#31237 posted by
ijazz2019 on 2019/07/26 17:39:13
I used TortoiseSVN to download the files.
Will strip it down soon after copying all the files to my quake directory.
Should I get an SSD? Will it run out of writes quickly?
#31238 posted by
ijazz2019 on 2019/07/26 17:49:11
I played through some levels using the latest svn,looks good,will compile again to see if there is a difference.
Only thing is the flayn doesn't work.
E1M1.ent having monster_flayn in place of monster_army.
Anything wrong?
#31239 posted by Miyauchi Renge on 2019/07/29 22:47:13
I like freshwater crabs. I think more games should have sideways walking enemies in them!
#31240 posted by
yhe1 on 2019/07/30 00:19:17
I remember that the base turrets in RMQ are good, they should be salvaged.
#31241 posted by
Thulsa on 2019/07/31 08:22:29
What are the most common/beloved mods/maps that rely on specific engine support? I guess I could rephrase it as "what ain't going to run on QS?" to make it simpler.
Nehahra comes to mind. Official mission packs would be just that if they weren't supported by pretty much every engine. I guess anything that requires uncommon protocol version would end up in this group, no? Darkplaces would fall into this category.
Any suggestions?
#31242 posted by
ijazz2019 on 2019/07/31 11:31:13
I don't think there are many,apart from Nehahra.
Maybe Quake 1.5,Qore,some other engine specific mods.
On a side note,how do I convert iqm to mdl?
Some of RMQ's models are in that format....
#31243 posted by
mankrip on 2019/07/31 13:32:27
The official mission packs are supported by the latest (1.9) official versions of the engine (Q, WQ, GLQ). I don't remember if they're supported by the version 1.8, though.
#31245 posted by
yhe1 on 2019/08/03 13:33:29
If I recall correctly, noesis is the only program that can read the chasm models
Guess which non-mapper has a screenshot of their work featured on redbull dot fucking com?
(Thanks Fairweather!)
Happy Birthday Metl!
#31248 posted by
SleepwalkR on 2019/08/06 09:00:50
Thanks for keeping this place running all these years!
#31249 posted by
generic on 2019/08/06 12:41:14
Congrats on making it one more year!
Morning All.
All rosy in Quakeland today?
The Door Problem Of Combat Design
#31252 posted by
mfx on 2019/08/12 00:25:44
An article by Andrew Yoder was shared on HN last weekend, thought some of you might like the discussion about it.
Features quake examples and some basic steps to avoid corner sniping and all that.
#31254 posted by
Mclogenog on 2019/08/12 17:50:26
I've been amused by how many responses to the post are "just lock the players in the arena!" or "just let me fight from the door!" And also a good many "make smarter AI!"
But it has sparked a good conversation, and I should write a follow up :)
Door Problem
#31255 posted by
metlslime on 2019/08/12 19:28:49
Hey Otp
#31256 posted by
mfx on 2019/08/16 05:36:43
is there a thread for sm 199?
i need to play this, and quaddicted has no such entry.