Thanks For The Comments And Typo Correction
So far, I've put all of my attention into the geocomp and technical matters. Even at its current size it is still only 3543 brushes, so there is still much to add.
The texturing is sloppy 'cause I've been back and forth quite a bit on texturing. At one point it was all IkBlue and then IkWhite, but those didn't work for these designs.
I like how the Q3test textures work for the exterior shots, but as all of you point out, more variety is needed for the interiors (though these compliment the traditional Quake Runic set quite well).
Kell's Knave is one possibilaty. Or, I could take his advice and make my own, as I have plenty of designs that would translate well in
Quake. That would add at least a month to the development time though.
One last thing, this shot was suppose to be included in the others, and it is probably the best one!