#27 posted by
Lardarse on 2008/07/12 22:13:40
Yeah... AVG is shit for false positives... Just after I reinstalled last year, I had to uninstall AVG to install DZip, then reinstall AVG again. This reinstall I'm likely not bothering...
I'll have a look at these when I reinstall Quake.
Those Look Awesome!
#28 posted by Drew on 2008/07/13 04:14:10
Once Again
#29 posted by
RickyT33 on 2008/07/13 05:26:02
They all are dude, they all are!!!
#30 posted by
negke on 2008/07/13 14:48:51
Sielwolf, seriously.. wtf at what you did in the lake map.
Drew, where are you!!!!
#31 posted by
dogToffee on 2008/07/13 16:05:31
off topic*
I've rarely had probs with AVG to be honest, been using it for beards. Dzip is the only consistant oddity. I can always use 7zip I guess.
#32 posted by Drew on 2008/07/14 06:59:05
No Quake til november!
#33 posted by
Trinca on 2008/07/14 10:23:30
Drew you need to have Quake always in a pen drive like i have :p
#34 posted by
Lunaran on 2008/07/14 13:13:41
Seconded ... did I just watch you beat all of negke's lake map with only the fucking axe?
Like whoa.
#36 posted by Steven on 2008/07/15 07:11:53
Spirit - devilish map. Trinca - imho that's your best. Negke - fmd, amazing ;>
Played Em --
#37 posted by
mwh on 2008/07/18 08:52:20
there are buttons in negke2? :) that would explain something...
(mostly first finishes rather than first plays i was being sloppy)