#285 posted by yhe1 on 2020/01/31 11:07:56
I feel that the bounding boxes for the big sphinx and phantom are wrong, I could clip into them fighting them. They should use the shambler size bounding box instead of the normal sized one.
The small Scarof's corpse still floats in the air.
Is there a value that determines how much damage a monster takes before trigging a pain state?
#286 posted by madfox on 2020/02/01 01:31:10
- Rescaled the bboxes. Big Phantom lacks shambler size as it is a
- fly_monster.
- still use banshee's for attack as it are glowing objects.
- health of the small fantom was wrong, it is 500.
- balanced health and attack again.
- deleted the NewHero as it still acts a bit kinky. newmap = test66
#287 posted by yhe1 on 2020/02/01 05:10:36
There is a major issue with the big Phantom, when he fires his three fireballs, I get damaged regardless of the fireballs hitting me or not. So make the damage missile based, not hit scan.
The big sphinx's fireball looks like it is coming from his belly, not his mouth, so change the Origin of the fireball. The Gross also has this same issue.
#288 posted by madfox on 2020/02/01 05:24:29
I changed the map for testing better skill improvement, I will add it.
#289 posted by yhe1 on 2020/02/01 05:54:34
Hows progress for the skeleton and joker?
The Killing Joke Is Ratlin' Its Bones
#290 posted by madfox on 2020/02/01 07:32:22
I can only use the zombie code, which is only suitable for health 180*. Reason why skeleton act this way.
It was the first model I tried and stopped, because the regenerate code is rather stubborn.
- changed Phantom / Sphinx & Sacrcof attacks scenes.
- Made the map clear for skill settings, pod00.map included to test68.map.
#291 posted by yhe1 on 2020/02/01 07:40:47
What about using the deadguy code for the skeleton? Its a slow monster with ranged attack and no regen
#292 posted by madfox on 2020/02/01 09:26:54
There are lots of poses unused because there are not enough th_functions in quake to do so. If I would do so I loose the regenerate part. I just have to puzl some more on the code.
For now I have the idea most of the entities do well.
#293 posted by yhe1 on 2020/02/01 09:32:31
I do not understand what you mean. The saved game I gave to you clearly shows that the skeleton do not have regeneration, in fact, no chasm monster has regeneration at all. So there is nothing to lose.
#294 posted by yhe1 on 2020/02/01 09:40:02
I think those unused poses you are talking about are unused in chasm as well, again, look at the saved game, it shows how the skeleton is supposed to act
#295 posted by madfox on 2020/02/01 19:12:03
Vickingman has a great victory pose that's unused.
#296 posted by yhe1 on 2020/02/01 20:02:23
The answer is simple, do a version of the skeleton without regen for now, and if you can indeed get the regeneration working later, then use it for a boss version. Problem solved
The victory animation is the thing that plays after the player is dead? Like the gun reload for the mong?
#297 posted by madfox on 2020/02/01 20:19:16
I made a peeing ogre for the same case, but it lacks code.
You want a skeleton boss?
#298 posted by madfox on 2020/02/02 02:24:55
Looking at your saved game I wonder if the skelet on fires a sprite or a precached mdl.
Origin And Destiny
#299 posted by madfox on 2020/02/02 05:18:45
- changed Skeleton to a commen pose without regeneration.
- the attack is with a launched sword, I think Chasm uses a sprite
- flamemouth.
- same goes for deadguy, gave its launchattack straight to dest.
- keep having problems with missile attacks for gross, as by faust.
- as soon the missile gets an org. aside the y-axe the attack_ends
- (dest.) also moves from the player.
#300 posted by yhe1 on 2020/02/02 21:45:58
You made a mistake on the Big Phantom, when I get hit by all three fireballs, I still get 25 damage. Each fireball is supposed to do 25 damage. 25X3 = 75.
Why did you reduce the missile attack of the sphinx and Scarof so much. The bosses are supposed to be killed to kill the player in two hits. Thats how armagon was.
The skeleton is health and damage is both too low. Change melee attack to 25, missle attack to 30, and Health to 330. It needs more health given that it is a slow moving monster.
The Gross's rock does not explode. You just need to re texture the lava ball to a normal rock. (or use the rock model that the AD golem uses)
The missiles that should explode are, Faust's missile, Sphinx's fireball, and Scarof's missile.
#301 posted by yhe1 on 2020/02/02 21:59:41
Also, you should make each missile of the big Phantom fly in a straight line. Right now they homing in on the player. In Chasm, you could sometimes only get hit by one fireball and avoid the other two.
Yes, But..,
#302 posted by madfox on 2020/02/02 22:59:21
I appreciate your commands about the entities, as I have no idea how they behave in game, but considder the fact that, as I said before I keep having problems with the missile_attack.
It isn't only the launch -org & dest, but also the upcount on damage.
You can tell me something's wrong, but it is also top of the hat coding I'm not familiar with.
So far I could solve most problems on health and skill, but for more establishing things, like adding the entities to ai.qc, just crashes the game.
Gross had a rock prokectile first, but I think I used the fragment projectile.
The bat should zigzag, not fly straight.
What shall I do with Worm?
#303 posted by madfox on 2020/02/02 23:12:30
reduce the missile attack of the sphinx and Scarof so much?
If I make melee_attack 65* and missile 50* its first attack is sufficient enough to kill the player instantly.
I don't know if that's the intention?
#304 posted by madfox on 2020/02/03 02:00:23
The error with big Phantom is that it counts its missile_attack with the first frames of a melee attack together.
No matter what count I make, it kills the player instaneously.
Melee_attack starts at 6th frame and missile_attack on 2nd.
With the first missile out of reach the damage is already 55.
Also a three missile attack on one line at the player is reachless for me.
I don't really get it why the two others work properly.
#305 posted by chedap on 2020/02/03 19:17:15
Some things I've noticed:
- You only have wall textures in your map. The floor/ceiling/sky textures are stored inside the game's FLOORS.01, FLOORS.02 etc. And the static models have their own skins as well.
- But then you have those wind turbines, which means you have a way of converting the .3O models already?
- You have the archer goblin from the addon, but no final boss?
- Noticed all the fullbrights obviously.
#306 posted by madfox on 2020/02/03 22:07:34
textures Last year I started converting the chasm textures to a wad.file. As there are many files with lose mdl frames it took some time to gather them all. The floor and ceiling tex I couldn't find. Untill you pointed to me.
The Chasm.wad has some peculiar yellow quake.pal lacks. I haven't cleared the textures from fullbrights, because they have no 16pix seize.
windturbines> So it looks, but I can't convert *.iso files. I had a test with Preach to see what would turn as smooth, a static or an animated texture. It seems the static wins as textures only animate in game on 0.5 sec. A static can go up to 0.1.
That's how I gathered the windturbines.
final bossI got a little broke up with coding the other three bosses. Worm is already there, but lacks code.
Floor Textures
#307 posted by madfox on 2020/02/04 00:18:04
I can't convert *.01 files, and tried pdf fileconverter, who claimed it as non excisting.
Noesis either won't relate to FIFA Master's lost extentions, so that's why I have no floor & ceiling texters.
#308 posted by madfox on 2020/02/04 03:14:17
I don't know what has happend, the first moment a monster sees the player it receives a lot of charg damage. After that the ammu damage comes in.
I have eliminated all charge poses, but it keeps buggin'on.
Starting a game kills me in two attacks.
#309 posted by yhe1 on 2020/02/04 05:42:52
Perhaps share the source code here so others can help?