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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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is it possible to break the text into smaller chunks so players see a bit of it at a time?

I don't know what you're planning but that might work -- player walks along, sees some text, walks farther, hits another trigger that displays the next bit of text, etc. Or, it can all be triggered without the player moving, just on a delay for each section.

If none of those ideas work, you might be able to hijack the "end of episode" text mode, like maybe have a bsp that gives the player a rune and then ends immediately, causing the text to appear, then when the player hits enter it goes to your "real" bsp which has all the gameplay. 
The big problem with extending the string buffer size for PF_VarString is that it has knock-on effects in so many other places. You know the "you got 10 shells" message - that comes from PF_VarString. As does "this hall selects hard skill", "player exited the level" and so many other things.

So if you extend the PF_VarString buffer then you've got to go extend every other buffer that relies on it - including the network message buffers as PF_VarString result go over the network too. And they're restricted to 1400 bytes or you'll get packet fragmentation. Maybe for the purposes of your mod you don't particularly care about MP, but be certain that the QS guys do, and they're aiming for the general case.

So ask yourself: "is my mod really that awesome that I'm willing to break the rest of Quake for it?" 
As mentioned in msg #362, PF_VarString() buffer has been increased from 256 to 384 in the svn (i.e. the development version.) If even that much isn't enough for you then, well, what you're doing is utterly broken. 
Thanks :) Is there anyway to suppress the constant warning message to developer only? I am assuming the engine is truncating the string so does it need to be a constant warning message? 
The message is reminding that the content is misbehaving, so I guess it should be always on for truncation, but *maybe* we change the "exceeds standard limit of 255" warning (where there is no truncation yet) to developer mode. 
I don't mind if the string is truncated, I understand you want limits on the engine, but the console just constantly fills up with the same message over and over. Can the engine just display the message once or just produce a warning for developer mode and truncate the string? 
Quakespasm Grappling Hook Mod 
I found a couple of grappling hook mods, and tried them out, and they don't work. It doesn't crash the executable, but it doesn't throw any errors, either. As a matter of fact, there is no information I could provide to you guys regarding. Anybody have any clue how to get a grap mod working? 
If you want to help the Quakespasm guys, provide a direct link to a download of a mod that doesn't work with Quakespasm.

They don't know what mod doesn't work. But you do. Save the developers time by providing complete information. 
I just tried:
and it seems to work fine. Haha, brings back memories of trying this in '97 or so.

Put the pak0.pak in quake/grap109b, launch with "-game grap109b", and once in-game, press "1" (i.e. select your axe) twice to activate it. 
@ericw RE: Quakespasm Grappling Hook Mod 
I've been looking for the grap109b mod for some years now. It was one of my favorites and I couldn't remember the name of it. The mod works perfectly. Thanks for the link. 
NAT Issue On 0.85.7 Under Debian Squeeze 
I am having troubles with NAT and IP binding. I have tried to get quakespasm to bind to a specific IP address and it still shows as bound to The machine I have it running on as a dedicated is also my gateway, so it has multiple addresses and adapters. I really would like it to bind to my internal IP address, then I can port forward from the public IP to the internal. Is there a fix for this? Is this possible with the code as it exists right now?

Here is command line:
quakespasm -ip 192.168.x.x -dedicated 16 -game grappling +exec xxxxxxxx.cfg 
RE: NAT Issue On 0.85.7 Under Debian Squeeze 
Here's the client log output

Port 26000 UDP is assigned by me.
Port 60982 UDP is randomly assigned each time the program executes.

I see nothing in the documentation regarding a second UDP port being configured or configurable. If someone could clue me in, I'd be very grateful.

Thanks in advance. 
RE: NAT Issue On 0.85.7 Under Debian Squeeze 
Here's some more on the UDP port assigns:

I get where the 26000 is assigned, but why the other port number? Why is it random each time? 
Just compiled it on OpenBSD, runs fine, awesome.
However the Makefile failed at detecting the os, had to set it to OpenBSD by hand, after that everything was good:) 
Any thoughts about crashing on OS X 10.8?

Crash log: 
Hmmm - it can't find libltdl.7.dylib

It'd be better if we'd linked to libltdl.dylib. Try something like

sudo bash
cd /usr/lib
ln -s libltdl.dylib libltdl.7.dylib 
Actually, it seems libltdl is indirectly linked ... So maybe it's a mountain lion issue
Use "otool -L libmpg123.dylib" to follow the library dependancies 
Thanks for the reply. Making symlink didn't solve the problem (there are not any libltdl* files in /usr/lib/).

Here is an otool output:

@executable_path/../Resources/libmpg123.dylib (compatibility version 26.0.0, current version 26.0.0)
/usr/lib/libltdl.7.dylib (compatibility version 9.0.0, current version 9.2.0)
/usr/lib/libmx.A.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 315.0.0)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 125.2.1) 
Yes - it appears libltdl has changed or something... but can't sort it out for myself. Apple are getting pretty aggressive with their OS upgrades at the moment. Lion was the shortest lived OSX ever. ... I might stick with snow leopard till there's a reason to upgrade.

Perhaps try this ?
On 10.8 I solved this issue with:
brew install libtool
brew link libtool 
Thank you, now it is works.

Already had homebrew installed but didn't realize that I could install missing lib myself :) 
Version 0.85.8 of QuakeSpasm is released:

* Made Quake shareware 1.00 and 1.01 versions to be recognized properly.
* Fixed control-character handling in unicode mode. Keyboard input tweaks.
* Made the keypad keys to send separate key events in game mode.
* Text pasting support from OS clipboard to console. (Windows and Mac OS X.)
* Support for the Apple (Command) key on Mac OS X.
* Fixed increased (more than 32) dynamic lights.
* Music playback: Made sure that the file's channels count is supported.
* Support for Solaris.
* Switched to using libmad instead of libmpg123 for MP3 playback on Mac OS X.
* Better support for building the Mac OS X version using a makefile, support for cross-compiling on Linux.
* Fixed a minor intermissions glitch.
* Increased string buffer size from 256 to 384 for PF_VarString to work around broken mods such as UQC.
* Restored original behavior for Quake registered version detection.
* Minor demo recording/playback tweaks.
* Minor tweaks to the scale menu option.
* unbindall before loading stored bindings (configurable by new cvar cfg_unbindall, enabled by default.)
* New icon.
* Miscellaneous source code cleanups. 
And what about support for FSAA (antialiasing) on OS X ?

And what about the command-H option to switch the app into background, as in Quake3 ? 
I have searched google trying to figure out what this command does, but have found contradicting answers. I'm making a high quality config that will render quake to look the best that it possibly can. I know that it has to deal with perspective correction on player models, but I don't know which value will effect this change. I want the models to have maximum quality so what should gl_affinemodels be set as? 1 or 0? 
I Looked At The Code. 
Thank you very much czg. 
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