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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

Need a place to host your screenshots? Upload them here:
Username: quaketastic
Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
File size limit is 128MB.
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The Posts! They Are Coming From INSIDE The Server! 
Czg is inside the intartubes. Beware, he might come out of your socket at night. 
gg turning this once good thread into generic flame and offtopic banter 
All It Needs... Speeds to pop up being a moany cunt, and it's the complete Func_thread :) 
For RickyT23 And Who Wants To Look 
I support those ikbase shots. The lighting in the last shot looks a bit plain, but you probably know that already... keep it up! 
I really dig the second shot especially, cool supports, and a mix of a lot of elements in the room. 
Yes please. 
Good Work 
Very interesting looking maps. 
Thanks Hrimfaxi 
It was about time somebody posted another screenshot or two on this thread!! After all it is meant for screenshots!

What can I say? Both maps look, er, cool!

After your previous titles I see you have decided to try other styles than the mid-evil one. IKBase is always cool, and it looks like your execution of an IKBase map is promising!

Looking forwards! :D 
Looks good. Very interesting shots... go map ;) 
Hehe Speeds to pop up being a moany cunt, and it's the complete Func_thread :)

It's funny because it's so true!

p.s. make sure you post using nerdux or inertia will be very cranky! 
Totally sexy.
Pics look pretty awesome too. 
p.s. make sure you post using nerdux or inertia will be very cranky! 
Fuckers posting on windows and macs. Just like those coders who deliberately don't release linux versions of their compile tools. 
BeOS is superior. 
"BeOS is superior."

Amiga Workbench fo' lyfe, yo! 
I suck bill gates cock.

It tastes like chicken. 
I would have guessed it tasted like shame. 
are worthless pieces of shit. Atari STs are where it's at.

And Roxette, and Michael Jackson. Uh! 
Qonquer - V1.0 Released 
I released the first version of my mod, Qonquer today.

Let me know if it works for you and/or if you had fun! :) 
Cool mod. Feedback to come. 
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