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Is it going to kill you to admit the obvious? I would not have brought that matter up again, but Gib asked. 
"wrath and headthump: shut the fuck up"
I wasnt asked to say this by anyone...
oh, and americans suck, except scampie, and biff, but he is an african-american-indian or something. 
Come On, Tell Them The Truth, 
and I will not bring it up again, unless Wrath is aching for another slapping. 
Shine On Your Crazy Apricot 
Ford Johnson decided to post his first fax in 1972.
He was the one who used this @ for the first time.
At the beginning of every apricot sits an ape.
Ford Johnson was American.

I am an European, without racial intensions.
Nowadays every Earthling uses this item to get on the internet.

There is no sense in this writing at all.
(at least no racial motives)
And yes, I will map on as long my name is MadFox 
if you have a problem with wrath, email him. If he has a problem with you, he'll email you. Until then, shut the fuck up and get this crap off our board. 
Yes Please 
Shut the fuck up. Quit trying to prove one of you superior to the other. You both suck. Except for wrath. 
Okay, Scampie, Put It Like This, A Simple Yes Or No 
Are you ever in your life likely to go up to an African American football player (which European Bretheren should understand make up over 80% of those who wear the uniforms in Pro, college and high school football) and describe him a an 'ape in lycra.'? A simple yes or no? 
i'm not discussing, i don't care. shut the fuck up and discuss mapping. 
A Simple Shut The Fuck Up 
to a bunch of simpletons
"shut the fuck up"
...or at least TRY to be funny. 
LISTEN UP YOU FILTHY APES! (Yes, you too. Put that banana down)

This discussion is now about GUN CONTROL. Express your views on this matter freely. Just like last time, remember? 
Dang, Man 
'i'm not discussing, i don't care. shut the fuck up and discuss mapping'

You dont have to be so verbose about it, a yes or no would do. 
shut the fuck up. 
You can't argue trivialities in here, this is the general abuse thread! 
Wrath, HeadThump 
wrath: you're funny. Thanks.

HeadThump: you're funny, but not in the same way as wrath.

Apparently scampie wants you two to be quiet, though, and I'm a mindless sheep so I'll say the same thing.

Oh, and I've never heard the word "ape" used in a derogatory way before, but there are so many slang words that I wouldn't be surprised if "rutabaga" is actually a slang word for "internet losers trying to be smart." 
No! Don't Shut Up! 
This is rather entertaining. 
Sushimaster & The Ape 
fuck shuts ape up and gets strangled by apricot 
Well, Pushplay 
it appears that we are about to give Scampie a coronary if I push him any further. So, though I would love to have Wrath's head on a pike it can only happen in the metaphorical sense. So perhaps we should get away from this argument which incidentally Scampie started, and I attempted to end last night, but Wrath had to come back for more.
Personal Score Card
Scampie 27 < I could never get him to say yes or no
HeadThump 21 < a minor slip up in the third quarter cost him the game.
Wrath< 10 he hung on til the end, got to give him credit for that. 
I give this thread rating of Three Lobsters and a Pitchfork.

Also: Erotic Aliens fanfiction.

�No hurry, L�hvisss,� she hissed softly, rubbing her face on the soft skin of his belly and breathing in his scent, he could feel her drool dripping onto him. �I wish to taste you first, ahh yes. You are big for a human, much more so than any other I�ve seen. Mmm, yes, I want to taste you.�

She slid out her inner jaws and gently enclosed him in her small set of teeth, he stayed perfectly still even though he had seen her do this before to alien males. It was just the most wonderful thing that had so far happened to him, the great Queen S�liithsss sucking on him. So gentle she was with her teeth, being careful not to scratch his tender skin, he was like nothing she had ever tasted before. He leaned forward onto her crested head and sighed happily, his hands stroking the lines of her chitinous crown. He could feel those teeth, so sharp, yet she used them so delicately, warm drool ran down one leg as she sucked and slurped hungrily. He could have stayed there indefinitely, just letting her do this to him, she clearly enjoyed doing it. With infinite skill, she used both sets of teeth on him, drawing out the pleasure, he felt her warm breath on his skin, and oh, how much she knew how to tease!

�You�re wonderful, S�liithy, oh yes ahhh, but you excite me too much, I ain�t gonna last long with you doing this to me. I can already feel it on its way, I can�t help it!�

�I know,� she said with amusement. �Which is why I�m doing this first, I want to taste you as I said. It will steady you, and make the experience better for both of us.�

�Ahhh, S�liithy, you are too good, ahh, here it comes, oh yesss!� he gripped onto her head as he felt himself pulsing into her waiting jaws in great spurts. �Oh, S�liithsss, but you are so sexy!�

�Mmm yes, you taste� different. Less acidic. Quite tasty, young L�hvisss, oh yess!�

He reached between her legs again, sliding his fingers into her and wiggling them, making her squirm, his other hand stroking himself.

�Oh, yes, S�liithy, you�re ready, now I have to get into you, I need to feel you on the inside, oh you smell so nice, I want you.� He knelt down so he was on a level with her as she lay there partially on her back, he could feel that deep, rumbling, growling purr she made when she was happy, it reverberated right through her body. He pushed her leg out of the way and straddled her tail, then lined himself up, he could smell that hot female smell coming off her in waves as he teased her. He sat down onto her twitching tail for a few moments, enjoying the feel of the rippling muscles between his legs. One of the bony bumps rubbed him in just the right place, making him squirm on her. �I love your tail, sweet S�liithsss, mmm.� He leaned forward onto her and teased her sensitive places with the end before pushing it in. 
At Second Hand 
It is said to be wrong to give yourself credits
Nice . . . . 
I see the influence of Jame Tiptree Jr. there 
Map Name Ideas? 
Lycra Ape
Spandex Chimp
Synthetic Fiber Monkey
Polymer Gorilla
Fishnet Anthropoid
Suflex Orangutan
Stretch Denim Gibbon

While I read Wrath's comments as stictly refering to Football players in general (obviously no racial intent)... I'd rather not be the one to walk across my street and have to explain to the lads in the park that they (while playing football) are lycra covered apes.

BTW I care little for both forms of Football, gimme professional jousting any day.

I think there is quite a myth floating around about the lack of integration in the US. My "hood" would be about 45-40-15 (as in White-Black-Other). Every place I frequent (shopping, entertainment, what have you) has approximately that same mix. My direct business competatiors are equally mixed and have been so for over 17 years. In my experience with the point about crime/prisons those that fill the cells tend to be those that commit the crimes. Where I live there is no specific racial, socio-economic underclass (again refering to my hood) but the crime is commited predominately by the young black males. Almost all of the area city government leadership positions (including public safety) are held by black people. The surrounding counties are very mixed as well... Eh?

Maps Maps Mapping Maps... Q2 R00lZ!

There now, I needlessly added my worthless blather to this rediculous mess BUT I did bookend my comments refering to maps and mappage. 
The Use Of 'ape' 
was obviously an insult to all american football players. 
Jimbo = (Irish + Swedish + English + French + Unknown) = 100% American 
Love the logical fallacies you guys are tossing
around. :)

Oh and technically there is only one race
"The Human Race" genetic variations are
comparitively miniscule between the various
cultures and ppl. groups. DNA variations
between any two humans is typically
around 0.2 percent (J.C.Gutin, "End of the
Rainbow," Discover, Nov. 1994).

Side note: I own 3 Guns and they are all under my control. SKS 7.62x39mm, Marlin .22lr and
Taurus .45acp also hoping to add an AK47 or AK74 to my collection later this year. :) 
But who else is going to look after little Thumpy's interest?

He has obviously become this site's Fred Durtz .

'I don't know why everybody wants to hate me . . .' 
HeadThump Why Don't You 
just play my sequel like you promised
before I can intercourse this timedelayed message board. 
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