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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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You Should Submit A Newspost , Elvis 
I like those shots. Very kenetic looking. 
i don't really know how so maybe someone can do it for me? 
On the forum page, you will see down the bottom the "Last 10 News Threads" and down the bottom of the you will find the "Submit News" link, just click that, write your post, and submit, the mods will take care of the rest. 
done for you, but what the above poster said. 
thanks nitin 
Poor Ogre 
You Know 
that bug has always confused the hell out of me, because voreballs are supposed to remove themselves if their targets are dead. 
That Animation's Making Me Dizzy. 
Mighty Matmos 
that animation made me feel. because I Matmos sometimes like to feel, but I am free from everything. Colors do not frighten me, nevertheless I feel sexual enough to use mine computor. Computors corrected is similar to clothes which do not belong to me so every day I never feel one. Because I have them, black lungs too. Cough I say, But beware! I speak as well as my mouth. Below me I tightly wrap the likes of crayons 
^ I Think It's CZG. 
I'm definitely getting a hint of teabagger from that post. 
it's not a bug, in fact it is a mod with a partical beam, which in this case was affected by the voreball and me too far out of sight to catch. 
hm... i must have hallucinated the bug then... o.0

lol... i was pretty certain i had seen that before. oh well, heh :P 
Indeed A Rare Subroutine... 
It is from the ExtraQuakeC modr4.

It has a func_emitter, func_switches and func_water. Also a well designed particle system.
Good ideas for a changing water-type
Just A Little Something I've Been Working On...
lighting in this second shot is temporary. just to show off the brushwork

heh, they make the monsters bigger, so i make the rooms bigger... o.o

btw, don't be fooled by those fps numbers... my machine is pretty good. i expect performance would be crap atm, but i've yet to do any portals or optimizations beyond caulking behind patches... i suspect this will be a bitch to optimize. :P 
Nice screenies indeed ! I love this gothic-like castle architecture... I love particularly the curved ramp stairs: very weel done !
However, you should consider to add more "colored" textures: these gray stones everywhere could have been replaced by something better at some point... and it gives a flatness impression at some point...
For example, the background wall behing the arches could have been replace by something more "bloody"....
Anyway, it's only my taste, and it sounds that it will be a cool map ;P
Keep it up... and go map :D 
Looking Nice... 
But some of the textures look a bit flat for D3, like the outside of the curved stair case.
The styles look kind of weird in areas, like what the hell is going on at the top of the outside pic?
Good work though, nice to see something other than tech. 
jpl: do you have any suggestions on different colours? i kind of like the tan look atm, but maybe i could redo those trim textures or something?
or did you mean i should just put more blood everywhere?

bal: what do you mean by what the hell is going on at the top of the outside pic??
do you mean because it just ends abruptly? i haven't finished the top part yet. hehehe 
As the walls are pretty grey, adding either bloody splashes, or smooth red bricks, or whatever you wnat but grey stones, would, IMHO, give a better look to the castle, and for sure will improve the stuff.
I think there are some good stones textures from Hell level... myabe you nshould consider to use it, or maybe you should add some colored lightning effects...
It's up to you.. 
heh, the brick texture there *is* the brick texture from the hell pack, i just replaced the diffuse map. XD

i'll definatly look into adding blood splats. i tried a bit to make some red bricks, similar to the ones found in doom/doom2 and that i converted for use in ne_marb, but i can't seem to get it to look good... looks mostly like a brick sprayed red, and not something truly evil. :P i'll have to experiment more...

thanks for the input :) 
In doom 3 it is easier to just drag some of the readymade blood splotches across the face on a patch than it is to put the blood into the actual texture. 
I Know 
that's what i was talking about. :) 
Should Clarify 
blood splats with decals, but i want to make like a deep red brick too. ehh, maybe i'll just use some coloured lights instead. 
Looks cool, but I reckon casting some blue light down from the open ceiling (as the sky is semi-blue) could add some needed colour and spice it up a bit. 
Oh And The 2nd Shot In Your Post... 
has someone been walking around the imperial city too much in Oblivion? =) 
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