be very straightforward.
Announcement on ogier forum with some details:
Download page: