Perhaps A Theme
with limited textures? Say 4 textures?
Something minimal, like a sky texture, a bright texture (for lights), and a dark texture and a lighter texture (for contrast)...
For example -
Pretty much all my maps will be dirtmapped now forever.
#3775 posted by
ijed on 2015/02/22 18:02:16
It pretty much makes everything look better.
#3776 posted by
Zwiffle on 2015/09/26 17:33:44
what's up with this thread
Zwiffle Is In Da Haus!
#3777 posted by
negke on 2015/09/26 19:35:56
It turned out people can't speedmap, so instead they now jammap - and so should you!
#3778 posted by
JneeraZ on 2015/09/26 20:39:36
Speaking of that... when's the next jam?
#3779 posted by
- on 2015/09/26 20:52:18
I would recommend a Nov or Dec Jam for... reasons.
Scamps Is Right
I'm so tied up right now that I have ended up missing a Jam for the first time.
#3781 posted by
JneeraZ on 2015/09/26 23:55:24
Right in the middle of the holiday season ... brilliant?
#3782 posted by
- on 2015/09/27 00:36:13
I'm merely suggesting that there may or may not be something released by then with cool new toys, which would be great for some jam mappery.
Holidays are a bit of an annoyance for sure though.
#3784 posted by
- on 2015/09/27 00:45:59
Perhaps as a good stopgap someone could organize a simple weekend 'retrojam' to happen in Oct? Pick a weekend and just make some basic maps in a day or two.
Reasons = October Isaac Release?
#3785 posted by
ijed on 2015/09/27 02:20:01
#3786 posted by
necros on 2015/09/27 03:38:58
Another Halloween map pack?
#3789 posted by
Cocerello on 2015/09/27 15:41:19
speedmap sessions are officially dead and now is the reign of jams ...
I'm gonna miss them. Well, when i get my health, time and a computer back i'll try to promote them, or at least make some packs myself, as speedmapping is the thing that drove me for mapping the most in these last years.
Everyone Threatens E4
but no-one ever dares to do it ;)
#3792 posted by
JneeraZ on 2015/09/27 18:19:47
Would be OK ... make ugly, random maps that make no sense. Done. :P
#3793 posted by
mfx on 2015/09/27 18:31:30
You forgot the "shit your pants" factor.
#3794 posted by
Kinn on 2015/09/27 19:20:01
Don't be so quick to write off E4. There's something about it that still freaks me out. Probably the deep shadows, wandering fiends, and periods of silence broken only by the sound of monsters teleporting around, triggered by god knows what.
#3796 posted by
Lunaran on 2015/09/27 21:56:21
e4 remakes needs to be a proper jam, not a weekend thing.