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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Username: quaketastic
Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
File size limit is 128MB.
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I've been wondering so long about it.
And although the question is in the wrong toppic, my gratitude isn't! 
Because I Can 
work in progress:

about 20% done. might be stretched into an episode if I don't get fed up first.

ignore the filename, i just needed something interesting to call it. 
Q1? Q2? 
Looks cool. 
...good to have you back. I'm working with Oblivion at the moment as well. Will that be a speedrunners map? 
"speedrunners" maps are pretty much all I'm doing atm, not quite in the RDE or contest map sense but definitely with many intentional possibilities. 
WOLFENSTEIN 4 EVER.....!!!!!!!! 
Sweet Smoke 
Fun For Func 

Madfox is wholly and completely incomprehensible. 
I'm A Member Of The MadFox Fanclub 
Is That Thing... 
.. giving head to another, invisible thing of the same kind? then it's definately sexy. 
That Thing 
that thing is wholly and czg did his best to not let it attack you...
but you might understand voodochopsticks. 
Looks Like A Dork To Me. 
The jellyfish does. Yeah. 
No Dorktionary For Me, But 
is there someone in for betatesting? 
Those Screenshots 
would look pretty oldschool if you took out the ugly colored lights. 
I agree with Fern... You should use less colored lights: they are overused.. and it looks definitively horrible... sorry but that's my taste... 
Send It In!!! 
I'm a bad mapper, but please, align textures, that stuff will like ten times better then. :) 
At Least 
you could start complaining after playng the beta testing. I could lend you a HOM.
Just th*s and you play it in normal light.

On its way Silent. 
IdBase Retextured 
Just to let you lot know what I'm up to at the moment. I recently got the urge to work on high-res versions of the IdBase textures. The idea was to make something that looks almost identical to the originals at a distance, but shows the added detail up close.

I know there are existing attempts to retexture quake, but they are generally of a much greater scope. Here's an in-progress comparison: 
Nice work Starbuck! I like this much better than the other hi-res textures I've seen as they seem to stray too much from the originals. Yours just makes things look a bit sharper. 
that looks excellent 
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