autoscreenshot (0/1, default 1):
added in as an easy way to make avis/mpegs from your quake demos. When this var is set to 1, both "playdemo" and "timedemo" will take a screenshot of every frame they render, and save them to files named "ani00000.tga" and subsequent numbers. These can then easily be stitched together with any animation software (if you don't have any, I can highly recommend "FastMovieProcessor"). Needless to say, this is very slow. Playdemo will save frames to the exact equivalent of 10fps (recommended, good for most animations), and timedemo uses the original demo fps (usually excessive!). Warning: even at 640 and 10fps, this generates 10 meg data per second of demo.
from panquake. rtfm!!!
 Ah Cool
#284 posted by Vodka on 2003/02/14 00:14:10
I just had old panquake that lacked this feature.
TA Ray
#285 posted by Quack! on 2003/02/14 09:56:57
kay. thanks guys! me will download...one of those engines. :D
and yes, the broom is safe. hehe. a girl cant do it with a broom, its no fun! >:)
#286 posted by Wazat on 2003/02/14 10:48:28
Quack: I'm sure it's quite relieved.
BTW, 10 megs per second... I wish I could make some movies of Galactix and Battle Mech and Jeht, and upload to fileplanet for gratuitous advertising, but I'd run out of space REAL fast. :) Thanks for the info tho.
 Happy Valentines Day Ya Bums
#287 posted by Wazat on 2003/02/14 12:01:31
Not being able to decide if it's better if people around me are happily enjoying their lives, or just as miserable and lonely as I am, I've decided to settle with just wishing everyone a happy Valentines Day. You'd all better enjoy it, but not too much or I'll come after you.
#288 posted by nonentity on 2003/02/14 13:05:40
Wazat, I find just ignoring it works fine.
 Valentines Day, Track 16
#289 posted by Quack! on 2003/02/14 15:13:30
my boyfriend left me a few weeks ago and im all alone. but i was very heart broken, so i though that, by keeping my mind in other things would help me forget about the problems, i decided to start mapping! and i dont feel sad anymore! whoa!! hehe.
so...valentines day? well, i never cared about valentines day. i dont think i actually cared about holidays.
...i wrote the complete opposite of what i was going to say. :D
never mind.
 Hey Metlslime!
#290 posted by Blitz on 2003/02/14 16:43:22
I just noticed something...
You don't have current users listed at the bottom of every page! (Hi Vigil!!!)
You do have it on the 'Site' section of the board. Just thought it would be cool if you could work it out so that its at the bottom of every page. Cheers.
 A Nice Cartoon For This Time Of Year
Holidays for February
1 St. Chronos
2 St. Roger Corman
3 St. Pokemon
4 St. Zeus
5 St. Benedict Arnold
6 St. Tlaloc
7 St. Alfred E. Newman
8 St. Teletubbie
9 St. Lewinsky
10 St. Marilyn Monroe
11 Overindulgence Festival
12 High Confiscation of Property
13 St. Snuffleupagus
14 Aztec Day/St. Seka
15 St. Grigori Rasputin
16 Cremation Wednesday/Hash Wednesday (approximate)
17 St. Isaac Asimov
18 St. Frank Miller
19 St. Senor Wenches
20 St. I.G. Farben
21 St. Boris Karloff
22 St. Hunter S. Thompson
23 St. Monty Python
24 St. Huey Newton
25 St. Burke/St. Hare
26 St. Emo Phillips
27 St. Carl Sagan
28 St. Ken Kesey
#292 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/02/14 19:18:59
That is a strange, strange cartoon.
#293 posted by metlslime on 2003/02/14 21:00:14
i figured leaving those statistics out of most pages would speed things up. The "who's online" thing might be nice to have on every page, though. We'll see.
 Quake Movie
#294 posted by Vodka on 2003/02/14 23:17:04
Aghast map 'trailer'(560 kb lowres divx)
Was playing with video producer (the prog as old as quake) and refilmed vondur`s aghast demo.
Turned out rather nice imho for such low size file (and its the first time I tried video editing). I`v made all the screenshots at 320x240, so it looks messy and rather dark.
I think it can be used for quick online map preview instead of static screenshot. For portfolio it is worth making higher resolution and longer video.
 Ok So I Lied... Pherrous Game Maps Is Back Up
#295 posted by . on 2003/02/15 00:49:52
This time it's a much simpler, quicker design and I'll be offering more than Q1 maps in time. There's also one Q1 DM map there - um.. yay?
#296 posted by Vondur on 2003/02/15 03:11:43
hehe, looks very nice :)
#297 posted by metlslime on 2003/02/15 07:05:32
that's pretty cool. Maybe i should do something like that for a demo reel.
#298 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/02/15 11:36:29
Still waiting for ph8sp1.
 About Something....
#299 posted by pdictter on 2003/02/15 19:23:51
well. didnt know where to post this, so i guesss i'll just bother you guys here.
im making this q1map thats like an egyptian tomb/underground level. dark, tight rooms, caves, fucked up arquitecture, blah blah blah.
anyway. for a change, it would be nice to actually make it more of exploration type of map than a action based one. not just walking around and stuff, but tons of traps...kinda like indiana jones or something. there will be monsters, 'cause its gonna be way boring without them. :)
what i wanna do, is something like Thief's Down on the Bonehard mission (from the first game).
anyway, what you guys think? gonna put up some screenshots in pipeline sometime soon. :) im gonna make the map HUGE!!
#300 posted by . on 2003/02/15 19:33:17
hrm.. 500 brush limit in shareware worldcraft...
the potential for me to create something even decent seems slim o.O
#301 posted by Abyss on 2003/02/15 20:39:45
 That Is Not The Fuil Version.
#302 posted by Blitz on 2003/02/15 21:36:32
 Er Yes It Is..
#303 posted by Blitz on 2003/02/15 21:39:54
Dont mind me
#304 posted by Abyss on 2003/02/15 21:44:04
No, its not the "Fuil Version"
But it is the Full Version, I promise you.
 Hi Pdictter
your map sounds interesting, i like HUGE maps :)
See it through to completion and i will give it a review at my site.
#306 posted by . on 2003/02/16 15:14:55
cheers man, thanks!
 Quake 1 In-game Frontend?
#307 posted by . on 2003/02/16 16:36:46
Is there a Quake 1 In-game frontend? I'd love to be able to be in game, then launch a menu that reads the maps directory, and from there you choose what map you'd like to play. That way it'd wouldn't be a bitch having to remember what's in the maps dir...