This Is Getting A Little Bit Ridiculous
#3920 posted by
ranger on 2024/10/08 08:23:47
any particular reason the
-"elevator sinking bug", (plus airquake tank turret updating bug)
-the "stuck on convex angle bug",
still not fixed after all these years? least you guys fixed the mouse glitch bug
#3921 posted by
mh on 2024/10/08 12:15:54
Some bugs are content bugs in the maps, not engine bugs.
Are You Sure?
#3922 posted by
ranger on 2024/10/10 09:40:59
i don't recall these bugs happening in winquake
particularly the "elevator sinking bug" (and airquake tank turret updating bug)
Just Tested In UQE
#3923 posted by
ranger on 2024/10/10 09:56:36
the "elevator sinking bug" doesn't happen in it...
#3924 posted by
mh on 2024/10/10 17:37:16
Stuck on convex angle is 100% reproducible in ID Quake and happens in e1m1; it was fixed in the Kex reissue by altering the map geometry.
Is There A Command Line Option To Set Start Up Map?
#3925 posted by
Levelworm on 2024/10/12 20:38:43
I'm looking at this page but couldn't find such an option, does it exist? Thanks!
#3926 posted by
metlslime on 2024/10/12 23:22:06
just adding “+map mapmame” should do it
New Bugs Found
#3928 posted by
ranger on 2024/10/31 09:03:32
If you start and quit Quakespasm, multiple times (like 5-6),
the game will suddenly not boot up/be a black screen when you try to run it again
#3929 posted by
ranger on 2024/10/31 09:04:36
Also sometimes Quakespasm will freeze or not be able to return to the game, after you minimize it