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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Tales Of Monkey Island Complete Pack For $12 
Worth it? 
Drew: If you're refering to the one I posted screenshots of a long time ago - that one never got finished.

Zwiffle: I'd say wait until it drops to 6-8. 
Easily worth it zwiff. 
what game were you talking about in #4706? Hawken? I am probably out of the loop. 
Bal determined nntt was talking about the Deus Ex leak. That's the only thing that makes sense in the context. 
Bal is right. 
And by leak, it's the press demo that was sent out to all the journalists last month, so the first 15-20% of the game (rather than a full leak) and various clues point to it coming direct from Eidos/Squnix 
Prey 2 Trailer + DNF Demo 

DNF Demo - Yeah it's pretty fun, I take issue with a couple of the changes like your melee isn't your boot anymore, and you only carry two weapons at a time. You hold down E to pick up a weapon, which I guess is standard for console shooters but feels cumbersome on PC. Pretty much every weapon is in the demo - pistol, shottie, ripper, rpg, shrink ray, devastator, and in place of freeze ray there's a rail gun. They feel alright, the explosions are toned down a LOT from DN3D. So the RPG won't kill you in one hit at close range it feels like.

There was a weird depth of field thing going on, either that or I'm just super blind. I will have to change that. The levels in the demo were pretty fun overall, a bit slower than Duke 3D with a lot of the modern fps changes (regen health, if you like/hate that thing, it didn't bother me much since it just lets you keep pace without getting 'stuck' because of low health.)

If they release an SDK this could be a pretty spectacular game. Seems worth $50, I'll be holding off due to overwhelming # of games I already have to play though. 
Between that and the Tomb Raider trailer, it's been a day for pre-rendered advertising. Very cool pre-rendered advertising, but still, would love some gameplay footage.

Not tried the DNF demo (no BL2/D4E pre-orders), but I was quite looking forward to it based on what I'd seen, nice antidote to the more serious modern shooters. Although the weapon carry limits worrys me (I actually quite like regenerative health, it makes as much sense as health packs and is more _fun_ (assuming it's not OTT)) 
Oh, and ever since I read a preview a while back, really like the concept of Prey 2. If it's implemented/designed well could be a great game (ofc, I'm a sucker for blade runner style future cities and hunting down contract targets). 
Rage Trailer

LOL I love the Quayola Quayons! Favorite part of the trailer, which is saying something, as it rocked imo. 
i just noticed that rage seems to have the same weird 'tunnel vision' black faded corners that mass effect has... wtf is up with that? is it some kind of console thing? bad enough we're running at lower FOVs now, but we're also dimming out the corners?
like playing the game with horse blinders. 
Trailer was great :) I'm starting to really look forward to it.

I've noticed the darkened edges in a lot of shooters recently, most notable in l4d2 developer commentaries they said they added it as it forces the players vision to the center of the screen where the action is.

Tbh I wouldn't have noticed it in that Rage trailer had you not pointed it out, so I guess that means it's doing it's job ;) 
Other thoughts on DNF demo

He actually makes a lot of valid points. Some things I didn't know from my playthrough - like someone mentioned you run out of breath after running for 3 seconds. That does seem kind of lame. If there is an SDK, I expect maps that force health kits, infinite run, etc. 
Rage Trailer 
Quayola Quayons :D nice little tribute to the king 
as it forces the players vision to the center of the screen where the action is.

oh jesus.

well, if the engine is modifiable, i'll be removing that shit... -_- 
Rage trailer looks awesome. Although there's a lot of fucking around changing weapon type. Supposedly that's more because it was a weapons showcase rather than normal gameplay.

DNF... only 2 weapons at once? FUCKING COCKS. That means i'll be carrying a shotgun and machine gun throughout the entire game and there's no point playing with any other weapon. 
Apparently no one at work liked the DNF demo, but we showcased on XBox. The XBox apparently has shit controls, like it was hard to aim and whatnot. I didn't have any problems like that on the PC with my good old mouse.

They also had poor AI, the pig cops would just run up to the player and stand in front of Duke. I didn't have that problem on PC, but then again I was able to aim at the fuckers and take them out pretty quickly.

It looks like that although I accept the faults in the game, other people are less forgiving. 
why the fuck don't they market mice for consoles??
you could totally hold the controller in one hand and mouse with the other.
they have friggen guitars and drumkits but no mice. 
DNF Demo Take 2 
Hmm playing the demo again with a more critical eye, I think DNF is probably not all that good. That's based just off this demo, which admittedly is pretty bad and may not be indicative of the whole game.

The depth of field is very obnoxious in this game. It makes the majority of what's on screen look blurry. At first I thought I was just going more blind than I already am, but no, Duke apparently needs to get prescription sunglasses.

The AI is in fact pretty bad. I just didn't notice because I killed the enemies quickly, but they are very basic and don't show any signs of intelligence that I can tell. This might be okay, but at least pig cops in Duke3d would go prone every once in a while. These pig-men (they can't be called pigcops, because really they're just pig men in blue, ripped pants) just run at you guns blazing. Sometimes they're stationed at a chaingun, but that's more of a scripting thing than an AI thing I think.

The other enemies are some weird bug things, which are annoying to shoot and I think are meant to take the place of the ooze monsters. They are pretty shit. They are not fun, they are just 'filler' enemies as far as I can tell. They are accompanied by baby octabrains, which ... also suck, and are also there just for fodder. Very lame.

The last enemy is a gun ship, which drops off some pig cops on a ledge, then when you kill those it comes in a shoots you. This is the most telling part of the demo. You HAVE to hide from this thing behind cover, darting out to lock on with your RPG, then duck back into cover. You can't strafe to avoid rockets like a pro, you can't use anything else but the RPG. This fight is fucking SHIT BORING SHIT. If you run out of ammo you go back to the conveniently (?) placed ammo crate, stock up, then shoot some more. It's also very generic looking. If you don't hide behind cover, you will not win. This is not the Duke I knew. I think the Rock, Paper, Shotgun article got it right when they said Duke is a wimp, because he kind of is in this one.

OH yeah, when you kill it, the wing falls and makes a ramp up the small ledge, so you can now progress. Pretty ho-hum kind of stuff.

Sooooo yeah, I think I was hit by nostalgia early on when I first played the demo, hearing that sweet Duke theme song just brought back fond memories. I told Vondur it would probably be okay as a $50 purchase, but really based off the demo with a critical eye, it probably isn't. $20 maybe, but not $50. 
Necros - Mouse Idea 
never thought of that but it would be fucking wonderful. I love shooters but hardly play any on consoles for that reason. 
Wonderful? I think instead of supplying mice for consoles so people could play FPS better, it would be a more logic step to stop making FPS games for consoles. Plus they wouldn't have to be so dumbed down then.

The DC actually had a mouse and a keyboard. I got the latter when I bought mine on ebay. Don't know what the big deal behind those. Quake 3 could be played with it and I guess that unbalanced many online matches. And there are some weird typing games ("Typing of the Dead", a zombie spelling/typing trainer or something similarly wtf). 
Far Cry 2 finally, took longer than expected because I had to take breaks due to the repetitive nature. Good fun but needed more variety.

Portal is next. 
I wish this thing had taken off :E

I could deal with playing with reduced keyboard space as long as you have a fecking mouse :( 
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