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4 BETA Deathmatch Maps 
efdat's rgb series, along with one bonus map.
designed for fast 1on1 matches; 3 player ffa works, as well. as the name implies, each map follows a certain color theme.
green plays pretty well already, the others may still have some things worth improving.



any comment appreciated. 
My Free 3 Day Test Server 
runs the red map at the moment
you should be able to connect with both nq and qw clients, fteqw serves ;) 
3e RGB+grey Maps 
Nice stuff. I ran around in fuh. The grey one especially seems fun. And the green one too. The one-way door at mega was interesting as are all the holes in the maps. :) The ramps provide for some cool movements in the grey map. I like the pillar with rails area too.

Have to check fps and polycounts later.

That guy should try his hand at a 4on4 map.

I wish some slight memorability in some of the maps. Like some different floor texture on some level or something. I understand he wanted a strong theme to each but now some of them are a bit too single-tex throughout. Dunno, maybe they would start feeling better and better you if you played more.

Oh and the wind pipes were fun too, dunno how they work in game. :) 
Hot Off The Mill 
I'm working on a small total conversion (working title: Symbiote)I hope to have finished by the time the Quake Expo rolls around. Here is a pic of a monster model and skin in development (still alot of bending and seams to fix, but it is a rough sketch).

Tools used, MDL, Gimp and Blender. 
A small total conversion? Never heard of that before. 
: ) 
That's a good way to put it!

I look at it this way. A good base map has only a handful of different monster and weapon types, yet still provides some decent entertainment. This will be on the order in size of a Mexx10; in that sense, it's a modest sized TC. 
Raw, Uncut 
screen shots of some weapons I'm working on

A dartgun

The material texture for this weapon will be plastic, hence the smoothing groups used on the barrel and other surfaces.

the view model version

a flachette

and the view weapon version

In the last shot, the left hand is about half the size it needs to be on the gun's undercarriage. My bad. 
Looks Good 
i like the second gun especially 
Thanks Starbuck 
That last problem I mentioned was bugging me so I corrected it. 
So Headthump, Than...
Who else is working on anything significant right now? 
What do you mena by significant ?? 
Off The Top Of My Head 
Not sure these folk will have stuff by qexpo but:

czg, tyrann, metlslime, bal, the folk doing the travail pack (scragbait?), tronyn... I'm sure there must be a few more folk with stuff cooking.

Note that some or all of those listed above might have given up, started again, or fallen in love with a sailor named tom and moved to a small tropical island to start a new life. 
I started a map for Quake anniversary, but unfortunately Doom3 textures conversion to Quake is eating all my time: i.e it is more complex that I foreseen it at the beginning...
So I guess I will not be able to deliver something "big" this time, and maybe I will not be able to deliver something at all...
Shame on me...
I will try to do my best to map.. but I can't promise to be ready in time... 
I don't know if it is a coincidence but the skin on your ghoul-thing reminds me of those fetuses you see on pro-lifer billboards -- yeech! 
Its A Coincidence 
but those would make for some great skins. 
no comment 
I think I'll wait for the 100-year celebrations. 
Some New Weapon Models

photo names pretty self expanatory.

The basic premise of Symbiote is your character is a mercenary working for an undead kingpin (loud echoes of Zerst�rer here), and you are on the hunt for one of his rivals holed up in an abandoned and half sunken city of Venice. 
looks like you've really picked up modelling fast, some of these look really good. The railgun looks crazy, that's probably my favourite. They look pretty economical with the polygons too, but not overly blocky (it isn't 1996 after all). I'm looking forward to seeing these ingame with skins! 
Kinda hard to judge these without any textures on them though. =) 
Could You Post Some Wires? 
difficult to see with just flat shaded 
Thanks Guys, 
I'll likely use Wings3d for the UV unwrapping; it gives you better control over grouping the poly layouts better than Blender does, IMHO. Modern unwrappers (like the LSMC unwrap that Blender uses) give very disturbing looking results. I don't know how pro modelers cope with UV layouts that look nothing like the basic model shapes.

Idealy, I would like a 3dpainter that has the same dodge and burn capabilaties of Photoshop and Gimp, and I would like it to be free :) Photoshop 6 was the last ap I bought with my own cash that wasn't bundled with the PC. 
It's not free, but I use Deep Paint 3D (by Right Hemisphere) for painting uv textures. What I do most of the time is just paint a quick sketch on the 3D model to get general idea going, then I finish it up in photoshop. Nice software anyways, and the tools try to be as similar as possible to photoshop (no burn/dodge though), and it has pressure sensitivity if you're using a wacom or other tablet. 
Last Screenies For The Weekend 
I've made some progress on the player model. Each pic represents a stage of development over a four hour period of work. 
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