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Contract Revoked: The Lost Chapters
This information is repeated on the Lost Chapters webpage on my site, with images:

The Theme

Return To Fodrian

Fodrian is a planet. Though it isn't exaclty a medieval version of Coruscant, it is flecked and pitted with numerous cities, some vaster than could ever be fully explored. While the events of Contract Revoked depicted the trial of one lone slipgater, countless other beings have visited this world down the aeons.
Daring individuals frequently invade the library-cities, hoping to steal artifacts of great power and renown.

Written on pages torn out and discarded, filed away in secrecy or scattered to the winds, these are their stories.
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That's Krazy Talk! 
apsp1 is still a sweet ass ride. I played it for the first time last summer, and I digged it whole heartedly even though I lean more to the runic/midieval in my taste.

Good to hear you plan to map for this ambitious sounding project Kell and Necros have pulled together.

Documentation for it is particurly nice. 
If anyone of you is looking for famous Shakespeare quotes to name your map after, here's a pretty nice ressource: 
I Think 
someone just needs to make a Random Shakespeare Line Generator (TM). 
I Was Just About To Write 
a Random Shakespeare Line Generator, but it's alot of work thinking of the bits. 
Does the chapters.def have any problems regarding the .map's texture directory or map name? After switching the .config to accept .def instead of the .xml, I am no longer able to input texture directories to the Worldspawn. Same with map name. As a result, when I compile it into a .bsp the map loads up textureless, except for a lone, repeating black and white checker texture on everything.

afaik, def files don't affect textures at all. i'm guessing there's some hidden setting that gets switched when you change the file from xml to def... like a different mode. i don't know much beyond this since you're using 1.5... 
I'd Bet That Someone Will Use This Title 
And thus I clothe my naked villany

and that someone will be czg 
thinking of what bits? 
Well, I'm guessing he meant a Shakespeare-like quotes generator, and not just one that grabs random Shakespeare quotes as they were. 
From This Moment Forth 
I shall never speak word. 
Aye, spog said the texture directory and map name properties only work with .ent extensions, not .def. So, that sucks. But maybe he'll try to get them to work, or there's some quick hack I can fudge with. It's not too important right now, as there's still plenty of time to figure something out. 
Man, this is looking promising - Especially with Than throwing his pimp hat into the ring. If CZG were to get his worldcraft 1.6 on as well then I'd probably cum in my shorts. 
.ent File For GTKRadiant 1.5 
I converted the entity .def file to an .ent file so it works with GTKRadiant 1.5. I haven't had the time to test the file indepth and it's not very beautiful but it _should_ work.

If you run into any problems please contact me through this thread and I'll see what I can do.

You can download the file here:

Conversion was done using a small tool I'm currently working on that converts from and to .ent, .def and .fgd. I'm going to release this tool sooner or later, just need to polish it, add some features and test it a bit more... 
thanks a lot for this, Gom Jabbar! ^_^ 
is the best german evar! 
are you doing a map for this? Also, do you use worldcraft (if so, what version) - I'd be bloody amazed if you managed to make Marcher with WC 1.6 (even on a fast pc, the old unnaccelerated wc versions run pretty slowly unless you use visgroups wisely) 
are we allowed to use skyboxes, since fitzquake supports them?

What about hipnotic func entities? 
than, and anyone else interested:

I've already made 3 new skyboxes to complement the knave.wad
necros and I decided not to include them in the downloads because of the skybox bug still present in FitzQuake. We're hoping metlslime will be able to release the new version of FQ before the final Lost Chpaters pak is complete. I understand Von has already been harassing him about it :P

The 3 skyboxes can be downloaded here:

They correspond with the conventional scrolling-cloud sky textures in the knave.wad thus:

sky_red = fodrian
sky_starfield = stars
sky_void = void

Since I consider skyboxes to be 'special' textures like sky_ and *liquids, these skyboxes are officially part of the knave.wad
Do not use any other skyboxes.

To implement, add the key/value to your map's worldspawn, e.g:
"sky" "fodrian"

Note that the void skybox panels are tiny 16x16 black squares. Even if you intend to use void for your map, the skybox is preferable to the sky_void texture because ( as with all skyboxes ) the rendering can be significantly faster.

Hope this helps. 
Hipnotic Funcs 
Hipnotic rotating entities are currently not included with our chapters progs and are not part of this event. Sorry. 
Omg My Map Got P1mped 
I might just make a map for this now, kell u fecker! :) 
not sure where to post it.
decided here cuz it's hot editing thread now
(will copy in the mapping help too)

there's a bug in info_intermission description in the entities.def that goes with gtkrad 1.4.

here's the right part, replace it if you want less puzzlement with info_intermission:

/*QUAKED info_intermission (0 1 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
This is the camera point for the intermission.
Use mangle instead of angle, so you can set pitch or roll as well as yaw: 'pitch yaw roll'
If there is more than one info_intermission in the map, Quake will randomly pick one.
If no info_intermission entity is in the map, Quake uses the player start.
pitch -10 (look up10 degs) yaw 10 (look 10 deg left) roll 10 (tilt 10 degs right)

set 'pitch yaw roll'

I'm not that bothered about the lack of hipnotic ents, I just wondered if there was any more stuff planned or just not mentioned in the docs. 
there is plenty more stuff planned, but not for inclusion in the Lost Chapters - the rest will come dot O_O 
Entity Definition File Converter 
Just uploaded the little program I was talking about that converts entity definition files for Quake.

Currently it only converts the good old .def files into .ent files to be used with GTKRadiant 1.5. Additional file formats (i.e. .fgd) and games might be added in the future.

You can download the program here:

Hope it's of any use to some of you... 
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