#26 posted by
R.P.G. on 2004/02/16 14:59:06
That sounded a lot more serious than it was supposed.
He Loathes Me, He Loathes Me Not
#27 posted by HeadThump on 2004/02/16 18:37:31
You can't go through life pleasing the critics (except for that amazingly wise UnderWorldfan) nor letting them set the standards for your artform or indulgent hobby (ditto the last sycophantic parenthetical statement). Take the movies for instance. Did any of the reviewers give SuperTroopers a good rating? Of course not, after all, it was a horrible piece of dumbass crap but, man, I laughed my ass off watching it.
So the lesson here, is, I hope you guys laugh your asses off (at me) playing my crappy speedmaps. Tell me how bad they suck, I could use the feedback. Whatever trips your trigger, I'm down with.
#28 posted by HeadThump on 2004/02/16 22:14:03
That may have sounded more serious than it was supposed to of sounded as well. I don't completely get my own humor sometimes.
'people don't watch homo porn when their friends are around'
Reminds me of a friend I had in college. We would watch porn and he would slow down the tapes on the blowjob scenes. I would tell him, 'hey, what are you doing? Fast forward that -- she still has her clothes on.' Of course, he came out of the closest a few years ago.
Well, Okay
#29 posted by HeadTrump on 2004/02/16 22:22:44
'Of course, he came out of the closest a few years ago.'
Well, okay, the story is more interesting than that -- he spent 1800 dollars a few years back on a very convincing tranny.
#30 posted by
- on 2004/02/16 23:00:47
Was his name Bobby Brown?
Oh Common
#31 posted by
pushplay on 2004/02/16 23:07:28
Whitney Houston isn't that convincing.
#32 posted by HeadThump on 2004/02/17 01:13:13
If coke makes girls look like that, girls stay away from the coke!
#33 posted by HeadThump on 2004/02/17 01:14:56
I don't do crack Diana; I'm too good for crack.
#34 posted by
Shambler on 2004/02/17 05:38:18
Yup I secretly enjoy playing speedmaps AND watching homo pr0n... of those I am considerably more ashamed of that the other :P.
#35 posted by Lunaran on 2004/02/22 01:03:20
I had fun. I was bored, and SM67 helped fill an hour enjoyably.
I wish I'd played Xen's last instead of Jacek's, though. :(
#36 posted by
madfox on 2004/02/22 21:35:00
How speed can map the decently killing...