#29102 posted by Killes on 2017/05/04 16:49:33
Oh, I think this community was always a tad brutal :D
ID Panel @ 2016 Zbrush Summit
#29103 posted by killpixel on 2017/05/04 21:09:18
crazy how 50k - 60k polys per model is considered a tight budget. Also, the end if the vid is gold XD
John Carmack To Receive Honorary Doctorate
#29104 posted by anonymous user on 2017/05/05 13:52:41
Android/iPhone Mapping
#29105 posted by Qmaster on 2017/05/05 16:24:50
Possible? I know some alps use a Linux emulator to do Gimp and such on mobile, but do you know if there is something like Trenchbroom Mobile?
Trenchbroom Mobile !!!
#29106 posted by khreathor on 2017/05/05 16:33:37
We need this, so I can poop and map!
I think for mobile it would be easier to use Unity to make some simple editor and deploy it to any platform you like instead of rewriting TB for mobile.
The overhead required for emulation and VMs on mobiles is still well above what they can manage easily.
You would be better off using a modelling tool, saving as OBJ and then converting to map. If only there were good modelling tools for mobile.
#29108 posted by Spike on 2017/05/06 00:58:09
presumably you could just compile TB for arm linux, set up some debian/whatever chroot on your phone, install some x11 server app on your phone, and run it that way.
it would need to be a good x11 server if gl rendering is going to work properly though.
of course, the lack of a physical keyboard with a shift key etc would make it totally unusable as-is, so probably not worth trying.
I'm certain most modern phones (and by modern, I mean one for which the following statement is true, which makes it all rather than most but whatever) would have perfectly adequate performance to run a native port of TB, if such a port were made.
#29109 posted by negke on 2017/05/06 09:14:41
Press the screen and tilt your phone in the direction you want to move or expand the brush.
Input On Mobile
#29110 posted by Qmaster on 2017/05/07 00:45:46
Yesh keyboard+mouse is by far the faster means of mapping but...a simplified mapping experience could still be fun for waiting in long lines, waiting on your wife to get out of the bathroom, waiting on your wife to try on 10 different outfits before she comes out of the changing room etc.
#29111 posted by Qmaster on 2017/05/08 01:28:22
Now if only it had Quake textures and export to .map then I could block in levels on my phone.
As it is I can sketch ideas.
This is basically how I block out levels in TB
#29113 posted by anonymous user on 2017/05/08 14:24:56
#29114 posted by skacky on 2017/05/08 15:35:31
Surely, Thats An Oximoron?
#29115 posted by Mike Woodham on 2017/05/08 19:44:56
I Love Everything About This
#29117 posted by Tronyn on 2017/05/11 02:02:46
as the personality trait basis of political beliefs is an area in need of desperate investigation. As Jonathan Haidt has pointed out (and I'm not saying I agree with his relativistic views, although being slammed by social justice ideologues seems to have altered those views), there's a huge risk of educated people merely assuming that their way of thinking is superior - and yet some of these people don't believe in biological sex, placing them on exactly the same intellectual level relative to the empirical sciences, as creationists. The point Haidt makes which I agree with the most, is that intellectuals are just as susceptible as regular schmucks to cognitive biases - perhaps more so - but the fact that they assume they have transcended such biases is actually quite dangerous.
The real question is, if scientists ever do understand human personality, can we use that knowledge to more or less, fix politics? Because ever since I've been paying attention, we've been getting some pretty bad results.
Quoth Knave Jam
#29118 posted by lpowell on 2017/05/12 22:16:40
OTP floated the idea a while back to have one in June for Contract Revoked's 15th birthday. Any interest? I wouldn't want to organize it but I would do a map.
Intel Eligible
#29119 posted by madfox on 2017/05/13 04:58:47
Buy my ID and I unlock your computer for bitcoins!
#29120 posted by adib on 2017/05/13 05:23:54
and yet some of these people don't believe in biological sex
Biological sex or gender? Because there's no such thing as "biological gender". All I heard from educated people so far is that gender (being a man or being a woman) is a social construct.
From moral panicked people all I've seen is this confusion between biological sex (XX or XY chromosomes) and gender (what society built, throughout history, as male/female identities).
I've never seen any educated people denying that XY gives you a dick and and XX gives you a pussy, which is a scientific fact, though I'm aware of people defending that Earth is flat and mankind never went to Moon, so...
#29121 posted by mankrip on 2017/05/13 07:32:17
I am a potato.
Good Question Adib
#29122 posted by Tronyn on 2017/05/13 07:45:51
You would think that the people I'm referring to would take your reasonable perspective, but that's not the case. Here in Canada, on national television, a professor with a PhD actually said "It is not correct to say that there is such a thing as biological sex." Not gender, sex. This was actually just brought up in parliamentary proceedings this week because it's directly relevant to some very unfortunate legislation that probably WILL be passed, and then it may actually be illegal to simply conduct research in biology. Lol. Reminds me of Lyshenkoism in Soviet Russia.
You are giving people the benefit of the doubt and I understand that. I also don't want to exaggerate the problem because I tend to take, as one colleague of mine put it, a "Jeremiad view." However, after more than a decade in the higher education system I can confirm to you that many of the most educated people in the humanities and social sciences, at least in Canada, are as anti-scientific as any evangelical creationist, just on behalf of left-wing ideology as opposed to the right-wing ideology of evangelicals. The level of disingenuous ideological bullshit has reached insane heights and I can hardly imagine that even the medieval Catholic church took things this far, except possibly in the case of Galileo. Canadian evolutionary psychologist Steven Pinker's book The Blank Slate came out more than a decade ago and it was incredibly controversial merely for summarizing scientific consensus on these issues. Since then the problem has only gotten worse. Who needs reality when you have bureaucratic power?
Biological Gender/sex
is also not defined so distinctly, you can have males with XX chromosomes and women with XY chromosomes. You can also get XXY, XYY, XXX etc ad nauseum.
People who like to draw clear distinctions are being narrow-minded, whether intentionally or through ignorance.
I think there's definitely a current backlash for transgender issues recently since there's a lot of people creating new genders on the fly. I personally think there should be a different term altogether for it.
To say you're a girl in the morning and a guy in the evening isn't being gender-fluid. It's belittling to real transgender people who typically feel a dissonance between their birth gender and their psychological gender.
#29124 posted by PuLSaR on 2017/05/13 14:19:24
Ionous said he would be organizing quoth jam in June
I Agree With Fifth
#29125 posted by mankrip on 2017/05/13 19:42:03
Also, I tend to agree with John Carmack on some political issues: people should be judged by their productivity and talent above all else.
Politics are largely pointless, despite their effects.
On Topic
#29126 posted by Tronyn on 2017/05/13 21:34:19
I'm surprised he was able to pull off that brushwork.