I felt guilty after reading the above post and still not having posted my demos, so I went to Quaketastic and discovered that I've already uploaded them in December, but forgot to post here :(
Better late than never I suppose.
DM1 - First one I've played from the bunch, very fun interpretation, though towards the end it felt a little repetitive.
swampy - Second one I've played, first one I've not finished out of frustration. This is a fantastically crafted map by all accounts but I found it utterly relentless. If I already wasn't func's biggest asshole, uploading 344MB of demos where I don't even finish the map would make me one.
necro - Came here to wind down from swampy, did not disappoint. Very fun, and lots of nice little touches everywhere, though I was a bit bored by the e1m5 bit. Scampie also continues to display his skill of coming up with similar ideas as I but actually implementing them.
DM5 - Nice honeyification, though the crux illumini felt a bit iffy for me. Great display of new stuff from AD. I think I still prefer negke's dm456sp though.
crucial - Clear improvement over mfxsp17 in many ways. mfx I hope you download these demos at least if you decide not to watch me fail swampy for 344 megabytes.
firetop - Probably the least "sock" map by sock. Does a great job with setting a malicious atmosphere from the start. The super secret is genius (I didn't get it in the demos though), but by the time you reach it, you don't really need the reward anymore.
lavatomb - Ionous I respect you immensely but this map was not for me at all. :(
obd - backstein is still too fresh in my mind, so haven't played yet...
===== TIME WARP!! =====
E1M1 - Nice, felt a bit empty and sterile though whereas Quake's E1M1 was pretty lively.
E2M2 - Holy wow this was an outstanding experience. I got 100% and I'm not even sure if I found everything. The moment when everything started clicking together was brilliant. Please excuse that one bit of godmode at the end ;-)