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Error: Readlevel Function Pointers Have Moved 
This is the error that i get while trying to load a saved game with Quake2.
Does this error something to do with the fact that i�m using WindowsXP?
If that is the case, how could i fix this problem?
If not, what's the problem then?
I wanted a night of Quake2 and massive caffeine but it won't be possible, damnit! 
maybe you created those savegames with an older version of q2? 
This Is A Known Q2 Problem 
Check out .

You could also try a Google search of function pointers have moved.

Basically, you need to patch or replace the game DLLs that Q2 uses. Depending on OS, they are loaded at different virtual addresses which cause them to malfunction. 
Another Link At TenFour 
proj, you realise that you can play with the D3 editor in the leak right (although if you have a NVidia card you'll need to downgrade your drivers to get it to work).

As for other games, Unreal tech is good for brushing up your max/maya skills, or RTCW or CoD for learning scripting in your levels (I'd suggest RTCW over CoD, but that's cos I dislike MoH games). 
If you haven't noticed, there have been a few Q3 map released. I'm considering mapping for RtCW or DN:MP, but there are other maps that need to be finished first. 
Thanks Guys 
Metlslime:They weren't old saved games, while i was playing i was saving and when tried to load, i got that error.
I was playing the "Ground Zero" mission pack when this happened, then i played normal Quake2 and it happened the same thing.

I've never had this problem before, it's happened just now when i've tried on WindowsXp.

Aguirre:Thanks, i'm going to try something i've seen in one of those links, i'll reinstall the 3.20 version after all the rest is installed previously.

Anyway, is out there a gamex86.dll that be prepared for wichever windows you're using? 
hope everyone had a good christmas, and have a good new year too! :D 
It didn't work. I'm tempted to take a look at the source code... only tempted XD hehe...

Ah, and happy new year to everyone!! =) 
You've got mail. 
Sure, I'm a Quake fanatic myself but I'm not a purist. I started mapping with the release of Thief, and my only public releases so far, other than some involvement in Machinima projects, have been for that game.
My biggest disapointment this year is Eidos decision not to release an SDK for Dues Ex, Invisible War, or else I would be in the middle of creating a Megawad for it. UnRealEd can be a pleasure at times to work with, and given its capabilaties of direct mesh to brush (dxf, ah, I still use Breeze :)) support there is no reason an UnReal mapper can't produce a map up to the quality of the average Quake mapper.

However, just to throw out a quote of yours I would like to give some thought to,
'Face it Quake is aging, and yes you can download newer engines, but still there is only so much you can accomplish with it';there are many reasons to suppose this is true if you have not tackled the daunting task of sorting through Dark Places extension system, but if you care to do so, I think you will find that Dark Places is the most sophisticated engine available at this time with better real time lighting support than UT2003 and its poly support is competitive as well. 
take a look at this thread. Merc101 covers some of the basics of Dark Places extension support. 
Let's Just Ignore ProdigyXL, Eh? 
He does this same thing and leaves the community in a huff every few months. Face it buddy, we ain't going to map Half-Life or Counter Strike or whatever flavor of the month, half assed, limited gameplay, visual masterbation-fest game you want to see maps for, so give it up already. You can do as you please. 
Heyo, may I have your e-mail address? Got a question re: something you aided me with months ago. Thanks! 
I waited impatiently for the entire GD thread to load and found what I needed.

On another note, I was reading my older posts and am apologizing for being such an ass. Only now do I realise it. Scampie thanks for your honesty ;)

I really made alot of broken promises and didn't follow through. I just need to slow the hell down and not rush myself and set ridiculously high standards.

One brush at a time, right? 
Branching Prodigy 
As I have mentioned, I've been mapping for Unreal and UT SP. UED1 is fairly powerful with irritations, still can do things not possible in Quake. UED 2 is much nicer but only works for UT; I'll probably switch to pure UTSP if I continue. I'm using an old engine + modern PC to extend capabilities rather than something newer which probably couldn't do what I want.

Thing about singleplayer mapping: NOTHING about the game is important compared to the quality of the monsters/creatures/enemy. This rules out, or works against, practically every newer game in existence. Q3 nothing, UT2k3 may be able to use U2 stuff but is that worth much, Q2 somewhat lame and unmemorable, Cube Ok but basic, HL, RtCW and AvP limited types (with AvP 1 all but unmappable), Sam very specialized combo of suiciders and stand-back-and-fire-ers. Some decent SP can certainly be made with these games but the diverse behaviour of Quake enemy remains attractive. Even the complex behaviour of Unreal creatures lacks the more blatant variations in Quake.

More to the point other than Quake's age is that it's just been worked over so thoroughly. Other games could do some great new things if they got that amount of attention and work. OTOH, the over-saturation of Quake leads to a superior community, loyalists to less popular games sometimes seeming like Mac fanboys.

Incidently, a new project came out due to the fact that UT is both a big DM game and supports SP: Excessive Unreal ( ). The only SP Excessive game. NOT traditional SP (uses recharging) and pretty ridiculous but still a lot of fun.

I'm still looking for beta tests for my new serious-but-crazy Unreal level, report to to help out. 
Spentron Hit It Squarely On The Head 
This has also been pretty well discussed in a thread that monsto started. 
scampie, proj's post wasn't really a rant against the 'community'. It was just asking for suggestions of what game to play with. 
Rtcw kinda sucks. If you make a big or detailed map or use many textures (in SP) - you get bugs like 
That's Annoying... 
For some reason, Blood has started soft-resetting my computer when I try to run it. Even before I got the router. Any suggestions as to fixing?

(PS: Router doesn't detect the Front computer. There's a >20m cable plugged into it that goes to a wall socket, wired T568B (or something like that), then a working cable to the Front comp. What'ja think gives?) 
Blassssssssttttttt From The Past!

Mid-skool style, baby. Go check out the columns, especially DaMaul's usual bollocks, Pingu's lavish affection for cheesey pop, and Cybear's best NYE celebratory message evar =).

Plus a lot of abuse and ranting from Frib & I in the news =) 
GameCube On The PC 
Because I know this is the last bastion of console (and specificly GameCube) players, I decided that this is the best place to ask this question.

I'm using a 21" monitor and some nice computer speakers, and I have a Gamecube I'd like plug in here instead of into a TV. I've done some research, and I've become completely inundated with the various options that are available. Component-to-VGA cables, VGA boxes, upscan converters, TV capture cards, video cards with TV capture built in, and probably a few that I missed.

Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to recommend something. At the moment I'm thinking about a TV capture card, or perhaps an NVIDIA card that supports video in, but is there one anyone would recommend? Basically I would just need good quality audio and s-video in. 

This is the kind of question those guys are particularly good at answering. 
Both ends are Tia568B ? or one end is?
Both the wall run (router -> jack) and the patch (jack to computer) should be the same
type of cable (both Cat 5, Cat5e or Cat6)
shouldn't mix cable types in a run
(standards say it's supposed to work,
but in my experience sometimes doesn't).
Do you know someone you can borrow a cable
tester from (loopback ones are best)?
Also what brand router? that can have some

Coincidently Tom's Hardware just put up a
networking site not sure how helpful that
will be tho. 
Thanks... but are you sure I should go in their forums and ask this? I don't want to anger anyone, and my question isn't exactly related to machinima. 
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