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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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The last pic makes love to my eyes. I'm looking forward to it, hrimfaxi. 
The Last Pic Makes Love To My Eyes... 
Yikes! (o_O) 
Well, More Like 
that map pulls out her big ol' titties and rubs them in my face, but she doesn't go all the way yet because that
map is a good girl and we have just met. 
I'm sure we all know how fun skull-fucking HeadThump can be. 
No Thanks Vigil 
I have plenty of floss. 
it does suggest a new approach to writing reviews if you are still in to that sort of thing. 
Warp Spasm Beta Pack 
Is ready. It�s a 7 map Qouth episode that needs playtesters at easy and normal skills.

There are some known issue bugs that I can�t be bothered to correct and reupload just yet - a missing snfx and the secret level is missing a rune to access it.

It needs one of Aguire�s engines and Qouth.

If anyone is interested send me a mail at louismanning -at- gmail -dotcom- and I�ll send a link. 
Idbase Forever! 
That Is Neither Idbase 
nor is it forever. 
I Agree 
About Image Hosting 
if the pipeline is not an option anymore (sad), you are welcome to use my Shub-Hub for it (maybe better than the usual imagehosters, maybe not). Just upload your images into the /images folder. The password is for uploading is ilovetheshubhub. I can't remember if I ever announced it here at func, however here you go: 
I wonder how a DM map with like six megahealths would play ... could you design it such that one person couldn't lock down all six? 
6 rooms that aren't connected, one spawn in each room, one megahealth near each spawn. QED. 
I guess that would just balance it out, actually. After all, even if one person did</d> manage to keep control of all of them, they're still capped at the maximum health limit... so even though they may be able to stay at high health for longer, they don't really have a bigger advantage than they would have had they just collected the megahealth in an ordinariy map.

On the other hand, since it would be all but impossible to control all of the MH spawns if they were reasonably spaced apart, the other player/s could easily obtain the MH themselves, nullifying the advantage that the dominant player might have had.

I guess if you look at it that way, having 6 would almost be the same as having none - there would be no real advantage to be gained in most situations, assuming everyone is regularly picking them up. Having said that, it might add a random/unpredictable element to the gameplay, especially since they do decay over time - so when you pick them up matters!
I have yet to master the preview function. :)

Stating the obvious - now in italics! 
of 1on1 in DM2...

Mars Blars Toot Bloot 
The shots look cool... while the bottom text sucks ! 
That First Shot 
looks like StarCraft in 3D. The textures (and use of them) are remarkably similar to the Installation tileset.

Where are the zerglings? 
Awesome. Please write the introduction texts for all my future maps. 
Texts Are Placeholders 
Though the corporate BS I took from the Oracle website does bear significant resemblance to ID's level descriptions. 
Far More Interesting, Though 
I Didn't Know They Used Java On Mars Though 
...but that might a be part of the generally hellish theme they've got going there. 
Looks Great 
when? :) 
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