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Shambler, that's kind of obvious ;P 
Actually, the Vomitus skin in Nehahra was probably the part that made it look a bit silly - if you're reskinning it, I might like it better. One question though - are you redoing the skinmap? I'd recommend converting the model to md2, redoing the skinmap in NST, then converting back to mdl in Quark5. 
Also HeadThump, 
see this post:

for an example of improved Quake 1 skinmaps 
You Read My Mind, Kinn 
I mentioned Vomi-Gup because I was getting around to asking you about that thread and how you got those md2 skin styles working in regular Quake. Thanks! 
Glad To Be Of Service 
My post in that thread should explain it all. if you need any extra info, don't hesitate to ask :) 
i stole these posts from
thought they might be interesting

Posted by Sajt

Two people, J.S. Gilbert and David Locke are here mentioned as voice actors for Quake. I guess they did some grunting and screaming for the player and monsters? Has anyone else heard of them? Also, J.S. Gilbert is credited as the voice for 'Dank'. So who the heck is Dank :P

Edit: Also, the IMDB trivia thing says this:

Originally intended to be a medieval game with swords and a dragon, but only a few months before it was released guns were added and roleplaying aspects removed. The dragon was also removed, although several other monsters like the Knights and Fiends were kept. The dragon was later added in the second mission pack by Rogue Entertainment.

I didn't know that :P It's interesting. I know somewhere in Commander Keen or something id Software advertised a future game called 'Quake' which was supposed to be a 2D rpg where you play as a magician or something... but this is interesting too :)

Posted by ErroraboveSCI
Dank and Scud my guess... old school quake related comic.

For all that medieval mumbo-jumbo... read the book Masters of Doom... it explains all the oldness behind Quake... which was originally based on John Carmack's Dungeons and Dragons world. But, was changed later on to be "another doom". One of the many reasons that John Romero left id Software. It's a good read... I highly suggest it.

That old thing about Quake that they posted, was something Romero did just shortly after Doom I think... It was posted on a BBS. I can't remember the specifics.

Another cool bit about Quake: original weapon was called the Hammer of Thunderbolts. And they player had a transdimensional object floating above their head that was called the Hellgate Cube. I hope I got that right. 
Someone Made A Compilation 
of all the old interviews with the id crew (Romero mostly) that were done at the beginning of Quake's development. It's really amusing reading back through them - they were talking about having things like flat-shaded player models and ragdoll physics (!). I'm buggered if i can find a link to the article though :( 
And Speaking Of Missionpacks, 
Hipnotic's Mjolnir was a nod to Romero's original concept. 
I Would Just Like To Say: 
post #4436 by the communist Vondur

is the best post ever. 
Heh, I Didn't Know Any Of That. 
that would certainly explain to lack of base monsters and base maps and the presence of medieval stuff.

also, thanks for pointing out that the qtest pakfile had the monster models in it.

also, what's with the fish model? it seems to shrivel up in some frames..?
also, did anyone notice the last frames of the death animation for the fish are screwed up in the finished quake as well? the mouth gets all skewed and funky...
i wonder what the deal with that is.

i think the player death anims with the head and legs getting blown off look really cool! i wonder why they got rid of it... 
The gib1/2/3 models are the players arm (a piece of it), a bloody limbless player torso, and the player head. I guess they later figured it would be easier to make non-descript gibs than to make a set of gibs unique to each monster.

There was also a 'prequake' version of quake, which was a pre-release version, closer to what was originally released but still some differences (I can't seem to recall atm). 
Anywhere I Can Get That? 
Anywhere I Can Get That? 
Hehe, First Double Post! 
not to mention the famous player swimming animation 
Problems With UT2004 
I�ve just installed UT2004, applied the latest patch and attempted to play the game. However, I seem to be having problems playing about 80% of the maps included in the game. Some (rare) maps work just fine, without any issues whatsoever, while others start "flickering" a lot almost as soon as the map has loaded or soon afterwards. I can see some items and character models through the walls and the game grinds to a near halt. I�ve updated the NVIDIA drivers to the latest WHQL version and updated to the latest DirectX version too, hoping that it would solve the problem, but it didn�t. I also recall I had a similar problem with some levels in Raven Shield, which is also an Unreal-engine (tho older version) game.

Original Unreal, UT and UT2003 run fine. Any ideas? 
Perhaps it's a stupid remark, but does your environment is OK ??? I mean, have you a powerfull processor, enough memory, or others ?? I'm not a specialist, but most of game problems you described comes from environment.. (lack of memory, lack of processor power/speed.., etc..)
Check UT2004 environment requirement. If it's OK, perhaps there exist some extra launch command to increase memory use during the game (like wimem 32 for Q1) which are able to solve the problem...
Otherwize I've no other ideas... 
Well you can try using OpenGL, and see if that makes a difference. 
RE: UT2004 
The machine is an AMD Tbird 1400, 512 mb ram, GF4 Ti4200. I tried the OpenGL renderer and the game seemed to run OK for a while, but it hard-locked the machine when I tried to change my crosshair in the game settings, go figure. 
There are many poeple who have similar probs, some say they they cure it by moving/replacing memory sticks, others by reinstalling and not patching, others say updating drivers or DirectX, etc, etc. It's really hit and miss, what works for one doesn't work for another. I would drop down details (one at a time) and see if that did anything, delete(Backup first)or rename USER and UT2004 .ini, so the game will start at default, then set it up again, easy things like that before I uninstalled/reinstalled.
Best of Luck 
Sounds Like The Problem 
has to be the map builds themselves from Jago's discription. Try putting one of the offending maps in UnrealEd and rebuild the geometry. May be worth a try if the problem lies with the internal integration of meshes with the brush build. 
Does anyone play IGI 2? 
I'd heard a lot about the early concepts of Quake years ago ( I thought I'd heard it from you guys :/ ) The deal with the warhammer as the player's primary weapon was that it would grow larger through the game as it was used to kill more enemies. Freudians would have a field day with the id boys :P The name Quake was also going to be the player-character's name. Bleh. Bleh, I say.
I've got to take a look at this Q-Test pack. 
'Does anyone play IGI 2?'

I can't speak for anyone else, but there are a limited number of acronyms I am capable of keeping up with at any given time. 
I'm still waiting for feedback from you 
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