What Do You Do......
#358 posted by . on 2003/02/22 07:05:20
when you spend HOURS on a map only to be totally disatisfied with it? I was really confident about it's start.. I had it sketched out and was following to plan. Then I realized the map lacked something, I don't know what. I was trying to add a 2nd level to the map but didn't know exactly in what I was going to, and now all that work is gone. What damn justification is there to wasted time like this?
#359 posted by metlslime on 2003/02/22 08:43:24
if you don't think it's worth the risk of failure, maybe this isn't the hobby for you.
#360 posted by wrath on 2003/02/22 10:43:23
don't worry about it, you're not saving the world, it's a quake map. relax, and keep mapping, scrap it if you don't like it - but keep mapping.
#361 posted by Vondur on 2003/02/22 10:53:01
yes, what slime and wrath said. it's just a hobby, no need to make inquisition out of it. find other, more satisfying hobby for yourself, if mapping is a torture for you. with troubles you have, there never will be a good map in the end, remember that.
 More For Phait
#362 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/02/22 10:59:14
What damn justification is there to wasted time like this?
Improvement. Getting more familiar with the tools. Learning what works and what doesn't.
The start room in RPGSP1 went through at least 3 completely different designs before I found one that was moderately acceptable. And this does not include the dozen less significant revisions I made to each design trying to get it to work.
Also, I'm working on a map now which has 2 rooms that are not good enough. I've reworked each room at least 3 times each, and they're still not right.
Mapping is not something you can do overnight. It took me 9 months to complete RPGSP1, and the final room was still rushed (and it shows). Take your time. When something doesn't work out, change it, or delete that part and start it again. It will come to you.
 Digital Cameras
#363 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/02/22 13:17:10
Okay, I'm vaguely considering purchasing a digital camera. I wouldn't use it very often, so I'm not interested in having a geekishly large amount of features, but I'd also like something of good quality and at a good price.
Any suggestions?
 Alternative Download Sites?
does anyone know an alternative download site i could use for map downloads at my site, apart from fileplanet?
It must be free, obviously.
#365 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/02/22 14:48:10
<RPG> Hey nice! Google search for "s4wk" brings up my old web page on Tripod!
<RPG> http://images.google.com/images?q=s4wk<RPG> haha
<RPG> Searching for "r4wk" brings up a picture of Vanessa Upton and a pic of me! :D
<RPG> 0wn!
<RPG> http://images.google.com/images?q=r4wk
<RPG> 0wn 0wn 0wn!
<Friction> bizarre
Now is that indescribably cool or what? :D
#366 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/02/22 14:48:55
 Note Also:
#367 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/02/22 16:17:58
You will need to turn Google's SafeSearch OFF to get those results.
#368 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/02/22 18:35:20
#369 posted by wrath on 2003/02/22 18:45:50
every other post is auto-generated by the metlslime-forumbot ai.
it's all a plot to kill you, we have your adress, you know too much, et cetera.
#370 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/02/22 18:52:06
If you kill me then at least I know you're not ignoring me.
 Quake Concept Drawings..
#371 posted by . on 2003/02/22 20:57:28
I wanna see em.. so, anyone know where they at? Can't find em
 Quake Concept Drawings..
#372 posted by . on 2003/02/22 21:06:09
I wanna see em.. so, anyone know where they at? Can't find em
#373 posted by necros on 2003/02/22 22:09:25
an alternative to scrapping a map, is to leave it alone for a span of time and come back to it later. i started nesp09 about ... shit... like a year ago or something. i just came back to it a couple of months ago, and construction is going fast again. if you feel yourself slowing down or getting bored, take a step back and get some fresh air-- work on something else maybe -- but don't simply delete your unfinished maps. you never know when you'll find something you really liked in an old piece of junk.
#374 posted by Vodka on 2003/02/22 22:28:18
Also make maps that are easy to walk and maybe even align textures !
#375 posted by Vondur on 2003/02/23 02:20:25
try http://www.dpreview.com, nice resource. it helped me to select my camera....
 Couple Textures I Did..
#376 posted by . on 2003/02/23 04:02:55
I don't know that I'm using them but..
I can do better, but this was kinda my first shot.. the tiles aren't as tile-ish as I want and aren't perfect squares um the bottom half of the wall needs to be done better.. the blood's alright.. what do you think?
 PH8TX1 In-game Screen
#377 posted by . on 2003/02/23 04:40:28
 PH8TX1/2 In-game Screenshot
#378 posted by . on 2003/02/23 04:50:28
 PH8TX1/2 In-game Screenshot
#379 posted by . on 2003/02/23 04:56:40
#380 posted by nonentity on 2003/02/23 05:08:41
See that thing called the screenshot thread? Right then.
 Ok Ok
#381 posted by . on 2003/02/23 05:15:40
Give us double-post protection NOW =)