Bumping before Breezeep posts a "24h jam 2" thread.
*spoiler* Tag?
Is this the "Not Enough Ammo Jam"?
What's (probably) happening next is a speedmap event.
It's Almost Time.
#3881 posted by
Breezeep_ on 2017/08/18 21:01:15
I'm currently thinking of the times for this session. It will last from Saturday 12:00 AM UTC to Sunday 12:00 AM UTC.
For reference, you can use this site to translate the time zones for yourself:
http://everytimezone.com/ Thoughts?
Cool website. Very nice UX. So I guess just a few hours to go before start time? Looking forward to it!
Works For Me
#3883 posted by
ionous on 2017/08/18 22:14:11
Time zones are always confusing for me, so that url worked wonders. Thanks.
Whatever Happened To GMT...?
#3884 posted by
Mugwump on 2017/08/18 23:06:57
When I was a kid, I was taught that GMT was the international reference time, and everybody was using it. It was simple, everyone knew how many hours to add/subtract according to their timezone and it worked perfectly fine this way. Now people talk in CET, UTC and what-have-you, and nobody understands shit...
Sandwich Time Is For Sissies
#3885 posted by
Qmaster on 2017/08/19 00:32:15
I guess.
GMT Is Alive And Well...
#3886 posted by Mike Woodham on 2017/08/19 00:35:01
GMT is now just a time zone. UTC is the same as GMT (or vice versa) but is now the global time standard.
#3887 posted by
khreathor on 2017/08/19 01:14:45
I bet Quake guy/ranger is using ZULU Military Time Format!
It's Time For SM179!
#3888 posted by
Breezeep_ on 2017/08/19 01:59:03
It's a relatively simple theme here, since sm178's theme was base, I thought I'd continue the trend from there. The deadline is
sunday, Aug 18, 12:00 UTC.
You can submit your maps here, and make sure your map is named like this:
You have
24 hours, GO.
Thanks For The Clarification, Mike
#3889 posted by
Mugwump on 2017/08/19 02:53:07
UTC is the same as GMT
I didn't know that.
#3890 posted by anonymous user on 2017/08/19 03:47:02
14 Hours Left...
#3891 posted by
Danz on 2017/08/19 11:44:17
Slept the rest of it.
Alright, I'll see what I can churn out in this remaining time.
More Like 21 ...
#3892 posted by anonymous user on 2017/08/19 12:43:09
The deadline is sunday, Aug 18, 12:00 UTC.
August 18 doesn't fall on a Sunday until 2019...
My Bad,
#3896 posted by
Breezeep_ on 2017/08/19 16:01:28
It's actually August 19, 12:00 UTC. Can a mod edit my post above?