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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Another Shot 
Second part of the map started some weeks ago (after SK), it remains 50% of the map to finish... and it is already huge...

Feel free to comment... ;) 
Nice Footlights! 
I wish I could make that effort in short time! 
JPL - that looks, reminds me of 'office complex' from Half-Life 1 (it's the floor tiles)

I'll put a screenie up next week... 
As Promised... are some shots of my new project

Its sort of gothic base/Q3ish, although is just contains textures from Doom3 and Daikatana (maybe one or two IKBase)

So far un-named...

All comments welcome!!! 
that looks great. Not too sure about the D3 tex though, I dont think they convert that well.

I like the rockwork! 
Copycat !! 
These shots looks good, but what are you copying my latest project shots (same base theme, same rock tex, same skybox... grrrr..) ??
No seriously, it looks really interesting, and the Doom3/DKT base theme is really well implemented: I can't wait to play this map !
Keep it up !! 
imo hex tiles in the roof don't work tho.
and be careful with the openness, have good vis blocking. 
Very original texture scheme, but as Nitin said, some of the textures do not transition well, especially the grey metal one in the 2nd screen shot before the stairs.

I really like the build style though and the lighting is good, looking forward to the final product :) 
Rockwork - used 64 unit deep triangular prisms throughout! It seems a good technique, so far all of that has only one Txqbsp warning!

nitin/DaZ - D3 textures - some of those texes definately converted better than others! Its a shame really, cause they could have been cool!! I might try touching up some of the ones i'm using myself. Or find some better ones...

JPL - 00ps! Sorry if your first impression was that I was copying you (I hadnt even realised about the skybox). I think the overall theme is different, yours seems much more 'present day' whereas mine is kinda meant to have a sort of sci-fi/aliens sort of feel to it! I dont think the rock texture is the same, mine comes from DktE1.wad. I had to fuck around with it something rotten so get fullbright speckles out... I actually was attracted to the Daikatana textures after having a blurt around your Event Horizon map (I've never played DKT)

Vis blocking - The area shown is meant to be a sort of 'hub', the idea being that a network of underground passages interconnects around it, with different chambers and stuff. Maybe some caves. The area shown (1st shot) is likely to be as bad as the vis gets!!

(admittedly its pretty open, but nothing on the Sickbase, or maybe even parts of The Hand...) 
Looks Nice 
Only thing I'd say is have some more outdoor shadows and better spotlighting indoors, otherwise looks good to me. 
No offense taken, don't worry: and no go map, and release it quickly ! I want to play this map soon :D 
looks cool Ricky :) 
The Texture Mix... pretty slap dash. I doubt you could get DKT or D3tech to mesh well with gothic Q3. Why not try the evil lair tech sets instead. Having said that, will we see a D3 Temple section hidden below the base...please :) Your implementation of the Fury underground in The Hand was excellent! 
Small, Pointless Base-style Deathmatch Map

Someone please comment on the item placement.
I'm not going to add RL or LG. 
Lush looks for a simple base map, superbly made.

I think without the RL or LG, you should up the numbers of GL or SNG, otherwise it will be a bit of a scrappy fight with lesser weapons, I expect. Or chuck a quad in....or ROS.... 
I Can't Play 
Quake at the moment. :( Can somebody post some screenshots so that I can pretend? 
My Only Complaint 
would be to remove those square heat vent things. They ruin the scene.

Else looks good. 
where is lg and rl? :) 
Great Level! 
I like the doorshapes and the round teleporter.
Sorry I'm no dm player, but looks fun to play. 
is fucking awesome. this is why i usually stop making, because levels like this make me jealous to and i never finish anything that i start :) 
Typos As Always.... 
making supposed to be mapping. 
i now what you mean nakasuhito got 9.000 brushes made that i will probably quit :\ 
Stop Being So Emo Please And Go Map 
Some really cool brushwork in there! I love the crates being stored under the floor. It's simple brushes but it has a great visual impact.

And that is, hands down, the most elaborate teleporter i've ever seen! 
Negdm1b + Reaperbot(81) = L00ds Of FUN!!! 
Heres a demo of me playing four reaperbots on Neg|ke's "Small, Pointless Base-style Deathmatch Map". I downloaded the map just for a peek. It reminds me of that bloody Aerowalk map everyone's always going on about (only better IMHO), so I just couldnt resist the thought of wiling away a half hour or so....

Also reminded me of Q3A!!! 
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