Based On Screens Alone...
#1 posted by
metlslime on 2007/02/23 04:17:20
Looks like high quality texturing and geometry. Unfortunate use of minlight, but maybe it looks better in-game.
#2 posted by
R.P.G. on 2007/02/23 04:36:27
It looks pretty good, except for the flat lighting.
Unfortunately these days I don't play Quake--I just look at screenshots.
#3 posted by
JPL on 2007/02/23 10:58:21
The shots look interesting: I'll fly through the map ASAP... It's promising !
#4 posted by NahkahiiR on 2007/02/23 11:05:59
I tried to speedrun it, without success. I got stuck to everything imaginable. :P Sometimes I have this bug in quake that makes everything look green (wtf). So I can't say anything about lightning/textures and stuff. :)