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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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FTE And Mark V Work Though 
FTE and Mark V both work with OpenGL though, trying to use vulkan in FTE caused it to have a freaking seizure which is more or less what I expected would happen if I tried to run a game with vulkan on here LOL, it just isn't good enough for that even if it has it. I also apparently get over 400FPS in FTE with the vanilla/"spasm" graphics settings which is always good. So maybe I'll switch to FTE for the time being until QS gets its crap together with the GL renderer. 
until QS gets its crap together with the GL renderer

You might consider that ericw does what he does for free and that engine development is hard and involves many combinations of operating systems, graphics cards and equipment.

@ericw - I have Mark V log the command line in the log. That way if someone posts the log, you don't have to ask what command line they are using. 
well, ok, what I meant by that was "until ericw can find the problem and it gets fixed". Like I said if I could figure out what the problem was exactly I would give more helpful info but he is probably in a much better position to do that than I am since he is the one developing it. I guess the best advice I could give is buy a cheap crappy $300 or under laptop like the one I have with intel HD 600 or similar GPU and profile it and see what part of the renderer is causing it to get angry, the one I have in particular is this one 

"I'm having an issue running a 20+ year old game on my laptop! Go spend hundreds of dollars tracking down an esoteric issue I can solve by using other software."

This makes zero sense to me. It's good to ask for help, but to suggest that Eric spend hundreds of dollars to help you out is pretty wacky! 
As engine developer, if my engine didn't run on a popular computer running a popular operating system using a popular graphics card I'd be irritated. But "we cannot safely draw that conclusion yet".

All that is seen so far is someone appearing to have an issue exclusive in the universe to their computer (but it might not be -- re:poorchop + Mark V).

Whether or not the suggestions by individual having a problem are feasible, there is still a problem.

And so goes engine coding. Which is why engine coding is hard. Engine coding is being the frontline for unwanted situations/knowledge. And you are always better to know about them! 
I have a laptop with Intel graphics. Actually I have 2. They both run Mark V and QS fine. The only issue is that the 4k laptop is a bit choppy. 
I see, what model of intel hd is it? And is it "HD" or "UHD", mine is a "UHD" 600. Also maybe you should try lowering the resolution of the game to increase the FPS, playing quake in 4K doesn't really make much sense especially on a weak gpu, my max res for quake would be 1080p personally 
I've one with an Intel UHD 620.

It easily hits over 1000 fps in ID1 timedemos.

It plays Doom 3 at over 60 fps.

It runs QS and other engines flawlessly.

So I guess you need to give more info about what you're doing to cause QS to have a meltdown. You mentioned something about a map you're making - is your problem confined to that map only? Can you run other content? Can you share the map (or a minimal example that reproduces the problem)? Single-stepping the texture loader in a debugger seems a good place to start, based on other info you've provided. This is going to be something like a 0-sized texture causing a code path to trip over itself. 
It isn't occurring with the map technically. Basically what happened with my map is that I accidentally compiled it without textures and it loaded up fine. But when I compile it with the textures it crashes. BUT it doesn't just crash on MY map, it crashes on EVERY one, even vanilla id1. It also won't load the demos on the start screen either. But FTE and Mark V both work fine with all the maps I have including id1 (in opengl mode anyway, FTE doesn't have such a fun time with Vulkan let's just say that :D). So it's a Quakespasm specific problem that is effecting every map. What debugger would you recommend I use to check it? The only debugger-Like program I've ever tried to use on games is Cheat Engine and it wasn't for actually debugging things hehe. 
I'm suggesting that the Quakespasm developers could debug it, not you, but from the extra info you've provided it does seem a larger problem with your setup for sure - crashing on vanilla ID1 maps is not a good sign. 
Hm I'm not sure what it could be. My drivers are up to date and it only happens in quakespasm in particular. It can handle other ports and even other games just fine, I've just started playing Eve Online recently and it is at least playable albeit with almost everything on low settings. So not sure what is going on there since everything else works as expected. What do you think it could be? 
OpenGL vs Direct3D - most games don't use OpenGL.

A suggestion: try a totally fresh, vanilla Quake installation, with unmodified PAK0.PAK and PAK1.PAK, and nothing else.

I'm not suggesting this as a solution, it's a troubleshooting step - just trying to carve up the problem and see where the cause might be. 
I have a sneaky suspicion that you've managed to get a bad opengl32.dll into your Quake folder is what I'm saying. 
A suggestion: try a totally fresh, vanilla Quake installation, with unmodified PAK0.PAK and PAK1.PAK, and nothing else.
This would be helpful, and if you don't mind, please post the console log again as I'd like to confirm what driver version the engine is picking up (iirc I've seen intel driver installs seem to work and then not actually end up being used.)

We did have report of corrupted textures in July with:
GL_RENDERER: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530
GL_VERSION: 4.4.0 - Build

Unfortunately the only Intel graphics I have handy is HD4400 which runs a a different driver, and the latest drivers work fine for ne, 
Console Log 
LOG started on: 08/14/2018 15:25:00
Playing registered version.
Console initialized.
UDP Initialized
WIPX_OpenSocket: Address family not supported by protocol family
WIPX_Init: Unable to open control socket, IPX disabled
Exe: 16:04:16 Jun 6 2018
256.0 megabyte heap
Video mode 640x480x24 60Hz (24-bit z-buffer, 0x FSAA) initialized
GL_RENDERER: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 600
GL_VERSION: 4.5.0 - Build
FOUND: ARB_vertex_buffer_object
FOUND: ARB_multitexture
FOUND: ARB_texture_env_combine
FOUND: ARB_texture_env_add
FOUND: SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval
FOUND: EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
FOUND: ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
Intel Display Adapter detected, enabling gl_clear

Sound Initialization
SDL audio spec : 44100 Hz, 1024 samples, 2 channels
SDL audio driver: directsound - Speaker/Headphone (Realtek High Definition Audio), 65536 bytes buffer
Audio: 16 bit, stereo, 44100 Hz
CDAudio disabled at compile time

========= Quake Initialized =========

execing quake.rc
execing default.cfg
execing config.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
3 demo(s) in loop


Using protocol 666
Couldn't find a cdrip for track 4

The same thing happens with a fresh quakespasm install and a fresh copy of the paks, it launches but the demos don't load and it crashes when I try to start a new game. And it would indeed appear the drivers are being used. So it isn't that unless there is something wrong with the drivers themselves in which case I don't think I can do anything about that... 
Putting -noglsl Works Though 
Running it with -noglsl does work though, so I guess all this bickering is for nothing :D But when I do -noglsl the mouse is stuck on top of the window which causes the game to lose focus and minimize itself whenever I click, this behavior was the exact same on 0.93 as it is on 0.93.1 and I actually pointed it out yesterday as well. But, why would I need to put -noglsl when the card has GLSL and other engines accept it? Ugh. 
Thanks For The Confirmation 
It does sound like a driver bug to me.
If anyone else has an Intel laptop that is compatible with this latest driver, it would be interesting to hear if you can reproduce the crash:
(there's a long list of supported model numbers there, includes HD Graphics 500 and 600)

But when I do -noglsl the mouse is stuck on top of the window which causes the game to lose focus and minimize itself whenever I click, this behavior was the exact same on 0.93 as it is on 0.93.1 and I actually pointed it out yesterday as well.
I have no idea how switching the rendering code path could trigger this. :(

btw another engine worth trying is vkQuake: 
The mouse going over the window instead pf being attached to it only happens in fullscreen, I'm wondering if it's part of the same driver issue. And it's also only a quakespasm problem as far as I can tell... 
Intel UHD 620, driver version (latest), Quakespasm 0.93.1, clean configs, no command-line args, Windows 10 1803 fully-patched.

Tested various windowed modes, as well as fullscreen at both 1920x1080 and 640x480; runs without crashing.

NOTE: the mouse pointer thing does not happen at 1920x1080 but does happen at 640x480. This is caused by Windows, not Quakespasm - specifically the "Optimal resolution notification" warning. To stop it, you need to set your Windows resolution to something lower than native, then click on the warning when you receive it, where you will get an option to disable it. This option is probably also buried somewhere in the Settings app.

Alternatively play at your native resolution - I seem to recall that Quakespasm has a video-scaling feature to emulate lower resolutions but I can't remember the cvars to use.

For completeness, here's the stdout:

Command line: C:\Games\QS\quakespasm-sdl12.exe
Found SDL version 1.2.15
Detected 8 CPUs.
Quake 1.09 (c) id Software
GLQuake 1.00 (c) id Software
FitzQuake 0.85 (c) John Fitzgibbons
FitzQuake SDL port (c) SleepwalkR, Baker
QuakeSpasm 0.93.1 (c) Ozkan Sezer, Eric Wasylishen & others
Playing registered version.
Console initialized.
UDP Initialized
WIPX_OpenSocket: Address family not supported by protocol family
WIPX_Init: Unable to open control socket, IPX disabled
Server using protocol 666 (FitzQuake)
Exe: 16:01:39 Jun 6 2018
256.0 megabyte heap
Video mode 640x480x32 60Hz (24-bit z-buffer, 0x FSAA) initialized
GL_RENDERER: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620
GL_VERSION: 4.5.0 - Build
FOUND: ARB_vertex_buffer_object
FOUND: ARB_multitexture
FOUND: ARB_texture_env_combine
FOUND: ARB_texture_env_add
FOUND: EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
FOUND: ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
Intel Display Adapter detected, enabling gl_clear

Sound Initialization
SDL audio spec : 44100 Hz, 1024 samples, 2 channels
SDL audio driver: dsound, 65536 bytes buffer
Audio: 16 bit, stereo, 44100 Hz
SDL detected 0 CD-ROM drives

========= Quake Initialized =========

execing quake.rc
execing default.cfg
execing config.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
3 demo(s) in loop
]playdemo demo1
Playing demo from demo1.dem.

the Necropolis
Using protocol 15
Couldn't find a cdrip for track 2
You got the shells
You got the Grenade Launcher
You receive 25 health
You get 2 rockets
You got the rockets
You got the nailgun
You got the nails
You got the nails
You receive 15 health
You receive 15 health
You got the rockets
You get 2 rockets
You got the nails
You got the nails
You receive 25 health

You need the gold key

You got the gold key
Shutting down SDL sound 
That was me, by the way. 
I see, well I wanted to play on a lower resolution than native for performance reasons (never really tried playing at native res but I just wanted to be safe) though I suspect the CPU would be more of a hindrance to fps than the GPU, it's only a dual core @ 2.6ghz :( Also I'll disable the "optimal resolution" bs ASAP, I knew that it popped up every time since I would see it in the notifications after I exited but I didn't know it was causing the focus pro len :o. 
Yeah, it seems to be trying to steal the focus and having a good old fight with Quakespasm over it.

I'm sure that there's probably a more general solution to this.

Regarding performance, Quakespasm should be considerably less CPU-limited than other Quake engines (and certainly less so than the original FitzQuake base, which was very CPU-limited and contained a high number of pipeline stalls per frame), but for Quake content you should get decent performance at almost any resolution. 
Thanks Mh 
Good to have confirmation that the latest intel driver doesn't crash for you.
Still at a loss as to why the QS OpenGL 2.0 renderer isn't working for therektafire. Could be we're doing something unusual that triggers a driver bug with his specific hardware (UHD 600 vs your UHD 620).

also thanks for the reminder about the "optimal resolution" thing, now that you mention it, I remember seeing that as well. 
Pardon My Noobness But... 
could it be possible that another program like TB messed with something? I know TB's min. OpenGL requirement is 2.1... 
Well TB runs surprisingly smoothly on it all things considered, at least with the smaller maps I've given it so far. There aren't any errors with it or Wally or any other quake related app tat I've tried so far. Also the hd 600 supports opengl 4.5 so I don't see what the requirement of opengl 2.1 would have to do with anything unless you are implying that it changed some driver setting? Does/can it do that? If so that's kind of problematic since it shouldn't exactly be doing that to begin with... 
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