#26 posted by
gone on 2006/08/14 01:03:11
lots of stuff piled into a 'mod'...
any1 played it?
For Disabled Mappers
#27 posted by shadowtails on 2006/08/14 01:37:02
I want to ask disabled mappers for reply to this item.I�m sorry that i use your maps without your permissions. If some of disabled mappers want to delete their map from my mod just reply this item and write the map witch you want to delete.
#28 posted by
metlslime on 2006/08/14 01:40:42
most of those guys don't read this forum
#29 posted by metlslime on 2006/08/14 01:46:59
Yeah but most of those guys hasn�t got a valid email.
Correcting Previous Reply
#30 posted by shadowtails on 2006/08/14 01:49:24
it is not by metlslime but for him.I fill wrong row.SORRY METLSLIME
#31 posted by
metlslime on 2006/08/14 01:57:43
Right, some of these guys would be hard to contact. But that doesn't somehow imply that you have permission. If you look at the original text file for most of these maps, you'll see something like this:
This level may be distributed via any medium (ie: Internet, BBS, CD-ROM, compilation disk) as long as it maintains the name ELEKTRA.BSP and is supplied in a zip file called ELEKTRA.ZIP that also contains this text document and no other files.
Without talking to them personally, this license is all you have to go on.
And on top of the levels, there are songs and models and maybe other stuff that is taken from commercial games. I'm sure you can easily contact id software about the Quake 2 models and music, and they will give you an answer about those.
Unfortunately, the right thing for you to do is to start with an empty list and add to it only those things which you know you have permission to use (the GPL levels, the textures, the engine, the code, maybe some of the models?) and get rid of everything else.
#32 posted by Tei on 2006/08/14 02:06:16
Imho, you sould stop. Make a list of offending material, and remove it. Then re-release.
About this:
[[This level may be distributed via any medium (ie: Internet, BBS, CD-ROM, compilation disk) as long as it maintains the name ELEKTRA.BSP and is supplied in a zip file called ELEKTRA.ZIP that also contains this text document and no other files.]]
Maybe you can mod darkplaces as support .zip as a alias of .pk3
You have forgoten the credits file?
You n00b!! :DDDDDD