This Is News To Me :)
#8 posted by DaZ on 2005/09/30 11:49:43
well Im glad its in a semi-playable state at least, this pack of maps was insanely cool when me and tronyn were working on them back in the day. I would ahve loved to release a full pack all polished up but I haven't mapped for a long time and I haven't worked on THESE maps for even longer...
I hope they stimulate some people into mapping something at least...
#9 posted by JohnXmas on 2005/09/30 13:00:22
hope you enjoyed your beer!
From NJ Readme1st: Besides Quake1, you'll also need the Rogue mission pack "The Dissolution of Eternity" installed.
#10 posted by aguirRe on 2005/09/30 14:24:52
Moderators: Please remove my local link above now that the FP link is up. Also, please add the text "Mission Pack 2 required" above. It's in the readme, but it could be good to see it directly. Thanks.
#11 posted by mwh on 2005/09/30 15:19:36
Yeah, I realise that, because it fails to even load the map if you forget the -rogue...
#12 posted by Vondur on 2005/09/30 17:04:49
i'm gettin killed on the 1st level constantly.. have to use cheats it seems..
total lack of ammo!!!
#13 posted by Text_Fish on 2005/09/30 17:15:28
I'm finding that aswell. I want to really enjoy the pack because it's got excellent build quality by the looks of things, but I'm spending far too long running away from deathknights with nothing but an axe.
So If You Need DOE
#14 posted by nitin on 2005/09/30 19:27:23
how do you install it ? It seems ot hav eits own progs.dat
#15 posted by aguirRe on 2005/10/01 02:37:46
Text_Fish and nitin: please read the readme for instructions how to install and play it. Important tips!
#16 posted by nitin on 2005/10/01 02:54:51
installed as instructed.
I hadnt seen that before (ie -rogue and -game together).
But like others, I'm out of ammo and struggling on the first level (about 24 monsters in).
Playing on normal.
#17 posted by bal on 2005/10/01 03:07:53
Same here, I tried easy cause I read people here were having trouble, but still I'm always running out of ammo and having to run ahead and avoid monsters to get some extra firepower. =\
Just finished first map though, and build quality is quite nice, but gameplay is just too frustrating.
I Followed
#18 posted by Text_Fish on 2005/10/01 05:23:28
the instructions in the readme to a T and it wouldn't even load. It kept crashing to the desktop and saying:
"Mod_LoadModel: progs/****.mdl not found"
where **** is any number of .mdl's that were apparently missing. In the end I copied PAK0 from the Rogue folder in to the Night folder as PAK1. If other people weren't having the ammo problem I'd assume the 'special' ammo from the Rogue missionpack has somehow become lost in the process, therefore leading to the ingame shortage.
Those Who Are
#19 posted by aguirRe on 2005/10/01 07:10:37
having ammo shortage, have you found the GL in the start map? It's near the other supplies and is basically required to manage nj1. This info is also in the readme. Originally, there was no GL until nj1b, but I added it to the start map.
Text_Fish: What engine are you using? Standard engines should load this pak without any problems if you've followed the installation instructions.
There's not much rogue weapons/ammo in this pak so that's not causing the shortage. Have you added the -rogue option as instructed?
#20 posted by bal on 2005/10/01 07:46:08
I had missed the GL... Having a GL in a start map is just plain weird... �__�
Nice Work So Far
#21 posted by ionous on 2005/10/01 07:49:22
I had played through these maps a while back, and thought they had a lot of potential.
Although things are vastly improved from the first version, there's still a few issues.
1. I still didn't see the GL in the start map, so playing through the first map was very hard, until i found the GL secret.
2. Wait, that's it.
I like the new fiend skin. Not really fond of the new Shambler skin. Fiend skin makes sense, Shambler skin, not really in context with the story.
I only just finished the Ankhbar's Curse map, but the added Rogue monsters and such add a lot to the experience.
I remember looking through the old NJ zip, and seeing a "NJSECRET" map. I had tried compiling it once, to no avail. Is that re-inserted into this at all?
Regardless, nice work on finishing this up AguiRe.
I could have sworn i saw some old screenshots from a ikbase/arabian hybrid map for this project. If those are still around, maybe that was the intended NJ4?
Hope To See Things Like These All Weeks
#22 posted by Trinca on 2005/10/01 07:52:58
great map pak...realy impresive... why didn�t anyone finish for good? :) just was said about something... were rl??? found lots of secrets but none had rl
Like The B0rked Monsters...
#23 posted by Shambler on 2005/10/01 10:35:26
...they look bloody marvellous, random chaotic blob of chunderous polygons.
First map was too easy though.
#24 posted by Shambler on 2005/10/01 11:51:21
Map2 was badly balanced in the middle and end. One armour change was all it would have taken.
Map3 had the worst gameplay I have ever experienced in a Quake map. The use of the Rogue flying things was appallingly bad. After this I just cheated to see what the maps looked like but gave up on that pretty quick, and deleted the pack.
The green maps did look very nice, but there did seem to be a lot of "vore spawning on platform next to you whilst a dozen spawn spawn below" bullshit. If someone would care to release those in normal form with better gameplay that would be good.
I wish whoever decided to release this had done a proper job of fixing the monsters, sorting out the skins, and actually putting the slightest bit of thought into the gameplay.
I Dont Get Borked Monsters
#25 posted by nitin on 2005/10/01 19:47:59
up to map 3, but this is very tough. Barely made it through map 2, was under 10 health for quite a while. Couple that with low ammo and it can get frustrating. The room with 8 of those super mummies wasnt enjoyable.
Also, regarding the GL, no one looks for that sort of stuff in a start map.
Still, I hope it gets a bit mor eenjoyable from here on, the maps look fantastic.
All Done
#26 posted by nitin on 2005/10/01 21:59:03
after reading shambler's comments on map 3, I went in expecting the worst. But I found it to be pretty reasonable actually. The last 4 maps are actually quite good gameplay wise, because you actually have ammo.
The last 2 maps also feature lovely themes and architecture (so do the others but the last two have a unique style).
So overall, once you can get past map 2, the gameplay's actually very very good.
Quality release aguire, tronyn, daz and xenon.
#27 posted by vb on 2005/10/01 22:50:48
"Also, please note that the final level nj4 is still missing due to it never
being released publicly. This means that after finishing nj3b "The Second
Portal", the engine tries to load nj4 which isn't available. Just press F10 and
quit the game."
Could just make the trigger_changelevel ent point to the first map in the pack, or whatever..
#28 posted by bal on 2005/10/02 02:39:46
No, in case someone decides to finish the last map and release it maybe? =)
Anyways, finished the pack, was bloody frustrating at times, but obviously that's cause I suck, right shamb? =)
Visuals were great though, some very nice maps, good work on that.
#29 posted by Shambler on 2005/10/02 03:44:28
I guessed you missed the triple "floating Rogue monster" ambush with nowhere to hide followed by immediate vore spawn, and the infinitely spawning "floating Rogue monster" section in an unimaginably awkward staircase scenario when it is 100% certain you'd have just used up all your nails on a previous combat, then....
#30 posted by nitin on 2005/10/02 04:15:04
I played on normal.
Floating rogue monsters missiles dont damage you much (if you have armor) and if you nailgun them, they dont attack that often. So in the first scenario you mentioned, I had plenty of nail ammo and it wasnt that hard (provided I was willing to take some damage).
As for the infinitely spawning section (there was 4 or 5 on normal), I just went down the stairs to the bottom, let them come after me and used my DBS on them while they were coming down.
I thought that map was tough, but not overwhelming. Map 2 was the frustrating one for me. After that, I found it quite playable and enjoyable.
#31 posted by Text_Fish on 2005/10/02 06:43:53
"Text_Fish: What engine are you using?"
"Have you added the -rogue option as instructed?"
I have a Fitz shortcut that's set to run -Rogue automatically, so the command line's fine.
Nomatter though, I sorted it by copying the pak over so I can play it now.
I finished it last night, and aside from the ammo problems near the start I must say I quite enjoyed it. :) I have to agree with Shambler regarding some of the battles though, there were a couple of moments where I found myself quickloading far too often.
#32 posted by vb on 2005/10/02 06:50:02
In which case you can change the entity's atrributes (you can replace entities without recompiling map)
Piece o' piss.