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Well, I didn't actually try re-vising it myself but someone reported having problems. I guessed it might have something to do with the phantom leak (which I think I fixed now). I'd rather remake it anyway as it needed a couple of minor retexturings (like behind teleports etc.)

VoreLord - the d/l works for me. 
As Seen On Slashdot

It's qw on a bootable cd. Or at least it is after you make it. You have to put all the pak files, your favorite maps and config files into a dir and run the make iso bat file / unix script.

Maybe someone can make use of it. It's nothing but crappy sun machines over here. 
the one who reported it probably used the old bsp2prt utility and it definitely cannot handle gmsp3. That's one of the reasons why I added this functionality to my BspInfo; to increase speed and capacity.

The leak has nothing to do with it, it's just the size of the map that crashes bsp2prt. 
how the heck does quake know when to play the wind2.wav sound? is that hard coded into quake? it seems to only play when the client can 'see' a skyface, so that when you go around lots of vis blockers, the sound no longer plays...

also, what about the water sound? does that only play when the client can see water brushes? i can never get it to work in my maps though... i just never hear the water... what's the deal? 
Vis Adds 
ambient sounds depending on texture contents and distance from it. There might be some connection with some worldspawn keys also, e.g. "sounds" or "worldtype".

I've also wondered about that, in some maps I hear water even if there's no water near the player. 
Vis Adds Them? 
hm... but how does that explain the way it cuts off quickly when moving from one area with a sky to another without? they can't be normal point entity ambient emitters because there are no entries for those kinds of sounds in the quakec (there's no mention of the sound at all beyond precaching wind2.wav) 
Vis And Ambients 
from the world famous texturefaq.htm:

Quake plays automatic ambient sounds when the player is near a sky, lava, slime, or water surface. When compiling a level, vis will calculate which of those sounds you should hear from each point in the level. But, most versions of vis (including id's original version) will only consider a texture to be water if its name starts with "*water" or "*04water".

Also, the data is stored in the level per-leaf. I don't know exactly what the calculation is, but that explains why the sound could cut out suddenly as you cross a leaf boundary. 
thank you! that explains a lot! cheers! 
Yeah, I got it about 30sec after I made that post (figures) Just didn't wanna post 3 in a row. 
Interesting Stuff, Metlslime 
Where can I get this texturefaq? 
Thanks, VoreLord 
Some very helpful stuff there :) 
Cool Stuff.. 
... here, this link explains me why creating custom textures is not easier as I would like... sure it will help me a lot !!
Thanks VoreLord.. and also Thanks to metlslime who wrote this web page !!
did you recieve my e-mail with lots of typos? 
Q3 Map 
jof3dm2, on the main page of PQ, is wwll worth getting, excellent looks and gameplay. 
shadows.bsp is really fun in FFA. :) 
Hear, Hear! 
3 cheers for gibbie! 
Been Offline For A Few Days 
pulsar: yes, got your email.
tronyn: thanks for your review of ariadat, will be posted soon. 
For Any Astronomy Type People 
You can watch the transit of Venus across the face of the Sun, linky below,

Probably not terribly interesting to most, but if you are that way inclined.......
I remember seeing the transit of Mercury some years back, this should be better. Of course if you are in the right location and have a set of Binoculars, you can just project the image onto a white peice of cardboard or similar, and watch in real time. Or even better a telescope with a solar filter.

Starts roughly 3 hours from the time of this post. 
Enough Is Enough! 
Alright, who's the punter who has my e-mail address plus several Brazilian addresses in their address book and is infected by a virus? Each e-mail for the past four days is alternately from a Brazilian ISP telling me "my" e-mail cannot be sent because it contains a virus, or it has been from a Brazilian e-mail address sending me a random .pif file. This is getting quite annoying. 
Venus, Sun, And All That 
The web site above has gone down, Overloaded, Sorry, I'm going back outside to check it out with my biniculars etc........ 
Bal3Dm5 ? 
Does this actually exist, and if so, has anyone ever seen/played it? and are we ever likely to see it, or will it just be a thing of myth and legend? 
Take a look at


It seems these are nice screenshots of Bal's map, and some related to bal3dm5... (the 2nd link)

Others web sites refers to Bal's bal3dm5, and it seems to be an unreleased map, or a never start one.. like a mythic one you could not reach.. 8p 
Thanks Jpl 
My fingers are just about stuffed after clicking through all those screenshots 
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