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I've read IGI 1 and 2 get bad to mediocre reviews. I wasn't happy with the demo of the first at least... but they did stuff much better in part 2. 
Played Ontranto 
excellent stuff, found it a lot of fun. I liked all the maps, but the Ontranto Towne stands out as the best for me... some serious work went into that! 
Re: Cd-rom Ide Channels 
You could also try a free prog called Belarc Advisor which will profile your hardware/software and give you more information that you would ever want on the stuff in your system 
An RPG Like Map? 
no, not the dude RPG. :P

what i mean is, the map would be preferably of large size, and completly open.

the only thing stopping you from finishing the map is that the paths that eventually lead to the exit are too difficult to complete at the beginning. threfore, you need to explore, beat up other monsters and pick up better guns and armor before you'll be able to take the final route and win the map.

the bad thing about this is that i think a lot of players won't retreat from an area if it is too hard for them, and rather keep going until they eventually die. this appears to be a problem with a lot of actual rpg games because players don't know when to quit and try a different place.

this is all just idle speculation... i just think it would be kind of neat. ^_^ 
You have mail. 
most normal people are about 160 or so cm.
If by people, you mean gnomes -- then yes, I agree. 
Max Payne 2 Doom 
yeah, i think i quoted the wrong height in cm. :P 
Kreed Demo... 
Game info here:

Demo download at the usual sites n' shit.

Sci-fi FPS game, originally looked vaguely comparable to D3 (like, 4 years ago), has looked increasingly ass since then. According to Von it sucks...

And indeed he's right.

Take mediocre quality remake of Unreal2 built to 2000 gaming specifications. Make sure the graphics are approximately average for that distant era, but compensate by having one of the maps run quite slowly on 2003 systems. Replace any interesting maps by a series of purposeless repetitive rooms and streets/corridors. Decorate these with tacky particle effects for "variety". Ramp the headbob waaaay up and the mouse sensitivity waaaay down, so to maximise the gaming tedium which comes from crap and easy to defeat monsters aside from an annoying little bug thing that provides the only challenge. Throw in loads of weapons but ensure it takes at least 1/2 hour to change between each one. And finally wrap the whole thing up in a terrible, pompous, generic and incomprehensible story with terrible voice acting.

Some of the weapons are pretty cool tho... 
what smab said and i recomend anyone to ignore this game and save your sanity.
Doesnt Sound Too Good 
doesnt look too good either

anyone played any good games recently? 
Painkiller's pretty cool, for what it is.

Before that...

Enclave r0cked.
Halo was okay.
MC2 & MW4 r0cked.

And I've got Far Cry to play amongst others... 
Max Payne 2 & Far Cry 
both were good fun.

Rule of Thumb: If you found the legnth of the first Max tolerable you wont be disapointed. If that one was too short for your taste, this one will be too. Though the story in it is a knock out punch, and there is this fun house (an insane asylum) level where 2d set designs creep around every where -- it can be quite intense. 
Max Payne 2 Review 
I wrote an MP2 review awhile ago.. 
Hmm Most Of These 
arent too recent... halo and max payne 2 i enjoyed though. Halo's graphics sucked flaccid donkey member though. I wasn't too surprised by how short MP2 was, because i'd played the 1st and read reviews of the 2nd. I was disappointed when it ended though, if only because i had so much fun playing it. It does lack variety in gameplay though.... there is pretty much one fighting style you use throughout the whole game. 
Yeah Thats A Good Review 
echos my thoughts. Your interviews were impressive too, actually.... especially the director of the 'Closer' video 
Oh, Thanks 
Wasn't too sure about the MP2 review being good, I felt I could've explaind a little more in some areas but really didn't want to rewrite it.

Yeah one would think it might be hard to interview a person in the media or involved with media but it was really as simple as e-mailing the guy and was nice enough to reply. I wish it was a more involved interview though... look forward to doing more.

Photographer Jana Leon said she'd do it, sent her the questions but hasn't replied since ( ). 
looking for some game time to kill before the next set of major games hit Gold?

I suggest going back through Neil Manke's levels for Quake 2 and Half-Life. Good fun, and they look and feel great on my current set up. 
Happy Birthday 
Just in case anyone forgot to get their party hats on, Quake was 8 years old last Tuesday.


Linkies here and here 
Of course, along with the good, you get some bad in there too. Here's a short list of the low lights that Quake has seen.


- Quake 2 :)


Happy Birthday, Quake 
Also, the Ogres were suppose to laugh and piss on your body after you died, that was also cut due to time restrictions.

oh, this would have been good :) 
Tim Willits had designed a bunch of maps that didn't fit into the single player theme.
He suggested that they should remove the monsters and exits so that players could play against each other. The others at id Software reluctantly agreed and thus, Deathmatch Maps were born. This one idea gave birth to all the 1v1, clans and deathmatch games / tournaments we know today.

Is this actually true?

It sounds almost like an urban myth, and almost too "accidental" to be true.

Maybe its just an exaggeration of what happened. 
...I guess the whole 'Doom' thing was something I imagined after quaffing too much cough medicine... 
I Seem To Recall Duke Nukem 3D Having Deathmatch-only Maps. 
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