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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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Quakespasm 0.96.1 Released 
Version 0.96.1 of QuakeSpasm is released.


Changes since the previous version:

- Fix demo recording as client-only after connection to server (was
broken by signon changes in 0.96.0. Thanks to Jozsef Szalontai for
issue report.)

- Fix potential buffer overflow in COM_Parse(), e.g. with maps with
oversized 'wad' fields. (Thanks to Andrei Drexler.)

- Minor code cleanups. 
The Only Engine 
since v.0.96 is able to complete Mjolnir for now. May be it is time to update IronWail wich unable to run this mod normally? (map mj4m4 IW won`t load at any way for me). BTW IW my common Quake engine for now. I make no claims, I appreciate work of mr. Andrei Drexler. Thank You. 
What’s Wrong With Last QSS Release? 
(2024-march-01) Every step up the stairs is the pain for eyes, even 8 units high? 
@metlslime, @mh 
@metlslime, @mh :

I was reported a stack buffer overrun in Mod_PolyForUnlitSurface
Fixed easily by removing the hardcoded local verts and inlining
'convert edges back to a normal polygon' code into poly creation
as shown in the patch in there.

However, a similar local copy to a hardcoded local verts[64] is
also in GL_SubdivideSurface, and the same trick can not apply to
it. Its subroutine SubdividePolygon() checks for numverts > 60
and errors out if it is so, but GL_SubdivideSurface itself does
not check before copying to the stack buffer verts[64]: What is
a good solution here? Easy way out by erroring out if fa->polys->
numverts > 64 ?? 
I don't see an easy way to remove the arrays, since it's recursively creating new arrays as it goes. You could throw an error in GL_SubdivideSurface like you suggested. or do a warning and drop all of the remaining verts (leaving an incomplete polygon.) 
@metlslime : 
OK, will throw an error. Thank you. 
New Idea 
if surfaces are always convex polygons, GL_SubdivideSurface can pre-divide it into a number of “triangle fan” parts. that could be done inline by messing with the vertex array in place and keeping track and fixing it up as you go. then youre only sending safe data into the recursive function. 
Re: New Idea 
If you can send me a patch (sezeroz _at_ gmail _dot_com) I can
gladly test and include it in the next release. If not, well, we
have never hit a stack overrun in GL_SubdivideSurface so far and
this was just a safeguard anyway. Thanks. 
Quakespasm 0.96.2 Released 
Version 0.96.2 of QuakeSpasm is released.


Changes since the previous version:

- Fix stack buffer overrun Mod_PolyForUnlitSurface: fixes crash when
loading lim_daviddg.bsp from Liminal Spaces Jam.
- Fix potential buffer overflow in progs global string functions.
- Fix potential buffer overflow in Mod_LoadAliasFrame()
- Optimize BoxOnPlaneSide()
- Reserve enough space in PF_makestatic() for worst case scenarios.
- Improve handling of huge entities in SV_FindTouchedLeafs()
- Warn about bad maps with only 1 or 2 edges per face (e.g.: mj4m?,
alk_dancing, ej3_bizz, rotj_entsoy...)
- Apply FOV gun scaling for r_showtris
- Sliders with visible values in options menu.
- game command now refuses setting a non-existing game directory
- Fix build in C23 mode.
- Minor code cleanups. Updated third party code, e.g. SDL, music
codecs, etc.
- Thanks to Andrei Drexler, Alexey Lysiuk, Diordany van Hemert, and
Jaime Moreira for patches. 
Quakespasm 0.96.3 Released 
Version 0.96.3 of QuakeSpasm is released.


Changes since the previous version:

- Fix potential infinite loop when playing sounds with loop start >= end
(e.g. misc/forcefield.wav from Madfox's
- Fix possible overflow when resampling very big sounds (e.g. gram1.wav
from the 'A day like no other' mod.)
- Change Sky_ClipPoly to allocate on the heap in if MAX_CLIP_VERTS limit
is reached (e.g. with lim_daviddg from Liminal Spaces Jam)
- Minor code cleanups. Updates to third party code.
- Thanks to Andrei Drexler, Vincent Sonnier, Alexey Lysiuk, and Jaycie
Ewald for patches. 
This Is Getting A Little Bit Ridiculous 
any particular reason the

-"elevator sinking bug", (plus airquake tank turret updating bug)
-the "stuck on convex angle bug",

still not fixed after all these years? least you guys fixed the mouse glitch bug 
Some bugs are content bugs in the maps, not engine bugs. 
Are You Sure? 
i don't recall these bugs happening in winquake

particularly the "elevator sinking bug" (and airquake tank turret updating bug) 
Just Tested In UQE 
the "elevator sinking bug" doesn't happen in it... 
Stuck on convex angle is 100% reproducible in ID Quake and happens in e1m1; it was fixed in the Kex reissue by altering the map geometry. 
Is There A Command Line Option To Set Start Up Map? 
I'm looking at this page but couldn't find such an option, does it exist? Thanks! 
just adding “+map mapmame” should do it 
Thanks Metslime! 
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