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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Looks Great 
Very interesting ideas. 
I hate dwelling on negative things when everything else about those screen shots work superbly, and I may also be oversensitive to rock formation because I spend a lot of time hiking in mountains and foot hills so this advice can be taken with a little salt.

You are not going to see very many 90 degree vertical angles on the side of cliffs when you are in nature. Erosion tends to smooth things out. So using one long brush for a cliff side is not effective because cliffs are stratified in nature. If we had phong shading for Quake it would be easier to get away with it because the edges can be smoothed out and even warped with just the shading, but given our limitations, it is best to mimic stratification by using several brushes piled on top of one another. 
it's nice reading these comments. thank you all!

nitin: i hadn't, but just googled the author & saw a screenshot of the map & can see how you mean. i'll have to get round to reinstalling UT sometime & have a proper look at it

neg|ke: i enjoy occasional bouts of horde combat but certainly not in excession. i've vowed to stay away from planning the gameplay too vigourously until the bulk of the layouts are completed anyway.. so who knows :p

headthump: no worries man, i'm actually intrigued.. i'll admit they may not be completely realistic but i'm also having trouble picturing your description.. is there any chance you could knock up a small example map & post a screenshot? just something tiny to illustrate the brush piling thing, would appreciate it :) 
Sure Thing 
I'll put something together this weekend. 
triangular faces are your friends! 
thats reallty awesome, havent seen such coolness in years.
fov is cheated tho haha (wider fov = better looks)

hope to see it 
Triangular faces are not your friends; they are soul-sucking leaches that drain you of joy and mapping spirit. 
To Rj Again 
on lighting

It looks quite realitic - a bit washed out,
but still with proper sourced lights and shadows (unlike ORL screens that have unconvincing lite, like if he`d used linear falloffs). Reminds me of UT, which is good

minlight is the only way to simulate radiocity, but dont use a high value for it 
I'll put something together this weekend.

any action on this btw? no worries if you have no time or anything, i don't want to seem impatient. it's just i'm working on a particularly rocky section at the moment and got concerned about how to go about it, so have taken a break to work on coding :p 
Hey RJ 
sorry, man. I decided to use a terrain section of my base map as an example, only I didn't get as far in the construction of the map as I had hoped last weekend.

The map I made for the Winter/Norway pack (the .map file is included) has examples in the first and last areas of how you may use strips to emulate terrain, but it is not quite the technique I use now. 
Tricerops Tribolitus 
I know it still has a flattened skin, but I finally succeeded in the tribolitus new Quake 1 monster. Made it from scratch, based on the demon fiend.

But as I had no basemodel, I imported the original demon and stretched it back to base.
From that point I accelerated the animation frames. It may look a little scrunched, but the dxf files had so many errors, at least 15 in each frame, and there were 81.

Layed my hand on the qc, and thanks to preach it runs now with the demon leap and the shamblers magic.

comments are welcome. 
Animated Vieuw 
the qmle vision it supports... 
Ahah, I came in here to see it looked like the offspring of a squid and a triceratops, but I see you yourself have made part of that intentional.

It looks...odd.

I'd say the texture definitely needs some work, it looks like a higher quality texture that has been dithered down right now. The tentacles look weird as well but they could look cool ingame as it runs towards you. 
Pretty Nice 
I agree about the texture though, looks like it has some compression problems or something - a bit pixellated.

Looking forward to your next excursion Madfox. 
First I just used the demon _fiend skin, but I thought it needed something to make it look opposite this monster. So I used a scanned picture of a kamelion, but coming back in Wally all the colours needed to be substituted.
And that would be a longer job that I can effort.

Sure the texture looks pixellated, I wonder how RPG has done his retexturing work. If I scale up the skin0.texture it would survive, but then it would only be usefull in Fitzquake.
And as I ment it as a good old quake monster it wasn't my intention.

Also it has some nasty vericemeshes, but as I had already 825 behind, these less won't count. 
The skin has all sorts of colors in it that don't seem to belong there. That's why it looks "pixelated".
Does it have an attack animation yet? What does it do? 
If you aren't going to take the time to paint a proper texture at least use a better conversion method.

Go back to your source image and convert it to the Quake pallete using closest colours instead of dithering. 
What It Does... 
Alright, I know how it feels to see the pie, but you just can't taste it...
So I screwed my nightrestt to make a little level for you to test it and see what it does. Maybe it gives a better feeling of what you can expect. But be warned, Spirit. It is a rather strong monster.

Tron, I realize your comment. It is just that I had so much work on the vertice meshes (1215!) I haven't had enough time to do it. I'm surely planning to go on with it. I just wanted to make sure all the other things went right. When I had the kameleon tex in wally I experienced that, although I had converted it to the q1 pal, the colours still didn't match.

But I sureley will look into it. Have fun with the test version, you're free to comment. 
Did Someone Say My Name? 
I wonder how RPG has done his retexturing work.

Wait. Which retexturing work did I do? 
sorry RPG, I ment Starbuck. 
Rudl And Distrans 
Rudl: I have sent you 2 emails within the past 2 weeks regarding beta testing the oms2 maps and I have yet gotten a reply back from you. The last email I got from you was on July 7th. Is there a problem?

Distrans: You said you wanted to beta test, and I sent you the maps. You have not yet once sent an email back to me, and its been almost a month. Why did you want the maps if you were not going to get in touch with me about them? 
...Yeah, aplogies for not getting back yet. Travail release kinda got in the way.

I do in fact have a long demo with comments recorded, but when I reviewed it I discovered it was almost completely negative. I played oms24 again last night and decided I can also make some positive notes on it, so I plan to do a run through again this weekend and note as I go. If you don't want to kill me after you get that report then I could move on to 25. 
I did not see the second mail
I'll send you a mail today 
If you don't want to kill me after you get that report then I could move on to 25.

No no, send me all the negatives you find. I plan to do some very big changes to oms24 before its final release.

...Yeah, aplogies for not getting back yet. Travail release kinda got in the way.

Well since Travail was that good... I'll allow it. :)

Sorry, I did not see the second mail. I'll send you a mail today

Okay. Just making sure.

Sorry for sounding like a jerk in my previous post, but I haven't been having a very good week. 
You got mail ;) 
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