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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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I have an account, I'm just too lazy to log in when it's not required. 
Portal 2 On Sale For Like $20 Off 
Far Cry 
also, it was obvious they weren't even taking themselves serious with the story or the setting or the characters. And i think the cartoony look to the models and lighting is done on purpose and plays well with that. Your playing a douchebag on this clich� tropical island with random bad guys and 08/15 monsters running around.

Also, I really really liked the gameplay :o just the accuracy of some enemies was annoying when they were a few miles away (sniper, rocket ships, etc) 
i'm on steam, but i don't have any of the games you guys are playing like l4d/2 or portal2. the email i use for steam is my old email necros at rogers dot com.

i haven't played wow in a couple of years though. stopped a few months after wotlk and cataclysm didn't manage to convince me to start paying again. 
StarCraft 2 Win Stats 
For those of you complaining that zerg is hard to use, I have some news for you.

They are the weakest race according to these stats. So maybe that's not news, since we all knew this anyway. 
Maybe they did a typical fear-driven over-nerf on them. "Oh no, people always complained about zerg, let's nerf them a little more just to make sure".

-> over-nerf. 
I think I will have to get SC2, though. Or at least reinstall SC1. I feel like zergling rushing. 
Fat Chance 
Couldn't make it yesterday, but I'll be out of internet from tomorrow on. At least for a couple of days until I've decided which of the UMTS dongle prepaid deals I'll let myself being ripped off by. 
Errr, And Now In Proper English: 
Heh, You Said Dongle 
Enjoy your life! 
Dragon Age 1 
yay or nay? 
I say yay. I thoroughly enjoyed it despite its flaws. If you like a strong story driven game and exploring/uncovering a pretty huge world you'll probably like it too. Be warned, that combat can get stale near the end, since they essentially just start throwing larger and larger numbers of fodder your way instead of spicing up the combat, and some classes (mage *cough*) are totally broken at later levels as well.

Took me ~60 hours to get through the game on just ONE class, there are like 6 different openings to play based on what race/sex you pick iirc, so there's a bit of replayability there as well. 
60 Hrs 
geesh, dont know if I need something that long!

How's combat? 
Ever played Baldur's Gate? Similar to that. It's mostly a top-down style micro-management semi-turnbased affair. Combat happens real time among all your characters, which you control simultaneously, but you can pause combat at any time with spacebar to issue commands or assess the situation. I myself paused a LOT to make sure my rogues were in the right places for back stabbing and that my warrior guy was taking the damage and that my mage was casting the right spells. I think you can configure their behaviors to what you like, but I find that cumbersome.

It's more strategic on your end, but on the enemies' part they just have a ton of weaker bad guys to slay, and every once in a while they'll throw in a giant ogre monster or an enemy mage or something. 
Ever played Baldur's Gate? Similar to that.
except only in a general sense.

the classes play a lot more like MMO games, which, i firmly believe, is a good thing here.

I myself paused a LOT to make sure my rogues were in the right places for back stabbing and that my warrior guy was taking the damage and that my mage was casting the right spells. I think you can configure their behaviors to what you like, but I find that cumbersome.

one of the best things about this game is the AI. more specifically, the way you control the AI. you don't just tell yours guys to attack or stand still. you set up priority systems for how they should behave.
so, for example:

for your mages, you can tell them to heal your tank when his health falls below 50% for the first order. then the next order can be to heal anyone else when they fall below 30%. then the third can be to just autoattack whatever you are attacking.
so it would check order1 first, then 2, then 3.

then for your tank, you can tell them to use area effect taunt skill when surrounded by more than 2 enemies, to attack the one with the lowest health, and so on and so forth.

the only thing that really requires player input is rogues for backstabbing. sadly, the AI does not control positioning at all. once you move them into position, they're fine, but if the mob moves, you'll have to reposition them.

for mages, you can usually just leave them to the AI almost entirely, and just switch to them every once in a while when you need to use a heavy nuke or a CC spell. warriors can basically be left alone unless you're trying to do something very specific.

it's the rogues that require the most baby sitting.

the one problem with it is that you get more 'command slots' by spending skill points to get them, but i feel this is not right. you shouldn't have to spend in-game skill points to influence the gameplay mechanics.
thankfully, there's a simple mod that unlocks the AI command points and gives even more 'if checks'.

uh, so yeah, i guess i'm firmly in the 'yay' category. :P 
Tried to play Soldier of Fortune Payback, despite the bad reviews. It wouldn't install on my old computer, but new computer installs fine. Framerate is probably under 5, but the patch fixes that. What the patch doesn't fix is the void which is supposed to be a sky, strange textures and my bullets going right through enemies as if they're invisible.

What a fkn piece of shit. Should of torrented it instead of buying it. 
Dragon Age 
tell you what, for the time deprived, that sounds far too daunting to commit to. I might pass I think. 
Dragon Age 2 
Check metacritic's user ratings for dragon age 2. The critics are all 82% aggregate or something, the users (of which there's 1000's of reviews/votes) are like all 0 and 1's out of 10. It's complete shit apparently. 
I'm not too far into Dragon Age 2, but so far I like it. They gave it the Mass Effect 2 treatment, in such that they streamlined the game quite a bit. You level up all your characters, but you only really outfit Hawke. Combat is a lot faster and more actionish, which is a big change from the first one. I mean they really just kind of throw 20-30 guys at you for combat. Be prepared to have 1 or 2 healers in your party.

The visual style is also a lot different from the first one. I think it looks refreshing, but I can see how people might not like it.

The biggest complaint I've seen is that the dungeons are repetitive and recycled. I have not yet experienced this, as I'm only maybe 6 hours or so into the game.

So far I don't think it's a bad game, a lot of the changes make sense to me. The story is alright too. I have yet to encounter the 'meat' of the game because I've been busy with other things. I definitely don't think 0s or 1s are warranted, and are probably just fanboys who are upset with the changes. 
Imo is a totally overrated and shitty way to see if a game is good.

User ratings in particular can just be gang fucked by the minority but very vocal entitled pc gamers.

It happened to dragon age 2. It happened to portal 2 at release because it had that "don't turn off your console" message when you saved or something. I wouldn't give the user ratings much credit at all to be honest.

Really, if I want to know if a game is good, I'll just ask about it right here :) 
More Rage Footage 
Also, I Lol'd 
Rage looks good. I mean, that gameplay doesn't look revolutionary, but it looks reaaaaaally good imo. I love when the guy comes up and kicks the turret away. Cool stuff. 
that looks really cool. i like that you can carry around gadgets that are more than just ammo or health kits. the remote control car is a bit gimicky, but the turret and spider machine look fun to use. 
ME2 is 10$ atm on steam. (ME1 is 5$). wasn't really interested in the sequel but for that low price i feel tempted...

also, if anyone else was hesistating... 
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