This Will Never Happen
#4858 posted by starbuck on 2011/06/18 00:13:49
but I'd like to see them take Quake in a more Call-of-Cthulhu direction.
You're Shitting Me
#4859 posted by jt_ on 2011/06/18 00:36:42
Why would you want that? There's already 4 call of duties, another one on the way (looking forward to that, actually), and then there's battlefield and socom, which are both duty-esque. What would duty-ifying quake bring? Quickscoping shamblers? That kind of sounds fun but i think you get my point.
Um, He Said Call Of Cthulhu
#4860 posted by Text_Fish on 2011/06/18 00:48:18
#4861 posted by quakis on 2011/06/18 01:01:39
Call of Cthulhu: Modern Warfare...
I Can't Read, Apparently
#4862 posted by jt_ on 2011/06/18 01:30:06
This Is Id Software Remember
#4863 posted by RickyT33 on 2011/06/18 02:01:51
It will be violent. And cool. I predict that it will remain authentic. The fighting will be old-school. God I want something like STALKER but with better voice-acting and more scope. And cooler combat (passes out....)****/* (hic)
Better Voice Acting Than
#4864 posted by necros on 2011/06/18 02:28:43
but quake5 is so far into the future, it's not even worth worrying about right now.
and rage looks like it'll be pretty cool at least.
#4865 posted by jt_ on 2011/06/18 02:40:16
Rage will be at least cool and/or somehow nifty. The vids online at least show that some of the weapons don't suck, and imo the enemies were pretty cool.
Call Of Cthulhu: Blackest Ops
#4866 posted by scar3crow on 2011/06/18 03:48:47
Soap, bring down that chopper!
Soap, get the c4!
Soap, hold still while I open the door for you!
Soap, grasp the unfathomable reaches of your futility in the wake of what lies between the feeble mind and ever dying stars!
Soap, escort the VIP!
That aside, I am moderately interested in Rage, the weapon selection looks rather satisfying (mind-control bolts + self-gibbing and turrets).
#4867 posted by DaZ on 2011/06/18 05:10:59
+1 internets for Scarecrow :)
While I certainly hold no hope that Quake 5 would play like the Quake we all know and love, I am certainly interested to see the environments and general aesthetic re-imagined with modern technology. I think something like ziggurat vertigo in a state of the art engine with some crazy local gravity physics would be an awesome level.
Shamblers with actual fur! ;)
Rage is actually looking better and better with each level playthrough they release. The Wellspring level playthrough was the one that got me really excited for it in particular, the movement and weapons have that signature id feel to them, meaty and with real weight.
Has anyone seen or heard anything about the editor for Rage? Is it the same deal as in doom 3 where the editor is within the game itself? What about working with megatextures?
#4868 posted by necros on 2011/06/18 08:19:58
Has anyone seen or heard anything about the editor for Rage? Is it the same deal as in doom 3 where the editor is within the game itself? What about working with megatextures?
i recall seeing a video of this in action.
essentially it's the same as d3-- the engine is the editor.
megatexture was i think basically just painted on in the editor, so like you'd look at the terrain, pick your brush and go.
also, you could import bitmaps to paint a repeating pattern or something?
#4869 posted by Text_Fish on 2011/06/18 10:03:22
It will be violent. And cool. I predict that it will remain authentic. The fighting will be old-school. God I want something like STALKER but with better voice-acting and more scope. And cooler combat (passes out....)****/* (hic)
If their remake of Quake 1 contains any human voices I will personally throttle everybody at ID.
Is Brandon James still working at id? If so, there's still hope for a properly Quake Q5.
What would duty-ifying quake bring? Quickscoping shamblers?
I have a hunch that Doom 4 will be more or less this.
#4871 posted by spy on 2011/06/18 13:17:02
Is Brandon James still working at id? If so, there's still hope for a properly Quake Q5.
nope , afaik he's at splash damage or human head whatever
That question came 11 years too late.
2011 Is Pretty Great For Pc Games
#4873 posted by than on 2011/06/18 16:45:40
I'm buying way more this year than usual:
Portal 2
Torchlight 2
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Duke Nukem Forever (ok, so it's not awesome, but whatever)
Minecraft (bought alpha last year, but out of beta this year)
Bioshock Infinity (also 11.11.11?)
Normally it seems I only have one or two titles to look forward to and also end up buying a bunch of stuff that I kind of sorta wanted in the end of year sales, but there's a lot I'm buying at full price this year.
They also aren't all pc games, but it seems like the definitive version of all games will be pc at least.
I Know I Won�t Be Happy Unless They Bring Back Shamblers
#4874 posted by Shambler on 2011/06/18 18:47:34
I'd be happy with them trying to revisit Quake in some form. Sure it wouldn't be as good as a true remake of Quake, but I liked Doom3 and I liked Quake2 and aside from the ultra-linearity I thought the latter was a pretty good Q2 remake.
Dunno How I Missed That...
#4875 posted by than on 2011/06/19 04:44:15
A Quake 1 reboot would be amazing even if it wasn't as good as the original game. I'm sure we'd all love to see what today's id could make of Quake's Lovecraftian world with their current tech. Just thinking about how it could look gives me a boner and makes me want to do some mapping.
I just hope to God that whatever they do, it doesn't become too heavily inspired by modern shooters with all their pseudo-realistic bullshit (slow movement, 2 weapon limit... story)
Forgot To Add
#4876 posted by than on 2011/06/19 04:48:10
"and ultra scripted tunnel levels with rigid objectives" to list of things I hope id do not do with any potential Quake reboot. Hopefully Rage is going to demonstrate id's skill in nonlinearity (fingers crossed) and Doom 4 is going to show off their ability to take the gameplay back to the old skool (I heard they wanted to make it less of a horror and more of a shooter, but that was ages ago and I'm sure they probably changed their mind a hundred times since then.)
Call Of Duty - World At War
#4877 posted by nitin on 2011/06/19 06:26:33
just finished this, pretty impressive really. Some of the setpieces are jawdropping. And for a WW2 shooter, I liked the feel.
Got some strange lag in some levels, no idea why as he rest of the game ran smoothly.
I Spose
#4878 posted by ijed on 2011/06/19 07:21:40
I'm optimistic about a remade Quake1.
Not sure why though since the id of today seems to put little emphasis on design, or have the general chaos that existed in 1996 when Quake1 formed.
It'd be nice to be surprised, but I have bad memories of what was done with the rather nice Doom3 engine and initial concepts.
Quake Reboot
#4879 posted by [Kona] on 2011/06/19 07:35:14
Sounded like they're were just talking about it and nothing was firm, so it could be 10 years before they decide to do a remake. Or maybe they'll decide there's more money in Rage 2 instead.
Even if the gameplay isn't like Quake, I'd just love to see the gothic, medival lovecraftian worlds in a modern engine. It'd no doubt look fkn awesome.
And making Quake more story-driven I don't think would be a bad thing. Mindcrime's movie was great.
#4880 posted by Legolas Thranduilion on 2011/06/19 07:43:40
#4881 posted by than on 2011/06/19 07:48:54
this: "Even if the gameplay isn't like Quake, I'd just love to see the gothic, medival lovecraftian worlds in a modern engine. It'd no doubt look fkn awesome."
If they could bring that bleak feel of the Lovecraftian universe as well as bringing to life some of the insane creatures Lovecraft imagined I don't think I would be too upset if the gameplay wasn't 100% authentic.
Having said that, I would like it if the game had a story that was coop compatible and didn't add too many contrivances that stop you having fun (speed running, rocket jumping etc.). It would be really great if the main game was coop compatible. Then again, Rage is doing separate coop missions based on the main game levels I think - maybe that would be fine, but I am longing to play Quake coop again.
Alice: Madness Returns
#4882 posted by than on 2011/06/19 14:11:09
Just bought this and played it for about an hour and a half.
So far I'm loving the absolutely gorgeous artwork throughout the game. It might not have arse-mapping and parallax gonad tessellation, but the artwork is sumptuous - particularly the environments, which are incredibly alive with detail and colour.
The gameplay seems pretty much like the original game, but with more modern sensibilities such as enemy targeting and extremely forgiving platforming (triple jump with floating.) I quite like how easy it is so far.
Currently I've managed to reach the first eye-pot enemy, but I don't know how I am meant to defeat him. I can dodge his attacks and hit him forever, but I don't know what I'm meant to do to beat him. Surely I don't have to just keep clicking left mouse and hitting shift for 30 minutes?