Fly_think Code
#2908 posted by madfox on 2020/10/07 00:45:51
Fly_monster works on a specific height, like scrags. You can make them fly a pattern with path_corners. The bad thing is you can't learn a flying monster walk tricks.
The Fly_think could make a solution.
#2909 posted by metlslime on 2020/10/07 02:59:01
If it were me I would try to navigate the entity down until the bounding box resting on the ground, then stop moving the entity, and play a "landing" animation on the model.
Flying creatures always seek the level of their self.enemy, so in Rubicon 2 I used a dummy entity as the enemy, to force the centurions to go up or down based on my desire. You could do something similar to help guide them to points where you want them to land.
Thanks Guys!
#2910 posted by drugod on 2020/10/07 23:38:52
ill try thanks
Reminding Crows
#2911 posted by madfox on 2020/10/08 03:14:21
Don't forget to look at the "camonball code" Triball mentioned in the scteenshots toppic # 16479 about the "Fly_Think_Code".
Check This Guys!
#2912 posted by drugod on 2020/10/08 15:24:35
Hi i have finished the crown, hope you like it
I should polish my code and ill share it if you need it
They Look Good
#2913 posted by madfox on 2020/10/08 21:19:54
With a little tweaking and sound they make a scary impression.
#2914 posted by metlslime on 2020/10/08 21:58:09
yeah looks pretty good! There seems to be an interpolation issue with the movement, do you by any chance have r_lerpmove 0 and r_lerpmodels 1? Generally they should both be set to 1 or both be set to 0. Otherwise, maybe this is an engine bug, i know there's the unsolved problem of falling scraggs looking choppy.
Thanks Guys!!
#2915 posted by drugod on 2020/10/08 23:03:36
Thanks guys for the quick response and support, let me share with you guys the code, in case you need it feel free to use it.
#2916 posted by drugod on 2020/10/08 23:50:33
I have checked both variables and are setted to 1, anyway thanks for the advice idk this commands!
#2917 posted by yhe1 on 2020/11/01 22:17:25
Is it possible to make a flying monster throw three voreballs at once?
#2918 posted by Preach on 2020/11/02 12:59:32
#2920 posted by yhe1 on 2020/11/02 17:28:26
Preach, this is related to the question that Madfox's asked on 6/22/20, in which the a flying boss in Chasm fires three projectiles. I made a mistake and told Madfox that the monster fire three straight projectiles, but his missiles actually have homing capabilities, so it is like throwing three voreballs at once. If you can give madfox a hand it would be great.
#2921 posted by Preach on 2020/11/02 23:44:15
I felt a bit bad at being flippant before, but your last post hasn't really helped your cause here. You've redirected me without a link to a post from four months ago, which I replied to at the time...
Help me to help you, OK, help me to help you! This is a free service, so you'll get the most out of it by making it as easy as possible to assist you. I'd suggest compiling all of the following into a single post:
a) What are you trying to achieve
b) What you have already tried
c) What you expected to happen
d) What actually happened
#2922 posted by yhe1 on 2020/11/03 00:18:54
sorry about that preach, I have attached a screenshot of the post I am referring to here:
The picture of the monster is here:
So basically, the three fireballs in the picture should be voreballs instead of straight projectiles.
They're not going to move diagonally if they're homing.
Please Stop Trolling Me
#2924 posted by Preach on 2020/11/03 00:47:23
Your screenshot includes madfox's post, my reply, and madfox thanking me for my answer. Until you post a new question with parts a), b), c) and d) I will consider the matter closed.
#2925 posted by yhe1 on 2020/11/03 01:06:51
I am not trolling with you preach. Madfox asked you the wrong question because I gave him the wrong info. The question was never "to make the Projectile move diagonally" but rather "how to make that monster throw three voreballs"
#2926 posted by Preach on 2020/11/03 01:10:59
a) What are you trying to achieve? answered
b) What have you already tried?
c) What did you expected to happen?
d) What actually happened?
#2927 posted by madfox on 2020/11/03 11:30:38
Sorry for the delay, but my emails got bumped after my last experiment with the turntwig.
I could make more poses for it, but daytime life forced me into a nasty sitepath.
At this moment I'm working on the last end boss worm, and this one is more intensive, as it needs more parms as the usual monster.
What the question concerns..,
what have you already tried?
Give a monster a three lavaball attack using the scrag code.
what did you expected to happen?
Three lava balls launched at the same time.
what actually happened?
Easy to avoid the attack.
It seems yhe1 wants to use the vomit attack, that's two times higher than my hat. :P
#2928 posted by yhe1 on 2020/11/03 19:53:14
By vomit attack you mean "vore attack", right, madfox? I checked in DOS Chasm, the three fireballs are similar to voreballs with homing.
#2929 posted by madfox on 2020/11/04 13:31:30
I just wondered how to repeat this vote ball attack three times to be launched simultaneously.
Phantom Fear
#2930 posted by madfox on 2020/11/04 23:28:47
Second answer was not true.
I used a modified code to launch a single phantom_shot one frame after another.
After adding a phantom_shot void I made the attack scene:
void() fant_atk2 =[ $atk2, fant_atk3 ] {PhanMissile(1);};
void() fant_atk3 =[ $atk3, fant_atk4 ] {PhanMissile(0);};
void() fant_atk4 =[ $atk4, fant_atk5 ] {PhanMissile(-1);};
The spread shot came from the (1) (0) (-1) addon.
Now I changed the fant_shot into the one a vormit uses to launch a vore ball.
This works as intended.
pro: I have a monster launching three voreballs.
quo: they don't launch at the same time (I don't mind).
They don't spread anymore on the (1)(0)(-1) arg because the voreball code has three statements, that specify their behaviour.
So what the code misses is the statement of the ShallHome statement of the vormit to include a spread shot and (if possibel) at the same time.
Replace PhanMissile With ShalMissile
#2931 posted by Preach on 2020/11/05 21:38:13
So I Did..,
#2932 posted by madfox on 2020/11/06 01:14:09
I renamed the ShalMissile code to PhanMissile and now there are three vorbal attacks slightly after each other.
Now idea how to launched them at once, nor how to spread them.