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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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Uhm, By The Way 
The "can't find aaaa.pcx" messages are gone, but the corresponding tga warnings are still spamming the console. 
Well, i don't know much about it, but i suppose they're occasionally useful error messages. 
Text Overflow Error 
I return once more :D

This time with a conundrum concerning one of my old favourite multiplayer mods - CoCoT's infamous 'Ultimate Quad Capture 1.4'! It can be found at Mod Database as the current new site is being renovated.

When accessing the menu to configure game settings, Quakespasm displays a repeat error message in the top left hand corner and some of the text gets cut off in the menu.

In the example screenshot, 10 game modes are meant to be displayed yet only 8 appear. You can still select the 10 with the appropriate key but their isn't any indication at all.

I never had this problem in Fitzquake, could it be a corrupt/odd config file?

Many thanks! 
that also happens in the menus in my rpg mod. same error message and not all the centerprint text is displayed. 
it's using the overloaded centerprint builtin, if that's any help. 
I suspect that you won't be very happy with the answer, but the problem is that there's been an overflow in the function PF_Varsting.


Oh, fine then. In the regular quake code PF_Varstring uses a standard c function called strcat to combine the list of strings passed to centerprint into a buffer. strcat is a a very classic c function, and so offers no error protection. If you give it strings which are too long then it will happily overflow the buffer with them.

The standard engine code has a buffer which can hold 255 characters, but just blindly assumes that you wouldn't pass it strings that combine to a higher character count. Evidently the menu in CoCoT's mod exceeds this limit. In regular engines this overflows the buffer, which works as far as the menu is concerned but might overwrite something important in memory.

Evidently Quakespasm uses a safer function for combining strings or does some extra manual checks. The upshot is that your string gets truncated, as the error message has told you. It's hard to fault Quakespasm for fixing a bug that could potentially crash the program.

I suppose that Quakespasm could increase the size of the buffer somewhat to accomodate the mod (which has evidently been getting away with breaking the rules in other engines). It does seem best to recommend that you don't pass more than 255 characters total into centerprint, lest one day it causes memory corruption or a general protection fault. 
interesting that is actually a bug. also interesting, i tested the rpg mod quite extensively in FQ and never once experienced a crash or any kind of memory corruption. 
FQ might not have crashed because of the way the compiler used to make it into an exe reserved the static buffer used in PF_VarString(). Different brand of compilers and even different versions of the same compiler has every right to adjust such things to their liking. So, FQ never crashed is *purely* by luck. What we do in qs is not trusting our level of luck. 
does this have anything to do with needing to use -zone 2048 to prevent crashes? i recall someone on inside3d mentioning that quakespasm allocates strings differently than other engines. 
No, nothing related to -zone, at all. 
Adding Features 
Can I request that IPlog be added for Identify please.
It would be swell to know who I am playing against. 
look at their nick name, anything else is creepy. people should have a right to anonymity through pseudonyms. 
Re: Text Overflow Error 
PF_VarString's buffer has been increased somewhat in the svn repo, fixing UQC's menu. 
QS : Any New Version Soon ? 
Are there any news about a new version of QuakeSpasm on OS X ?

I'm looking for a full support for FSAA, Vertical sychro screen redraw, and the ability to put the game into background using Command-H (as in Quake3). 
Hmmm - We need a new OS X dev. SleepwalkR and I are both busy with other things. 
Support Features Please 
Baker has a new Fitz build and I am hoping to get some of the improvements added for my Linux client.
"Oh yeah, remember your post about talk macros or view interpolations (shaky cam) ... ask for them to add SUPPORTS_TALK_MACROS, SUPPORTS_LEGIT_PING_SCOREBOARD, SUPPORTS_VIEW_ANGLES_INTERPOLATION."
I have had some help with the LOC file support now working.I hope there are more improvements you can use from baker's update though. 
step 1: share your own changes/work back to the community.

I never saw SUPPORTS_ flags before, is that new? where does that come from?

those examples look terribly named to my "alphabetical order should equal logical grouping" mind. 
That's just something baker added in the fitzquake mk. 5 source code to make his changes easier to find. 
What is this Bad "cue " chuck length (#) warning and why does it appear every time a map is loaded? 
Bad "cue " Chuck Length 
When a *.wav file is parsed, it looks for the "cue " chunk, if it finds it then it progresses to find a loopstart position. A bad cue chunk in the file is a chunk that reports its size as negative or going past the whole size of the *.wav file. Without such checks I added there, the engine may very well segfault (i.e. crash, which was the case with, IIRC, arwop mod or something.)
The print is done only in developer mode so it doesn't appear in usual game play. 
PF_VarString: Overflow 
Is there anyway to override the centerprint string truncation or suppress the PF_VarString: overflow console message? 
Even if there was it would be a bad idea to do it, because then your mod will potentially crash other engines by overflowing the buffer. 
Fitz Compatibility 
This works fine with the original Fitz0.85 engine and the new mark V engine. I know a few people who want to use Quakespasm instead of Fitz, so I am asking if this problem could be tweaked via a console command. I don't expect the default to change, I just want the option to override the (new) default used in this engine so I can offer my mod to a wider audience. 
PF_VarString: Overflow 
This is actually a bug fix kicking in. The buffer sizes for these functions could probably be increased but then you get into a war of attrition that I'm sure nobody wants. 
String Overflow 
I do think this situation is sad because without a way to fix this string overflow issue (still don't understand why a startup command line can't be added to allow longer strings) my mod simply won't work with Quakespasm.

I am sure someone is going to say 'Why don't you change your mod?" well, I use the centerprint function as a method for telling my background story and I don't want to delete it after all the effort I have put into creating it. 
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