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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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Gamma Patched LibSDL 
For people with newish systems (Xorg >= 7.5) and broken brightness slider, these patched libSDL binaries should hopefully fix the thing.

libSDL 32 bit
libSDL 64 bit

I guess there could be side effects, as it's not officially included with libSDL. 
Quakespasm Statusbar 
Hello everyone. Only recently decided to venture into Quake once more. It's been since.....well it's been too long. DOS! I'm amazed at all the work that has been done, especially the engines and I've tried more than a few and Quakespasm comes out on top as far as I'm concerned but there is one thing that's bugging me and I can't seem to find the answer or their isn't one.
I'm running the Linux and Quakespasm performs outstanding for the most part but I have no statusbar....Any ideas how to enable it? I've Googled for several days and read countless joy. Any help would be appreciated. 
try viewsize 100 at the console

then you can use scr_sbarscale to adjust the size.. (1 being normal, 2 being twice as big.. 1.5 also works) and you can also use scr_sbaralpha 0.99 (instead of 1) to get it to sit 'in' the view rather than below it, which imo feels nicer

quakespasm is basically a modified fitzquake, so having a copy of the FQ readme is helpful for commands n stuff: 
Viewsize 100 
Great that works. I knew there must have been a command somewhere. I was assuming it would be under scr_something. Now how to get it to persist. What would I put in my .cfg file?
Yea I did look over what documents were available but I would never have seen the relationship between the two. Good man. I had already figured out the size and alpha blending but the non-appearance of the bar was a mystery. 
No Worries 
i just have an autoexec.cfg file in id1 which sets it each time. you may be familiar with them but if not, it's basically just a list of commands fired each time you start quake, regardless of mod 
*familiar with that. i know what i meant 
I had edited that but edited as view "100" rather than viewsize "100", which I had correctly entered in my config.cfg file. I have corrected my autoexec.cfg file and all is well. Thanks a million. This has led me to search for other commands to finesse my configs...which I find are numerous and make Quake a very personal experience. 
Need For Speed 
Another question.....the speed I have set as..
_cl_forwardspeed "999"
but that has no noticeable effect. It's still not fast enough for my taste. Syntax correct? 
you must also change sv_maxspeed 
I don't have a sv_maxspeed listed in my configs.
Is the syntax as you have written correct and in what increments is it set? 
Where can I find a farly definitive autoexec.cfg guidline/turotial? 
Ahem! tutorial 
Nevermind...found it. Took some digging as most posted configs re for the newer versions. Thanks to those who helped. 
Generally you do not need a autoexec.cfg. If your engine does not work well without one (ie forgetting its settings) tell the authors about it. Usually one only needs it to work around engine's overwriting each others settings or not even saving them in the first place.

You can set the "proper" movement speed by setting "Always Run" to "yes" in the menu. That would set the right sv_*speed. If the viewsize is so big it does not show the HUD by default it should be considered as a bug. Maybe you had an existing config.cfg that was the culprit for this? 
Points well taken...thanks. That has been my a question of mine...why have both config files. 
Generally you do not need a autoexec.cfg. If your engine does not work well without one (ie forgetting its settings) tell the authors about it.

but sometimes you don't want it to remember certain settings :) when i change certain values for taking screenshots only to reload the engine later to play a map and think "where the hell has my weapon/sbar/crosshair/fov gone??"

it isn't essential though, true. i just find it handy and have used the same one since 2001 or so 
You Need Two Seperate Commands For That 
Oh, I forgot about aliases. Those can only reside in a autoexec.cfg I think.

rj, I use this:

alias screenshot_on "r_drawviewmodel 0;crosshair 0;viewsize 120;fov 100;showtime 0;showdate 0;showfps 0;bind q screenshot_off"

alias screenshot_off "r_drawviewmodel 1;crosshair 1;viewsize 100;fov 90;showtime 1;showdate 1;showfps 1;bind q screenshot_on"

bind q screenshot_on 
That's good to know.....very unique. 
Statusbar Position 
OK...I found a way to have the statusbar show but now the problem is it shows at the bottom and pushes the screen up the width of the bar, so in effect I have lost screen real estate for the game equal to the width of the bar. My normal resolution is 1440x900 but I'm not getting the full 900px due to the statusbar position 
[Quote]Then you can also use scr_sbaralpha 0.99 (instead of 1) to get it to sit 'in' the view rather than below it, which imo feels nicer.[\Quote]

With scr_sbaralpha I get no postioning. Are you sure that's not related to transparency? 
it is transparency, but any value between 0 & 0.99 shouldn't 'push the screen up' as you put it. only 1 should do that. as far as i remember anyway, can't check atm as i've just reinstalled windows 
Wrong's Fitzquake doing it. I'm testing about 4 different ones.Actually Quakespasm has held number one spot so far. 
You Should Check Out.. 
the RMQ engine from the latest demo release (in the news on this site still). it's basically a modified quakespasm; i prefer it because of the coloured fx lighting and contrast slider (next to brightness.. really improves the look a la darkplaces) 
Travail-rhythmic Clipping Sound 
As the title states I get a rhythmic clipping sound when first starting Travail (only) in Quakespasm. Like...1,2,3,4,5,6 pause 7. It disappears usually after teleporting. It's on both channels and as I turn I can hear it more prevalent from the direction I am turned. Using Linux OSS.
Also this is not using the Travail soundtrack.
It's also not playing demos and the website says there are new demos and my console reads "demos in loop". 
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