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Quake Coagula Contest 2!
What!? The second Quake Coagula Contest. Coagula maps are maps made floating in a space void. If you want to download the first Coagula Contest to get some inspiration, ideas, make sure you understand what a coagula map is... then click this link:

When!? From Now: Dec 28th 2002 - Until March 1st 2003 (all maps must be sent to me by March 1st, 2003).

Rules!? Not many really. Map has to be a Coagula Map! Maps MUST be singleplayer as a minimum, deathmatch is optional. However, I am going to judge them based on there singleplayer gameplay aspect only. All maps must have a readme with them. maps should be playable in standard software and glquake.

Theme!? You can build in any theme you want, use custom textures etc etc ... coagula maps are all about using your imagination, the deliberately surreal setting should inspire you. Download the coagula contest pack above, as already mentioned, if you need more ideas.

etc. The pack with be released on March 2nd. Your map MUST be finished and sent to me by March 1st. If you plan to make a map, please post here, or somehow tell me so I can be sure of who and who not to expect maps from. I want every who maps to get their map into the pack.

Discuss kthx.

(note: this has been reposted from Qmap3, (for the original thread, see ), as people seem to be moving/posting here now.)
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I think it's too many ambiant sounds are in that area. 
packet overflow has to do with too many objects on the screen at once. the sound cuts out when that happens. i don't know why.

either you've got lots of gibs or lots of monsters or something like that in the same room. you'll have to reduce the amount of objects to get rid of the error. 
it could be too many corpses thats causing the error... if i remember there was an updated progs.dat in the previous coagula pack that made corpses dissapear 
Packet Overflow 
occurs when the server sends more packets in a single frame than the client will accept. THe result is that the client ignores the rest of the packets. The result of THAT is that the client doesn't get some of the information, like sounds, gibs, or whatever. 
...and Ya, 
Aard's progs.dat will help with the packet overflow so don't fret too much ChAiNeR.

BTW... my level took 12336.0 seconds to level 4 vis on Scraggy's system. Hehe, as ELEK would know - it's tiny but brutal. 
why not use details ? 
There *was* a toolkit which offered detail brush support, but I never got it to work with conventional .maps, and couldn't figure out the editor it was bundled with (Tread, I think it was.) 
btw my vis time was only about 1300 seconds? is that abnormally low? lol

i used level 4 
it all depends on how much detail you've got in there...

it also depends on the -level you choose. 
...compiling Tyrann's map just reached the 100 hour compile time barrier. GO GO GO! 
Hey, I'm almost at the 1-week barrier here... 98%... 
Hehe Tyrann... 
...wait for the 99%, this friggin last percent ist already taking 30 hours or so but I'm already at 26425 of 26462... Hope it's done by tomorrow morning ;) 
Thanks Gom 8). 
I hate you Tyrann... ;)

My explorer just died and I can't do anything anymore. The only apps still open and working are Opera, mIRC and the friggin compiler. I hope it finishes soon so I can reboot.
Can't even start Quake to shoot stuff and calm down... AYEEEEEEEEE!!! 
If You're Using Win2K/XP 
Press crtl-alt-del and click the task manager button; then in one of the menus there (can't remember which one), you can run a task/process; type "explorer.exe" and you should be ok again. 
you can't add proper detail brush (� la q3) without changing the bsp format. The compiler probably did it like in q2 and I think it had something to do with the editor quest(?). 
you could make qbsp spit out an enhanced prt file and have it treat clumps of leafnodes as single leaves -- which they would be if the detail brushes hadn't cut them up. Then vis would do vis testing for a (nonexistant) simplified bsp, and then it would save the PVS for a superleaf as the PVS for all of the superleaf's children.


Q2 style detail brushes might be possible, if all "detail" means is "add me to the bsp after all the structural brushes." I don't know if that's how Q2 detail works, though.

Q3 style detail brushes would not be possible with quake's software renderer. 
~2 Year Old News 
There IS q1 compiler with detail hint/skip support (similar to q2 way, not q3).

You obviously dont care if you never bothered to check it since then, but for open space maps with many details it greatly reduces vis times. 
There Were Lots Of Bad Reports About It... I didn't bother. If the source is available, it might be worth a look so I can incorporate it into a decent qbsp compiler. 
I know that it normally works that way but this time it wasn't. Anyway, vising is finished and I was able to reboot. YAY! ;) 
* quickly adds some co-op starts

qbsp -onlyents tyrcoag

Just writing up the text file, and it's on its way!

(P.S. Gom is a champ!) 
Now all you need to do is finish up that base map from last qexpo... 
Heh, Possibly... 
No promises. 
Meh si teh Champ! Yarr!

Hehe, you're very welcome Tyrann, just don't ask me again abuot compiling one of your maps ;)... 
Tyr-quake R0X0rz... 
A slight correction needs to made to the .txt for discoag2.bsp

The level is VERY suitable for software if you are running Tyr-quake.exe

Tyrann... if you ever find yourself in the Westgarth precinct of Northcote Melbourne Australia. The drinks are on me. 
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