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The Hl1 Tanks 
Are Tigers, I believe. And Nehahra had the Humvee's in some levels - I'm going to be stealing it for a current map.

I remember one level in basic q2 (not Lazarus) that had a working tank turret that was excellent, open area with a black parked tank with a dozer blade on the front, you had to open it up at the back (keycard) and chuck a grenade inside to kill the gunner, great stuff. 
Mmmm, Sprite! 
I use 'em

If it wasnt fer sprites, we never would have had polygonal stuff, then there would never have been cool stuff like HDR Lighting, bump-mapping and whatnot, realtime shadows. Spherical sprites are OK, your never gonna see it from the side. Globes look cool with marsh_lights, different colours!! 
There are too many WW2 games already

I agree on that point, maybe a simple war theme would be enough.... I'll see if I find another tank prefab (Leclerc, T62 or M1 tank would fit better I think).. something more in line with our spatio temporal continuum :P
In anyway, I will tune Tiger's texture to see if it is possible to make it looking better there.

About the editor, I'm using QuArK. It has an embedded terrain generator, but I don't like it: I prefer using Nemesis' terrain generator, and import the terrain file directly in the map.

Oh, and thanks for the texture recommendation: I'll take a look soon to IKBlue texture pack ;)

I also tried with several skybox, and I love this particular one, that looks really cool: thanks Kell for your DragonHeart skybox: it rocks !

Thanks a lot for all the comments and advices ! 
I challenge you to come up with a tank that would be used by an ogre. 
Here are 2 new shots of the modifications I did tonight:


Tiger tanks have been replaced by Russian tanks (T62 and T72), rock texture has been changed as well...

Inertia: Ogre's tank is effectively a challenge ;) but I don't want to start it.. maybe in another project :P

Enjoy ! 
Fucking Links... 
Stop with the orbs already... :) 
I Agree 
Change the orbs for an orb model or something - they're ok floating in the air but look a bit strange (in game) when supposed to be attached or resting on something. 
They Look Fine. 
Ogre Tanks 
The Weapon Factory (weaponf.bsp) had full-ID-style tanks - definitely something an Ogre would drive. 
Thta Looks Cool 
and orginal jpl. 
what's with the anti-orb stuff? it's by no means a bad sprite, and it works well for a light source in the shots. 
tanks in quake has been done before... remember airquake? the most awesome mod ever, better than nehahra! but they're not really quake style tho 
.. are more decorative than functional here... 
The Weapon Factory (weaponf.bsp) had full-ID-style tanks
ID-style, eh... 
that's the stupidest thing i've ever seen! 
Another Case 
Of memory / imagination playing tricks when dealing with old games - you remember it as some majestic fortress towering into the clouds, populated by vicious slant eyed goblins.

Then you go back and it's a bright pink cardboard box with block green stickmen.

Remember that from an Edge article. 
I guess they're worse than I remembered :) 
man, that's gold. thanks neg|ke :) 
...give the rock texture from Hexameron Phase three a go :) 
Hexameron Phase three ? Where can I find this ? 
I think he means Hexameron phase one, it's q1 sp map by NotoriousRay. From memory, it's the HL1 rock texture converted to the quake palette. 
Oh, I can check for HL rock textures: I have the wad at home ;) Thanks for the clue :) 
HL Rock Textures Suck 
The rock texture you're thinking of is one of the brown 256x128 Quake 2 ones. 
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